-in speak with one upon is ina 131 Ex 3 1 18 34 32 Nu 3' (all P), Lv 25 1 (H), cf. command, give com- mands, law, etc., 1.13 Lv 7 38 2 6** 2 7 s4 (all P or H) ; other phrases with 3 upon (lit. in, i.e. in the midst of a group of nits.) Ex 34' ?33 (JE) 25 40 26 s0 2 f N1128 6 (all P),Is 13 4 ; but 31H3 ^ 106 19 = at Jloreb, inn Tna Nu 33 37 a< Aft. Hot; go doton from the mt. is "inn - |D TV Ex 32 115 (both JE) 3 4 MM (both P), cf. Ju 9 36 etc. b. mountain-range JB>3-in ^68 1616 = Cl , r6N-in v 10 ; = D*|H|~in y* t D*|IM tfnn v 17 (of the Jebel Hauran : v. }Bb). c. mountain, indef., Jb I4 18 (|p1X); usu. pi. mountains, in general, or the mountains, esp. in poet. & the higher style; oft. fig.; D^n, Dnnn, covered by flood Gn 7 20 cf. v 19 8 s ; covered by waters & freed therefrom by word of God (at creation) ^ 104 6 ; a chief work of God (in creation) Am 4 13 ^65 7 90 2 Pr S 25 (||rt»?|); weighed by God Is 40' 2 ; removed and overturned in anger of God Jbo 6 cf. Vm6 34 ; devastated by God Is 42" (UrtPai) cf. Jeg 9 ; smoking at God's touch js 104 32 144 5 ; melting at presence of '* Ju 5 6 Mi i 4 V^97 6 Is 63" 64 s ; trembling Is5 25 cf. Je 4 24 (|| nto), Na i 5 (id), Hb 3 10 ; called to witness Yahweh's dealings with his people Mi6 2 (|| H^ 'l? b Q, ?™ n ) cf. v 1 (||niV35n), entreated to cover the guilty Hoio 8 (|| DiV33); addressed by '* also Ez 6 3 (|| niV33, opp. D'jVBS, ^¥?) ; specif., mis. of Israel summoned to hear and addressed by him Ez 36 11 - 4 - 8 37 s2 38 s 39 2 - 4 ; summoned to praise ^ ^ 148 9 (||niV33) cf. Is 44° 49 13 55 12 (||niV33); leaping in praise of'1^114 46 (both |j riivaa) ; Drj^qn Dt33 15 (||D^y niV33) ; ly-nin Hb 3 6 (id.); Tjrnin also ^ 76 s (ace. to ® Bi Che; MT has HfljD for TJ), and prob. Gn 49™ for MT Tj> "jtfl ( || D^iy nya?) c f. Di. d. %A *& "33 in i s 30 25 (||i"W^3 ny33) c f. 40 9 52 7 ; ind nas in Ez 4 o 2 ; W>rn niu in Ez 17 22 ; pi. D'na3n Dnnn Gn 7 19 f 104 18 (||D^p), D'nin 'nn i' 8 2 » a V symbol of strength and pride (||niN{Mn rriyasin), c f. cinn Ez 38 20 ( || niaiiD, noin). e . opp.' valley or plain Jos 12 8 (D; opp. lain, nntw, naiy, rbzp), cf. Dt i 7 , also Je 17 s6 (opp. "nW) ; Gn 19 17 (J; opp. 133); oft. opp. K£ 2K2" Ez 3 i> 2 (fig.) 32* (id.) 35 s (*m 3° 4 (||«.). Is 40 4 (|| id.), opp. nypa Dt 8 7 11" f 104 8 ; opp. 1310 La 4 19 (cf. Jos 1 2 8 supr.) ; Dnn }<3 ,/, 104 10 is || D^np; see also D'poy »n%l6] * Dnn v&x 1 K 20 s8 ,' cf. v 23 (opp. nWn?); note also p»yn iri Jos 13" (P), & nnTOJ, Dnn-a