Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/321

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Dt z 26 ; »bb Is 2 6 18 ; Impf. bvt Je 23" 30 s3 ; 3 fs. fcng Ez 30 16 Qr (Kt Co Wfi); ^hni J e 5 1 29 ; nbmN Je4 19 Kt (Qr n^rtH, Hiph. JHl»)j »?fr 2 S 3 M ; but also 7W ^55* (Jb 20 21 v. 11. ^n); brVl 1 S 3 i 3 = 1 Ch 10 3 + Gn 8 10 (where id. prob. bn»l as v 12 ; = brPl 01 Di); 3 fs. b'nn Is 26 17 + 2t. + Ez3o 16 Kt (ci.supr.); bnni ygj*;

fs. rjnp is 45 10 ; 6w v 77"+ 3t. (* iV v. n. 

bin); £>ng j u 3 ^ ; fbm Is I3 ». ^p,n Je 6 ». /w. fs. 'bin Mi4 10 ^u 4 7 ; mpl. ib'n ,/, 9 6 9 1 Ch 16 30 ; /re/ cs«r. bm(b) Ju 21 21 Ez 30 16 (= Inf. abs.); Pt. fs. nbin J e 4 » vid. Gf Gie and Ges S72ni ;— 1. dance Ju 21 2 ' (nibhB3 b«lb). 2.twist,writhe: a. in pain, esp. childbirth Is26 17 45"> / nn-no (|| T&OTTID); metaph., of sea Is 2 3 4 (||1^); Israel 26 18 (|| mn),54 1 ( |h^); Zion66 78 (|| id.), Mi 4 10 (|| VA, sim. mbn ; cf. v. 9 ), Je 4 31 . b. fig., be in severe pain, or anguish (mostly poet, and elevated prose), sq. ijbo Dt 2 25 (|| HI, cf. also ins and J1NT v a ); Ez 30 16 y 96* Je 5 s2 (|| SO'); sq. ).bS>D 1 Ch i6 M y 1 14'; abs. y 55 5 (|| 'by ibw nio mo*), je 4 » Kt, y 77 17 (ll"i)

