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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/273

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-in TD"in n.[m.] overthrow, destruction, only Is 19 19 one shall be called Dnnn Ty city of destruction, i. e. (as usually explained) with punning allusion to On-Heliopolis : it shall be called no longer Dnnn Ty city of the sun, but Dnnn Ty city of destruction, city whose temples, etc., of the sun have been destroyed ; but perh. <@ jrdXis a<rchtK = >~)tn Ty city of righteousness, so Gei CrMhrlft79 Brd Di (change intentional? cf. id.); on other views v. id. & De Che. t[np"nn] n.f. ruin (concr.) ;— Vnbnni W&f Am 9" and its ruins (i.e. of Tin n?p) will I raise up (|| fTXnB). TLrnD*"}n] n.f. overthrow, destruction, ruin; — ^)pnn H? I s 49 19 the land of thine over- throw, i.e. thy ruined land (||TnbCt}>l IRObTJO). ™)U"7 (v of foil.; meaning dubious). "VI 668 n.m. Gn7 ' 19 mountain, hill, hill- country (NH id., pi. Din, nn-jn; ph. nn +CIS 1 - 3 ' 17 ; Sab. sf. WSnmn Drffl ™™>.my_ 'n abs. Jos 17 18 4- ; c. art. Tin Ex 3" + ; c. n— loc. rrjn Gn 14 10 , ninn Gn i 2 8 + 12 1.; cstr. nn Gn I o 3 "+; sf. nqn ^ 30 8 , nnn J e 17 3 ; D3nn f II 1 ; BTin Gn i4 6 ; pl- Q, 1 n Dt 11" + ; c. art. SH™J GnV 9 +; cstr. nn Gn8 4 +27 t.; *T|n Dt 33 15 + 8 t. (all poet.); sf. nn Is 14 25 49 11 Zc i 4 5 + Ez 38 21 (B Co imn), nn i s 6s 9 ; inn Ez 35 8 Mai i 3 ; n^in Dt 8 9 ;— 1. mountain, hill (these often not sharply distinguished, but) : a. specif, mountain, high elevation, oft. in all the literature; — e.g. ^'p "in Mount Sinai (properly, the Mount of Sinai; so always) tEx I9 1118 - 20 - 23 24 16 31 18 34 "-»-» LV7 38 25 1 2 6 46 27 s4 NU3 1 28 s Neg 13 (v. W?); also nnn = id., Exi9 2 +iot. Ex 19 (v 18 rd. Dyn, ' s ° Codd. © Di) 20 18 24 4 +6t. Ex 24; 25^ 26 30

8 32 U5.19 34 = ;i-|in-in tEx 33 6 (v. Sft^, 

also nanh DTO^n nrri>K EX3 1 , anh nn'Sxn nn ny 1 K 19 8 ; further inn =jrf., Dt 4 U11 s 4 - 5 -' 19 - 20 9 9 + iot.Dt9.io,iKi9 n ;=D , nbxnnnEx4 27 i8 5 24 13 (all JE)=mW nn Nu io 33 (cf. Di); v. further nnn nn Hor the mount (so always) Nu 20 22 + iot. Nu; Dt 32 50 ; = nnn Nu 20 28 - 28 ; i3J nn Dt32 49 3 4 '=nnn 32 50 ;=mn onagri nnNu 27" Dt 32 49 , cf. (i33 ^a?) onagri nn Nu 33 47 " 8 ; D»n| nn Jft. Gerizim fDti'i 29 27 12 Jos 8 s3 ; (rnprj tfkn j u 9 7 ; b^y nn Mt. Ebal-yDt 1 i 29

