yvi Ex 7" (P); faces to paleness Je 30 6 ; dance to mourning La 5 15 ; comeliness to corruption Dn io 8 ; y!*& D$ -]Sn>l I s 63 10 Jb 3c. 2 '. c. be per verse, only pt. used subst. i3it5y3 ^E~3 Pr 1 7 20 he that is perverse with his tongue. 2. pass., a. be turned, turned over to sq. ?, an inheritance to strangers La 5 2 . b. be reversed Est 9 1 . c. be turned, changed, sq. ?, waters into blood Ex 7 1720 (E); Saul into another man 1 S io 6 ; streams into pitch Is 34 s ; sun to darkness J03 4 ; stones to chaff Jb 41 20 ; month changed from sorrow to gladness Est 9^ ; cf. ^ 32* where complem. om. d. be overturned, over- thrown, of city Nineveh Jon 3 4 . e. be upturned, of subterran. work of miners Jb 28* = there is an upturning. Hitlip. Impf. 3 fs. 'H?l i ™ Jb38 14 ; Pt. 'nsnno j u 7 13 Jb 37 12 ; roBnnp Gn 3 s4 ; — reflex. & intrans.: 1. tarn this way Si thai, every way, of the flaming sword Gn 3 24 (J); storm-cloud Jb 37 12 ; turn over § over Ju 7 1S , of bread-cake tumbling into the host of Midian. 2. transform on°self Jb38 14 of earth under rising dawn. Hoph. l'f. n^n?3 ty Tjsnn Jb 30 15 there have been turned upon me terrors (cf. W^ v 14 , of foes). TTJSn 11.111. the contrary, contrariness, perversity;— abs. 'n Ez 1 6 3i ; tff^H v 34 ; sf. DMBn Is 29 16 (v. Baer); — 1. the contrary, opposite thing BftyTflp -jsn r"<m Ezi6 34 &; there hath occurred in thee the contrary from other women ; v 34 ^Bflp V?$5 so thou hast become the contrary. 2. D33BH Is 29 16 Oh, your perversity ! TrDDn n.f. overthrow (cf. esp. As. abiktu Dl w ), of the cities (of the plain) Gn 19 29 ; cf. [rognp] and ^sn 1 ». t"i|B2Dn adj. crooked, $ BN *J"J ^B3Bq Pr 21 8 crooked is the way of a guilty man.
[rCEVIUj n.f. overthrow — always cstr.
n3Bnp ; & always of overthrow of Sodom, Gomorrah etc., exc. Is i 7 D" 1 "!} 'B, where rd. D'lD (Ew Che RS Frol,h - 34:i Di al.; also Lag 8OT ' 1S ); yet even so prob. gloss, cf. Stud. JPTh i»7. ;m. cfto 'D Dt 29 s2 Je 49 18 ; and with force of verbal noun, governing ace, D1DTIK WtVti 'D Is 13" Je 50 40 Am 4". Cf. also IfffiJ 1 b, flSB.n. TnrErtO n.f. stocks or similar instrum. of punishment (compelling crooked posture, or distorting), mentioned rather late; as punish- ment for Jeremiah ftJJJ? •%&} "«#J *fl Je 20 2 (@ tit tov KuTapaKTTjv k.t.X.), cf. 'BrTPK 29 s6 (© flf to anoKkfurfta ; || P^SrTPN ; © dt tov KarapaKTrjv, but order of words perhaps reversed in ©); O?!™? 1 ! 1 20 3 ; rDBHEiri rV3 assigned also to Asa's time 2 Ch l6 10 (© ttv <£vX<iiciji> ; ®L dt oikov <j>vKaKrjt; cf. Acts 16 24 , where dt tt/v fatirfpm! (pvXaKqv, -f- dt to £vov TLrCEnjPlJ n -f- perversity, perverse thing (only Pr exc. Dt 32 20 )— PI. abs. fliasnn Dt 3 2 20 + 8 1. ; cstr. id. Pr 2 14 ; — perverse things, particularly utterances Pr 2 12 io 32 23 s3 , cf. 'n ^3 8 13 , 'D |te$ io 31 , and even Tl 15*K Pr 16 28 (]|?jH? slanderer); but also thoughts, devices Pr 6 14 16 30 ; 'T "OT Dt 22™=2>erverse generation (|| D3 fr|T»6), VT 'n Pr 2 14 (|| IT) nib'JJ). ^n Na 2 8 dub. ; perhaps txt. err. ; v. 3XJ. rhxn v. sub b*). T T .— tl^fl n.[m.] deriv. & mng. dub.; only Ez 2 3 24 *?$& 33T iXh -J^y WM; txt. prob. in error : ©' ?1BX0 so Co (cf. 26 7 ) ; S T with arms; Hi J-ffi, Inf. Hiph. of V]Ti,with rattling ; Ew |2tn (so Codd.) with shoulder as place cf carrying weapon; Bb Sm pEH multitude; Dl B»er's Ezech. ii. g a ; ng ]jk e sense without emend, by comparing As. esin (-si) collect, gather, Flood Tabl."- 26 "-, but this very dubious. "in v. sub tot. tin 1. mt. on border of Edom, alw. "inn "in, named as stage in Isr.'s journey to Canaan Nu 20 22 21 4 33 s7 Dt 32 50 ; as place of Aaron's death Nu 20 232527 33 383941 Dt 32 60 (all P); =mod. Jebel Nebi Martin c. 50 miles S. of Dead Sea, just S. (SW.) of Petra, ace. to Rob B R n.i25. 1M .cf.5, 9 «r. Bd p * 1153 ; disputed by Ew Kn Di, & esp. Trumbull K " de5hl)an ' e * 128ff -, who thinks of J. Maduvah, N"W. of Edom. 2. a NE. spur of Lebanon Nu 34 78 (P); mod. Jebel Akkar cf. p iter D " n " c,i! ' m, - 2lpS33 Nbr G * os;r - du ™°>-p» Furrer ZPVv1 "- 27 ; yet v. Di. t«"iri 1 Ch 5 26 but rd. H» T| cf. Schr^ GF430 , v. || 2K17 6 1 8". -tjnn Ez 43 15 v. SfTI! sub 11. rat. "lOIll vb. kill, slay (NH id., nnw MI - T ^ (is. Impf. consec); Ar. i-Jj£ fall into war, conflict, disorder, slaughter; Sab. J"in fight Os 4 - 1 ", kill Sab Denkm 2425 )— Qal />/. 3 ms. 'n Ju9 24 +4t., rjn 2 Si4 7 +2t., J^J) consec. Is 2 7 1 ; sf. *SpiJ consec. 1 S 1 6 2 + 2 1; ft$ Gn 4 2i ; etc.; Impf. i^- f io 8 + 4 t.; "J^ Jb 5 2 ; flip Ex i 3 16 +i4t.; sf. ""in: Gn 4 14 ; 1 s. tfTJflf Am 2 a , J'inK Am 9 1 ; cohort. njinSI Gn 27 41 ; sf.