Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/322

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298 V^n t ,H, T^n n.m. 0b2 ° rampart, fortress (perh. orig. surrounding wall, cf. Sab. Denkm. »'°-2)_abs3 , nNa3 8 ,i'nLa2 8 +3t.( + ^io"'Qr v. na^n); cstr. bn i k 21 23 ; sf. ^n + 122 7 , n^n Zc 9 4 ; nS'n — n^n ^, 4 8 14 , cd* 40 "- 75 '- 96 " g( a »»'o. — j_ rampart (defined by Jews as J3 noin ; i.e. a little wall, cf. Ki s.v.), of an outer fortification 2 S 20 15 (others, by meton., of space between outer and inner fortif., incl. moat, v. Dr Kit); Is 26 1 La2 8 (both ||rtOfrl); in gen. of de- fences, or sea- power of Tyre it^n D>3 nSHI ZC9 4 (v. Sta 2AW ' 1I88U6 ;,of No-Amon (Thebes) VT 13ta nncin d>» d> Na 3 s ; of Zion ^i22 7 , also 48" (n^n = B^P, cf. supr.; both || ^nUOiK). — For ?0 I K 21 23 rd. piob. p?n ; q. v . 2. fortress n ? n ^ n ? nbaOb 20 the exiles of this fortress (Hi-St; Or AVRV this army, bn = ^n). tnS ,, n^48 14 , v. ^supr. t D^n E. of Jordan 2S10" (Th their army, but ©S2Ew Ge * hlll:m Am " 1 - HUU55n - 2 WeDr)=rnp°sJ;ri v 17 (@ a<x< v ); +D^nEz 4 7 16 (@ HXia/i) Co; ace. to this it lay on the border between Damascus and Hamath. t]Wl in Judah 1 Ch 6 a =]% 2. tp^h, ph 1. in Moab ft!* Je 48 21 (© XeXav, Xaia>v). 2. in Judah }bh Jos 15 61 (® XaXou, @L XftXou); priestly city 21" (® r«XXa, @L lX«, v ) = |Vn 1 Ch6 43 (®L Xia>v). Tl ,n a man of Zebulon Nu i 9 2 7

m.m I0 «(® XmXo)!., ©L X(X^). 

tn?n^n n.f. anguish, Tl 'JTID «5>D Is2i 3 , D'ine ?33 'n Na 2"; Ez 30 4 ' 9 (|| TOTH). t TITO n.m. La * I5 dance ;— abs. '0 >/<■ 30 12 + 3t.; cstr. -'inn Je3i 4 ; «.?intp La5 15 ; — dance, token of joyousness ^30 12 (opp. 1BDD), Je3i 413 (cf. v b ), La 5 15 (opp. i>3N); act of praise to '< iff 149 s 150 4 ; accompanied by timbrel (^H) and sometimes other instruments if/ 149 3 ' 4 Je3i 13 . t[n^rTC] n.f. id.j—cstr.n^hect? 1 ; pi. n>ho EX32' 9 ; ni^riD Ex is 30 -*- 5 t.; dancing, token of joyousness after victory, Ju 1 1 34 1 S 18 16 21 12 29 s ; in worship, at feast Ju 21 21 ; act of praise to (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ex 1520 (song); in idolatrous wor- ship Ex32 19 (E); as graceful and beautiful Ct 7 1 ; accomp. by timbrel Ex 15 20 Ju 1 1 34 , and by singing EX15 20 1 Si8 6 (where however rd. prob. Po'lel Pt. ni^hon, c f. vb. ^n supr.; so ©We Dr), 2 1 12 29 s .' fll. [/in, T^n] firm, strong(Aram. Pa. strengthen, tO'n, JLL strength ; Palm. N^n 21 N31 general-in-chief Tog 1 * - 28 al.; Sab. ^>n Sab. Denkm. 91 (on ^n in JAS ™°.' s " .«3); Eth. "iA: "}?rt: £e strong, "iJZ.6i: strength, army, t£6u strong ; As. M(i)ltu, army Flood Tabl. iU!a (haiialtuJa. S ei- BAalm ); poes.comp.Ar.jii horses (as strong ones % cf. i^ 33 17 )) — only Qal Impf. in i3?t3 ?*nj N? Jb 20 21 his prosperity is not firm (does not endure) ; njrpaa "il"1"| VPtQ ty io 5 Am ways are a' ways firm (stable, pros- perous), so 01 De Pe Che al. ^TJmi n - m - 2K!0 ' 2 strength, efficiency, wealth, army; — abs. 'n Gn47 6 + , ^n i/,6o" + , Vt f 6o 14 + , tyj Is 36 s 2 K i8 17 ; cstr. ^H Ex i4 s +(onf io 10 v.n3i5n);sf.^ , njb3i 25 +2t.; VO Jei5 13 + ; i^n Exi 4 4 +,etc; pi. D^n 1 Ch 7 5 + 19 t.; sf. DfPpO Is 30 6 ; — 1. strength, usu. physical : a. seld. alone (chiefly poet.) 1 S 2 4 + i8 33 - 40 =2 S 22 s340 ; also Tl 1133 Jb 21 7 , cf.Ec io 10 ; Wr^s ^no f 84 s ; 'n nba 2 Ch 26 13 ; of virility Pr313; of 's power ψ 5912 1103, cf. lib 3"; strength of horse -v/^ 33 17 ; fig. of product of vine and fig-tree Jo 2 s2 (|| 'IB), b. of result or display of strength 'n !"IB>y achieve might = aWa/iara%Nu24 18 (JE), 1 S14 48 f 6o"= io8 14 , 1 1 8 ,6:6 . c. oft. in phrases Ti(npia3, 'n(n)nia3 hero(es) of strength, mighty man (men) of valour Josi 14 (D), 6 2 8 3 io 7 (allJE), Ju6 12 n« 1S9 1 i6 18 1K11 28 2K5 1 i5 20 2 4 1416 iCh^f- 9 8 m + (very freq. in Ch), note esp. Tl ,_ I133 b» Wf&R

1 ; also'n 'i 2Ch i 3 3 (

i2rbo'i); o^nfrf)^ 1 Ch f- 711 - 40 1 1 26 (v. also -tea, p. 150); 'n(h)-f3, 'n(n)V.3 Dt 3 18 Ju i8 2 + (v. I3 8,p.i2i); 'n&tk, 'n ^3« J u 3 M 2o 44 - 46 1 S 31 12 1 1 16 2 S 23 20 (Qr ; Kt in, on phr. ^n B*N-|3 cf. Dr)=i Ch n 22 (Kt ^ft), 2 S 2 4 9 Na 2 4 Je 48 15 1 Ch io 13 Ne 1 1 6 ^76"; ironical 13B* 1jbo£ Tl 'K Is 5 s2 (|| QnttJ P nine6) ; Ec 1 2 3 metaph. of legs. 2. ability, efficiency, often involving moral worth 'n WK Gn 4 7" (J), Ex 1 8 2125 (both E) ; of a woman HB*K "n Pr i2 4 3 1 10 Eu 3 "; cf. 1 K i*" (opp. nyn), andesp.ySH *Kp riDN 'B'JK D'ni'X ^JT Tl 'BOX Ex 1 8 2 ' (E) ; 5wi nVv Pr 3 1 29 rfo worthily, efficiently, perh. also Eu 4"; late (with weakened mng. of -i33) DTi^Kn n'l niisj? rot^t? ^n nta? 1 Ch 9 13 , cf. TVpfe n32 Tl B*K ' 2 6 8 . So also I S io 26 (rd. Tl '33, v. © We Dr, men of worth, opp. ^JT^a '33