Zc 14"; further Dnn lait? ^ 75 7 mountainous desert Vrss. & most mod. (Baer 13TO but cf. De) ; mountain- ward is rnn Gn 14 10 . f. mts. as hiding- places:— onna isste nnnisri j u 6 2 </ te 6urrow« (Stanley, VB) which are in tlie mts.; cf. ^ 1 1 1 Jel6 16 (||n^33); Dnn B^Wp 1JBH Jb 28' (of mining), v. also Dt 8 9 . g. mts. as running- place of gazelles 1 Ch 1 2 8 ; of leopards nin Bno? Ct4 8 ; hunting-ground for partridges
S 26 20 ; Dnn tf& ^. 50 " c f. ! r i (fig.), wander-
ing-place of lost sheep (fig.) Na3 18 1 K 22 Jeso 6 cf. v 6 (|| ny33), Ez 34 6 (||nDi njnr^a)
Ch 1 8 16 . li. grazing-places for cattle ITtona
I^TT)"? f 50 10 (rd. i>K for fb« 01 Bi Che), cf. Dnn W Jb 39 8 of pasture of wild ass; also (si vera 1.) Dnn ?« Jb 40 20 , i.e. mts. as furnishing food for hippopot. ; v. further Ct 4 6 8 14 Pr 27 s5 . i. as place of field and vineyards 2 Ch 26 10 (opp. n^BB*, Tie*1?) Is 7 25 ; v. also txpi Dnn nnpXBn j, 1478 c f. Hg 1"; fig. yj, 72 3 (UlTiy:?); in promise Dnnn Wtf nbn mbn rriyaarn D^py j 4 18 cf. Am 9 13 ; j. as kindled into flame (i.e. their forests; in sim.) ^83 15 . k. as scene of massacre, (fig.) Is 34 3 melting with blood; as place of battle array, height 1 S 1 7 33 . 1. as places of illicit worship L365 7 (||niy33) C f. Je 3 6 & appar. v 25 (id.) so am rhi~in is 57 7 , Dwn Dnnn Dt 12 2 (||niy33n); T but Ez 18 615 rd* perk OV for Dnn cf. RS K31 ° & Ez if". m. in various combinations inn IS 1 S 2 3 26 ' 26 2 S 13 34 side of the mt, inn ybs 16 13 id; Dnn fo j s I? i» c liaff of mts.; Dnn D1J Jb 24 s mountain-shower; Dnnn ?J? J u 9 30 shadow of the mts.; Dnn 13^ pap nBTU nn Dnnm Zc 6 1 ; top ofmt. usu. inn twh Nu I4 40 - 44 1 S 26 13 2 K i 9 ; as place for beacon Is 30 17 (|| ny33), ( c f. na^j-in 132 & Dnn opfcj Is 18 3 ), Dnnn b*xi l S 2 2 =Mi 4 1 , Dnn B'si i s 4 2 " (||^P. as dwelling-place) v. also ^72"; Dnnn •>K'«1 Gn 8 5 ; as lurking-places for am- buscade JU9 2536 , places for altars Ez6 13 (||ny33 nO"l), for sacrifice Ho 4 13 (||niy33n) ; inn C^l Jos ig = mt.-ridge, cf. v 9 Ju 16 3 ; Dnn nteyin ^95"; foundations of mts. Dnn npiD Dt 32" ^ 18 8 (|| ttjefn niiDto 2 S 22*);' cf. Dnn ■•asp!)
- ?P! Jon 2 7 . n. in fig. uses : pini Dnn B^B
D'b-ri 5'b? riiynj? I 84I « fig. of Isr.'s overcoming its foes; *fi "'ly-by D3^3i 1B33n^ J e 13" of encountering hopeless calamities; Dnnn IS54 10 as less permanent & changeless than Yahweh's kindness (||riiy33); lVnf®r in Jesi^A IBlbin v 25 fig. of Babylon. 2. hill-country, mountain-