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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/267

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™r Ez i 24 of noise of wings of living creatures in Ezekiel's vision (del. B Co cf. Hi). tDOn vb. make a noise, move noisily, confuse, discomfit (cf. [Din]) — Qal Pf DOrn consec. Is 28 s8 ; sf. 'JDDn Je 51 34 Qr (Kt «e»n), DBOq 2 Ch 15 6 ; 1 s. Vital} Ex 2f; Impfi onh Ex 14 s4 Ju4 is ; s f. Domi j os io 10 i S7 10 V' i8 15 + 2 S 22 15 Kt (doubtless right; Qr Uhjl); 2 ms. sf. DOWM ^ I44 « ; / n f_ s f_ DBnj> Dt 2 15 Est 9 24 ; — 1. moye noisily, trans., drive a wagon in threshing VBH21 irfey baba 'n Is 28 s8 (||Bnn). 2. confuse, discomfit, c. ace. Ex 14 24 23 s7 Jos io 10 Ju 4 15 1 S 7 10 V i8 16 = 2 S 22 15 (llpsn), + 144 6 (|| id.); discomfit, vex, 2Ch 15 6 c. ace. & <T)f73a f instr.; c. ace. also Dt 2 15 (sq. DBfl ny), Est o" (sq. DT3k!>); prob. also Je 51 34 (||S?N), cf. DW Dt? 23 /' tDtSin n.pr.ni. son of Seir the Horite i Ch i 39 © Alpav ®L H/ia» ; = D£VJ Gn 36 s2 . ' tV?^ T ** rage ' be tur bulent (? denom. fr. pen Thes, after Rabb.; cf.Ke RV; AN multi- ply; but very dub.) — only Qal Inf. sf. D3Jpn J$r D^isn-ft? Ez 5 7 (Sm queries; Ew, after @ Aq, D33P n fr. njD); rd. rather, with Bo Co Da, DDnncn (fr. mo) because ye rebelled. |?2ri n.pr.m. Haman, favourite of Ahasu- erus(etym. dub.; ace. to Jen VOJ,892S8ff =Elamit. n.pr.div. Humban, or Humman) — Est 3 1 + 53 1. in Esther. D£2l"7 (v of foil.; meaning dubious). t [DT2n] n.[m.] only pi. D^DOn brushwood (cf. De Che Di RV ; some such mng. prob. fr. context) D^pon Bfc n'l|» I s 64 1 as fire kindleth brushwood (VB). TDH (v of foil.; cf. Ar.JL^A pour, pour out). H^kDP] a-f- flood (cf. Ar. V), or watery pit (prop, place of flowing waters; cf. Symm Win™, and NH, NHWB 1 "-")- onlypl. ninbnp ^ 1 40 n (Gr Che nnoso, nets, v. sub "ids ; comp. nvh y 6 ). J-tjrn Pron. 3 pi. fern., oft. in NH, in Bibl. Heb. only with prefixes, jns, etc. : see under JlBfl 8 d. II. }(!_("!? tNu 2 3 9 - 24 Jb 8 19: ° 13 1 26" ° ^ "IH Jb i3 15 36 30 41' + ) de- monstr. adv. or interj. Io I behold (on etym. (Balaam) Is 23 13 32 1 33' 139 4 Pr ii 31 (stating the run v. nsn), less widely used than nan, and in prose mostly confined to calling attention to some fact upon which action is to be taken, or a conclusion based ; a. Gn 1 22 AMI DINn m behold, the man is become as one of us, & now lest, etc., 4 14 behold, thou hast driven me forth etc., u 6 15 3 iq 34 27" 29' 30 34 (nearly =yea), Ex 5 s 6 12 - 30 Lv io 18 " Nu i 7 » Dt 5" (in prose only in Pent. (23 1.) and Ez 18 4 in this usage); in poetry, used more freely, but chiefly in Is 2 & Jb— Nu2 3 — ^5i 7 - 8 68 s4 78 20 premiss to a conclusion introduced by '3 IN, q.v.), 24 12 : elsewhere (except in senses b, c) only in Is 2 (23 t.) & Jb (31 t.), as Lmo' 516 I U*» 50 1J*M, J b 4 „ I5 ,5 ^5 (m thege three passages before 1^ or '3 *)«), 9" 12 etc. (v. supr.). tb. as a hypoth. part., propounding a pos- sibility, if (so NH BAram., Mand. Palm. ( Z * G 1S » 4M ); on the contr. Syr. ^ Pal. X pK, also Palm. (ib. p. 415), Ar. Q, with »), a special application or development of the use a: Ex 4 1 ^ OT8W t6 }.TI and behold (=and suppose) they will not believe me 1 etc., Lv 25 20 and if 0?1) ye say, What shall we eat the 7th year 1 SIP *0 ]U behold, we shall not sow etc. (i. e. supposing we do not sow), Is54 is Jb40 23 2 Ch 7 m3 (v 13b CWJ); stating the ground on which a qu. is based, Ex 8 s2 ((ftjss^j), Je 3 1 Hg 2 12 (v. fn Aram. b). tc. if, whether, in an in- direct question, Je 2 10 m WTWl fn Itq (but Gr ™Trgn); cf. DN 2 b, and fn Aram, c. Tiyn, once -nyn G ° 19 ' 2 , demonstr. part. Io ! behold ! (^1 certainly, surely, lit. Io /), with sf. (the pron. being conceived as accus., Ew ,a52c ; cf. ^jl , which takes an accus., whether of a noun or prOn. sf.) '33n Gn6 13 + oft. (also '?3n Gn 22 7 ), Wl Gn 22 1 "4-, (^ Gn 27 18 ), tls 65 1 "aan vian (but ^Sk nan i s also said Gn 24 1343 25 s2 48 21 Ex 4 s3 7" + ; and, more rarely, ■<:« n?n Ez 3 f™™ 2 Ch 2 s , cf. 2 K io 9 Je 32 s7 ); 1?n Gn 2o 3 +(t2 K 7 2 n=3n), ^in tV-i39 8 , fem. ^nGni6"+6t.; ian tNu23 17 Jb2 6 iChu 25 , in|_n t Je 18 3 Kt (Wn nan i s m0 re usual, as Gn 20 16 42 s7 1 S io 22 Je 38 s Ru 3 2 ): 1 pi. *»n t J0S9 25 2S5 1 J6 3 22 Ezr 9 15 , 13Sn tGn 4 4 16 50'* Nu 14 40 , «»n Jb 3s 35 ; Dr?n tDti 10 Je 16 12 ; Dan Gn4o 6 + oft. (37t.)— Io! beMdl a. point- ing to persons or things, Gni2 19 aud now ynyti nan behold thy wife ! 18 9 bni(2 nan be- hold (she is) in the tent (the suffix, when the noun to which nan refers has immediately pre- R 2