4 ' 3 Jos 8 3033 ; also ponrt nn Mt. Hermon 

Dt3 8 Josn 17 12 15 13 511 iChs 23 ; cf. Dt 4 4S ftonn Kin /sob' nn ( v . fionn), & fiDnn ^ya nn (v. id., & jionn i>ya sub IJya); /iJal>n nn ^. Lebanon JU3 3 , cf. ?foa|> tbv nnn Dim? 2X19° = Is37 24 (v. lM3^);'bpnin nn Mt. Carmd 1 K i8 192 ° 2 K 2 25 4 26 (v. bona); nnn=^., 4 » appar. also i 9 ; nian nn l/<. Tabor, Ju 4 612 14 , cf. Je 4 6 18 anna nian ( opp . D;a bens); yai>?n nn 1 S 31 18 2 S i 6 , also (poet.) '33 nn v 21 (cf. Dr); Dl n-In J u i 3 * (Stu onn ny) c f. Dnn ; own nn Zc 14 44 J/oww< of Olives, (opp. N , 3) cf. nsta nnn Tyb onjio Ez ii 23 ; also tb&tv JB-by Tj*j nna

K n 7 (place of Sol.'s idolatry) = n'retorrnn 
K 23 13 mt. of the destroyer (same combin. in 

another, fig. sense Je 51 25 ), others der. 'On here fr. TVffli anoint, and render &s = Mt. of Olives (cited as nnmn nn Talm., Shabb. 56 b), cf. Hoffm ZAW1882 ' 175 ; Dnnn nn« i n land of Moriah Gn 22 s ; mts. about Jerus. in gen., ph 3>3p Dnn D.b^T ^ 125 2 ; cf. also f 1 2 1 1 (II W); nnn f citadel of Jerus. Is 22 s ; of temple hill n?3n nn Mi 3 ,2 = Je 26 18 ; *n*% nn Is 2 2 =Mi 4 1 , 2 Ch 33 ,s ; also B^B nnn J e 1 7 s ; further ;i>5f nn Mt. Zion Is 4 5 8 18



s 31 4 37 32 Mi 4 7 Las 18 Ob 17 Jo 3 5 + 48 312 

74 2 78 s8 125 1 (v. also |tyj; comp. fiTn'! nn Is io 32 , 's ns nn i6' ; ^7} is 2 3 =Mi 4 2 , is 30 29 ^ 24 s ; (ta. of Horeb Nu io 33 JE); niK3i; "-in B>npn nn Zc 8 3 , "enrrnn z P 3 " Ob 16 Ez 20 40 lsn 9 =65 25 , cf. 56' 57 13 65" J02 1 (||fi»X) 4" (||«d.) +2° (id.) 3 6 1 5 1 43 3 4 8 2 ; v. further DWTi) ^nrjin is 66 20 cf. Dn 9 16 & enpn nn BJ^TP IS27 13 ; also BHp- , 3X nn Dn n 45 ; B^n-nfl J63I 23 ; even n^ tnjj nn Bng 20 ; other designations of temple-hill are non nnn in3B*ij 'K ^68 17 , & btn^ Dint? nn Ez 17 23 20 4 " (|pVii5-nn) ; D" 1 ^ tn>nn Ez 2 8 14 of the dis- tant abode of God (or gods 1) so D'ripK nn v ls (D , ipN"nn |f 68 16 is general, a God's mountain, i.e. a majestic mt., likewise in simile ?K - nnn3 ^CgB-'O f 3 6 7 );— DnSsn nn elsewh. of Horeb (Sinai) Ex 4 » 18 5 2 4 13 1K19 8 (v. supr.). Note partic. fnj?iO"nn Is 14 13 mountain of meeting or of assembly, i.e. the dwelling-place of the gods, ace. to Babylonian conception, here represented as in the far north, v. esp. Che De Di, DI F * OT m COT •" ,oc - Jr 57 "■ Jen «°««"°«" ™. Upon the mt. is nnrrby c f. Dr^r^j n^ins-^y |j3rii Ju 1 1 38 , & the peculiar phr. "^ 'njvy nh$K Dnnn v 37 ; go up upon "?K TV'S Ex I9 23 24 13 34 4 (all JE); cf. ace. in nnn nn onk byn Nu 20 s6 ;