J Isi 3 8 23 s Je 5 i 29 (||e*j)-J), Jo2 6 Zc 9 5 (||nt), 

prob. also 1 S 31 3 (cf. 28 s ) = 1 Ch io 3 , cf. Ot; fig. of mts. Hb 3 10 . c. in contrition Je 5 3 , P$ der. fr. bin Ew Gf Gie ; < @ Ra Hi Ke al. fr. nbn (wrongly accented; vid. nbn Qal 2). d. in anxious longing 55*13 Tg Ju 3 s5 , sq. b Mi i 12 (on Gn8 10 , cf. supr.) 3. whirl, whirl about 3$* t?th-by (i.e. blood— D'OI— of Abner, from sword) 2S 3 M ; of attack of sword itself Ho 11 6 (|| nba, ba«), c f. La 4 6 dt na *bn «b ; of tempest bin* D'ycn b>so by Je 23 19 (v a "lyD b.binnp) =30:° ( v » "nterap nyp). p 'lel. /m;>/ bbim Y 29 s ; 3 fs. bbinri p r 2s 23 ; s f. oabbinn is 51 2 ; 2 ms. bbinri Jb35 14 ; bbinni f 9 o 2 ; /«/. cstr. bbh Jb39>; Pt. bbtao p r 26 10 ; ibbno Dt 32 18 ; nbbino is 5 i 9 ; nibbno j u 21 23 ;-- 1 s 18 s + 8f v. infr.; on nbbh Jb'26 13 v. bbn ; — 1. dance Ju 2 1 23 , so perh. also I S 1 8 6 (rd. nibbhon (SJ We Dr; and D'bb.h pt. (o om.) ^87' RV Pe De Che Bae ; cf. Qal 1). 2. writhe in travail with, bear, bring forth (poet.), of Sarah, mother of Isr., Is 51 2 (|| D3'3K DnrJ3K); of hinds Jb 39 > ^29* (caus.); fig. of (Symbol missingHebrew characters)'s producing earth ψ 902 (|| (Symbol missingHebrew characters)); of his bringing forth Isr. (with diffi- culty, v. Di) Dt 32 ,s ; of north wind bringing forth rain Pr 25*'; M bbinD 33 2 6 10 a master rhn produceth everything (on trans, see VB ; Ew. al. derive fr. bbn wound). 3. wait anxiously (cf. Qal 2 d), sq. : b Jb 35 14 (Elihu). Po'lal. Pf. 'Pibbin^ 5 i7 +2 t.; ni)Mnjbi5'; lm V f^n Jb 26 s ; — 1. be made to writhe Jb 26 s (D'Ninn). 2. be brought forth Jb 1 5 7 (|| *»b}n), V/ 5 1 7 (|| BIT), metaph. of wisdom Pr 8 2425 . Hiph. Impf. b'lT y 2 9 s 8 cause to be in anguish, c. ace. IS"!*?, subj.'V Hoph. Impf. bnv Is 66 8 be born ( = travailed with, Che), subj. H$ (|«B "I^J). Hithpol. . i>«. bbinno whirling 'nno lyp j e 23" (= -ii3no nyD 30 23 ). 2. writhing, suffering torture Jb 15 s0 (of life of wicked). 3. Imv. -'.pinnn Jr 37' icai* longingly sq. ? /or, || Di" 5 !. Hithpalp. 7wip/. 3 fs. bnpnnrn Est 4 4 and she writhed in anxiety. T7'in n.m. Ho2,1 sand (perh. as turning or whirling; otherwise explained by Sta, vid. sub nb'in; NH id., Aram. *br, ]LL)—'r abs. Gn 22 17 +i5t.; cstr. Gn 32 13 +6t.;— sand Ex 2 12 (E); set as bound for sea Je 522; (Symbol missingGreek characters) D* 33 19 hidden treasures of sand, poet, for glass (regarded as mysteriously produced out of sand, v. Di and reff.) ; a. usu. sand of sea- shore, sim. of numberlessness, vastness, so of Abraham's seed Gn 2 2 I7 (J; cf. 15 6 ); Jacob's 32 13 (E); of a host Jos n 4 (JE), Ju 7 12 1 S 13 5 2 S 17 11 ; a people 1 K 4 20 Ho 2 1 Is io 22 48" (|| vnyoa ^y D WftW), Je 33 s2 Hb i 9 ; of corn gathered by Joseph Gn 41 49 ; of days of Job Jb 29 18 (on interpr. —plwenix, vid. Di); of birds IPS t)iy (i.e. quails) y 78 27 (|| ">Sy?); of vast ex- tent of Sol.'s wisdom 1 K 5 9 . b. in comp., more than the sand Je 15 8 (widows of Judah) ; thoughts of God y 139 1 of weight (in balances), metaph. of Job's vexation (^y?) Jb6 3 heavier than the sand, cf. binn bt3Jl Pr 2 7 s ( || "H3 J3X), said of b'lN Dy?. — Combinations are : 'ro ati ntif by^N &122 17 Josh 4 1 S13 5 1 k 5 9 ; D;n TB Gn32 13 41 49 Is io 22 Ho 2 1 ( + 1©: «b nE>K nsp> «bi); Djn 'n j e 33 22 ; aib dt noferbyB' 'na Ju 7 12 ; mb DM-by-itw 're 2 s 17" 1 k 4 20 ; D<G>:bin(D) Jb6 3 V'78 27 Jei5 8 . t^n n.m. El15 ' 14 a writhing, anguish; — 'nabs. Exi5 14 +5t. — 1. writhing (contortions of fear) Ex 1 5 14 (|| vb. TJ"J). 2. anguish, always in sim. nTti'3 ^ 4s 7 (allied kings against Jerus.); Zion, before Assyrians Mi 4"; before Scythians or Chaldeans Je 6 M (|| rnS), = 50 43 (of king of Babylon ; || nns) ; 2 2 23 ( || D'ban q. v.) tn7' , n n.f. anguish, Jb 6 10 .