■pn Jos 1 5 s 1 8 16 ; also 'n 1 5 8 1 8 16 (all P) cf. Ne 1 i 30 ; elsewhere alw. 'H"|3 'a ( 2 K 23 10 Kt has *J3 '3 DM, Qr & ® 93 sing.), & alw. with ref. to the sacrifice of children by fire, 2 K 23 10 2 Ch 28 s <S Jg ^31.32 j 9 2.6 32 36. Qn account f tn i g inhuman & idolatrous practice it was abhorred by priest & prophet, & defiled by Josiah; this conception afterward developed, through Is 66 24 , into Jewish Gehinnom (cf. Weber a,uvl0 < s - Th.ol.3 2 6 ff . Di Bu C hH OT och.l S l t j & NT yeWa Q n locality cf. Rob BB "• m '■ Tobler T °™<- " ■ "■ Bd PaI los ; mod. name (of lower half of valley, toward SE.) Wady er-Rabdbi. TJ^n loc. named betw. Sepharvaim and Iwwa; site unknown, yet cf. Dl Fa279 ; 2K18 34 i 9 13 =Is 3 7 13 . PD271 v. sub flu. t t-: ' t"n> Cm interj. hush! keep silence (prob. onomatop.) Ju 3 19 and he said, I have a secret errand unto thee, O king, Dii "TO^'1 and he said, Keep silence! Am6 10 Dn "ION1 (while burying men in a pestilence), 8 s (ellipt.) in every place ! DH ^ vtj'n they cast them (the corpses) forth, (saying) Hush I sq. * *JM? (VJEO) Hb 2 20 Zp i 7 Zc 2 17 . Inflected, as though a verb, imv. pi. ^<] Ne 8" (Ges compares Arab. lii [=D?n] hither/ inflected as an imv., e.g. Ji'iS, jXli : -W AQ1 - 5368 ). Hence as denom. tHiph. imp/, apoc. Drn Nu 13 30 and Caleb stilled the people. rWDH v. sub JIB. t^TSn vb. turn, overturn (NH id., Aram. ^g|, ^So», Ar. alii "W SG47 , As. abdku, apdku DP)— Qal Pf. Lvi 3 3 +i3t.; f^j consec. 2K21 13 Jb34 2S ; 3 mpl. 13BH ^ 78 s ; Dnafit! Am6 12 J6 2 3 36 , etc.; /mp/. ifep La 3 3 Je'13 23 ; tjbn^. Gn I9 25 +6t.; *^pnn is io 9 ; sf. wasn>i Ju 7 13 ; 3 fs.'n'snrii 2 Ch 9 12 ; $vy$ Zp 3 9 ; : i3an_'liS25 12 Jbi2 15 ; /mc^n 1K22 34 = 2 Chi 8 s3 ; /»/ a&s. ^BH Pri2 7 ; cstr. T|fen Gn 19 29 iChi 9 3 ; sf. 'SB? Gn 19 21 ; ^MJ 2 S io 3 ; — on D?3Bn (so Baer, q. v.) Is 29 16 , v. tyQ; Pt. a*. #1 Am 5 8 ; 'SBhn ^ii 4 8 ; pi. DOSnn Am 5 7 ; pass. naiBn Ho 7 8 La 4". — 1. trans, a. turn, turn about, turn over, c. ace: e.g. turn the back (*)"#) Jos 7" (JE); a dish (nr&S) iTJB-^y 2K21 13 ; the hand, & so the horses of a' chariot 1 K22 34 =2Chi8 33 , 2K9 23 ; but also (sq. 3) of hostility La 3 3 ; turn a cake (pass.) Ho 7 s ; of ", mm nsk> 'n Zp 3" i. e. re- store speech of a pure kind, sq. CBJT?^; int< 3? 1S10' another heart, sq. v ; turn a wind (rwi ; i.e. bring from different quarter) Ex 10" (J). b. overturn, overthrow, sq. ace. Sodom, etc., Gn i 9 21 ' 252 » (J), Dt 29 s2 Je 20 16 La 4" (cf. '151 rOBilD Am 4" v. infr.; also n3BH, [rOBPID]); city of Ammon 2 S io 3 = 1 Ch 19 3 (obj. om.); mountains Jb 9* 28"; throne Hg 2 s2 (|| "TO^n), chariots v 22 ; tent (^nk), n^ob 'fl Ju 7 3 ; obj. earth ('n = devastate) Jb I2 1S ; wicked men Am4 n (TIKI Dhp-nK D"r6x D3BTO3 D33 >mtT iTlbjj) p r 12 7 Jb 34 a (obj. om.). c. turn= change, transform (i) sq. = alter; a colour (i^5?) Lvi 3 55 (P); skin Je 13 33 ; bed (i33ft? v. 'O; Che his lying down) ty 41* i.e. restore to health; (2) pervert D^K n:n Je 23 s6 ; (3) sq. ace. c. Inf. jr 105" he turned their heart to hate his people; (4) turn to, into, sq. two ace. LV13 10 V'114 8 rock into pool of water; usu. sq. ace. + ?, iff 66 6 sea into dry land, ijr 78" rivers into blood, cf. 105 29 ; Je3i 13 mourning into joy, so ^ 30 12 ; Am 5 7 justice into worm- wood,cf.6 12 ; 8 10 feasts into mourning; Dt23°= Ne 1 3 2 curse into blessing; Am 5 8 death-shade into morning. 2. intrans. a. turn, turn back, Ju 20 3 " 1 2 K 5 s6 ^ 78' 2 Ch 9 12 ; sq. -pi!> 1 S 25 12 ; b. turn = change, change into, sq. pred. adj. J3? 'n turn white Lv 1 3 34132 » (all P). Miph. P/ Wfi Ex 7 16 + 10 1. ; 1%?) Jb2o H ; ^?n?1 consec. Lv 13 16 ; naon} Las' 2 ; 3 mpl. «Bn5Jbi9 19 + 3 t., 13BH3 1 S 4 19 Dnio 16 , UBrm consec. Ex 7 17 Is 34 s , etc.; Jmpf. ^BiV Is 60 5 Jo 3 4 ; WJ3 Ex 14 5 Is 63 10 ; 2 ms. ?]Bnn Jb 30 21 Ez 4 9 ; 13Bn>l Ex 7 20 ; Inf. abs. »jil«g Est9'; P<. 'nBni'Pr 17 20 ; TUBro Jon 3 4 ;— 1. reflex. & intrans. a. turn oneself, turn, turn back (cf. Qal 2 a) Jos 8 20 (JE); <wm aside ^ 78"; tow from side to side EZ4 8 ; pains turned upon (?5?) her 1 S 4 19 (i.e. came suddenly upon her) cf. Dn io 16 ; turn against sq. 3 Jb 19 19 ; turn to(ward), sq. t>y, Is 60 5 ()> N3). b. turn=change (oneself) sq. pred. adj. LVI3 25 (P); sq. pred. noun (]), vine turns into de- generate plant Je 2 2 '; no pred. expressed Jb 20 14 (cf. v b ); of heart turned in compassion Ho 11 8 ( || ,f 31l"0 VTO3?), in sorrow, distress, La i 20 ; of heart changed, so as to be favourably disposed toward (sq. ?£) EX14 5 (J) = change of mind; sq. f>, of plague spots changing colour Lv 13 1617 (P); rod changing to serpent