mn IjW n.3-=I 3.k> Is 59 » but rd. rather 6$) V*J Qal Inf. abs. v. supr. (Ba ,c - expl. MT as Qal Inf. ;)ass.).-On *3Vl Gn 49 26 v. "*1 and nn l c. til. rnn adj.f. pregnant—; abs. 'n Gn i6" + 10 1. ; cstr. rnn J e 20 17 ; pi. cstr. Tfnn Ami 13 ; rf. mnfffl 2 K 15"; Dn'nin 2 K 8 12 ;— pregnant, as attrib., 'n ngfc Ex 21 s3 ; as pred. Gn38 24 (D^«jf>), v 25 («•*!>), 1S4" * S 11 5 Is 7" (+ n< 37Dj iu P hr - *T£1 n ! n W ^ 1 6" (on resemblance to Is 7 14 cf. p e ters Hbr - Aprl885,24Si A,,r - 1886,175^ j u j^sj. _ gu b s t. pregnant women, women with child Am i 13 2 K 8 12 15 16 Je 31 8 , and, in aim., Is 26 1 ' ; once of womb ^Dnil nSiy rnn j e 20 17 . (hn v. fi'-jn. . I LiTHn J *dj ■£ pregnant, only pi. as subst . WT#TnjHb 14 1 (cf. As. eriidte Jiiger BA81 - 473 ). T (V^n n.[m.] conception, pregnancy; — 'n abs. Ho 9" Ru4 13 ; sf. ?Pk! Gn 3 16 , either contr., so Ew' 214 *, or erron. for W"V1 which stands in Sam. cf. Di ; — conception, in combin. fVnngi fB3D? nnks Ho 9"; ijw 'n r6 " m Eu 4 13 ; ^2*uj) Tj3i3S? Gn 3 16 (II nbri). t'H'nn adj. gent. 1 Ch n 27 "l^qri; but read prob.' "tnnn ( c f. || 2 S 23 s5 ) q.v. T D" a Canaanitish king ruling
in Gezer Jos io 33 . t WSn .m. a Judaite (DHM *"«■ DOTkm - M comp. Sab. n. pr. Din, nO"in, Ar. l^a, etc.) 1 Ch 4 8 . • r ' D^rt v. D"in jvs p. 1 1 1 supr. i[|i?2">n] n.m. mng. dub.; text perhaps corrupt; only Am 4 3 njiOinn niJW^rn and ye shall cast them (your JVinx, posterity, AE ; Hi RV cast [yourselves], but read rather with Vrss as pass. '^JJ shall be cast) into Har- mon; if text be sound, some locality must be meant, though the nature of the allusion is lost (AV, into the palace, treats |lDtn improb. as= pDIK). X <3 have mountain(s) of Armenia (njte tn), Symm Armenia, cf. Lag G< * Abbm , Hoffm ZAWI "- ,882 ' 1 » 2 ) of exile; Hi-St for 'n rd. njTHTfK] to Hadadrimmon, in plain of Jezreel, so Gunning; ® ds ro Spot to 'Popnav, whence Ew ingeniously njitn "inn and ye shall cast Rimmonah (name of idol, supposed fem. of Rimmon 2 K 5 18 ) to the mountains. Din □Q^n v. *$S| p. 74 supr. Tlin {mountaineer; i.e. moun- tain-people (or land)? cf. Di Gn 1 i 27 ) ; — 1. son of Terah, brother of Abram and father of Lot Gnu 27 - 27 - 31 (all P), v 2 " (J); also father of Milcah (Nahor's wife) & Iscah v 29 (J). 2. a Levite (Gershonite) 1 Ch 23". — On pn in v. sub Din 7V3, p. III. tD 1)1 vb. throw down, break or tear — T down IMI Din; ?Ar. J^j», bruise, bray, pound, crush (grain)) — Qal Pf 'fl La 2 217 ; oin is I4 i7 ; jjtanm j u (p 'ncnrn Ez 13 14 Mi 5 10 ; WVJI Ez i6 39 '26 412 Win 1 K 19 1014 ; Impf. Diin;jbi2 14 ; sf.D"in;is2 2 19 ; n^Y^iChao 1 ; ?W$l Pr 2 9 4 ^"VJlf^l 3 &• sf. 3 ms. ^D-inn Pr'14 1 '; 2 ms. D n'Exi5 7 ; DinK Je 24 6 '42 10 D'nnK Mai i 4 ; 3 mpl. WVP Ex'19 2124 ; ttrtjp 2 K'3 25 ; Imv. trm f 58'; sf. npin 2 S ii 25 '; Inf. Din Je 31 28 , Ofhq Je i 10 ; Ft. act. Din Je45 4 ; pass. WW 1 K 18 30 ; — 1. <Aroio down, tear down, c. ace: altar(s) Ju 6 s5 1 K 18 30 19 1014 ; height (33, where idol-altar stood ? cf. 3? sub 333) Ez 16 s9 ; city (cities) Is 1 4 17 2S11 25 2K3 25 1 Ch 20 1 (cf. Ml 27 ) Mai i 4 (obj. not expr.); wall(s)Ez i3 14 26 12 ; house Pr 14 1 (fig. of foolish woman's action); strongholds (D^SSD) La 2 2 Mi5 10 ; tower(s)Ez26 4 ; fig. overthrow (i.e. ruin) land Pr 29 4 (opp. I'DJj!); obj. men Ex 1 5 7 (poem in E) Is 22 19 (cast down Shebna from office); fig., opp. building up, of Yahweh's dealings with men ^ 28 5 , cf. (without obj.) Je 24 s 42' ; obj. indef. Up W W33 "VhH Je 45'; abs. Je i 1 " 3 1 28 La 2 17 Jb 12". 2. break down, break away to'SS iCSE 1 Tj ^ 58" break away their teeth in their mouth! fig., addressed to God. 3. break through, intr., sq. / *7% Ex 19 21 ; sq.
- 7$ rb& v 24 (both J). Miph. Pf. 3 fs. npnns
Pr 24 31 ; 3 pi. »")■?? Je5o 16 Joi 17 ; Winjl consec. EZ30 4 38 20 ; Impf Uyrfi JC3I 40 ; 3 fs. OVVf Pr 1 1 11 ; (WW ^ 1 1 3 ; P«. nteVgrj Ez 3 6 35M ;— 6e thrown or <ora down; wall(s) of vineyard Pr 24 31 , of city Je 50 15 ; cities Ez 36 s5 cf. v 36 ; fig. ruined Pr 11" (opp. Dffl); foundations, n'niD^ Ez 30 4 ; Tfirtf ^ 1 1 3 ; mountains Ez 38 20 ; storehouses nVl3Bp Jo 1 17 [v. 'd] ; valley E. of Jerus. bnrvnfy ' tfnsrtb Je^i 40 it shall not be plucked up nor thrown down, appar. proverb, expression, implying destruction, removal. Pi. Impf 2 ms. sf. DCn™ Ex 23"; Inf. abs. Din Ex 2 3 24 ; Pt. pi. sf. WlfJO Is 49";— over- throw, tear down DP")^ D "! n Ex 23 s4 thou shall utterly tear t/iem down ( JE ; obj. = idols cf. Di); pt. destroyers, of Zion Is 49" (H^nnD).