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ynn ™ 79 12 . 2. rejrroach which rests upon one, condition of shame, disgrace: a. sexual 2 S 13 13 Is 47 s Ez 16 57 Pr 6 13 . b. barrenness of womb Gn30 83 (E) IS4 1 ; widowhood Is 54*. c. hunger Ez 3 6 30 ; disease Jb 1 9 s . d. ritual, uncircumcision Gn 34" (P) Jos 5' (JE). e. in- juries from enemies La 3 30 5 1 Ne i 3 2 7 Jb 16 10 Dn 1 1 1818 . 3. a reproach, the object of reproach, the person or thing reproached D"JN na"in a rejrroach of man i^2 2 7 ; 733 'n 39 9 ; ?'T PPFI become an object of reproach to 3 1 12 79 4 89 42 1 09 20 Ez 5 15 ; ('b) rb (fffl) Is 30 s Je 6"* 20 8 42* 44 812 49 13 + 69" Dn 9 16 12 2 ; (b) r n jna Ez 2 2 4 Jo 2 19 ^78"; 'r6 jro Je24 9 29 18 Ez s M J02 17 ; 'b'n tri» + 44"; by 'n ttfc» 1 S 1 1 2 . fll. ^Iin (-v/offoU.; cf.Ar.wjJi.^ort«r fruit, pluck). Trpnn.m. harvest- time, autumn (Ar. i_ij.=r freshly gathered fruit, autumn (also rai» 0/ autumn or beginning of winter) = Sab. (f)D~

)HM ZMG1875.««x.697. g ab ST,— J pj ^ MnRsB^OT, cf. Eth.f<5£: araiw cMnvm* Os(Levy) ZMU1865 ' I68 ' m dhm zmg i88». 369. Xs.harjm, Schr'™ 11875 - 841 KAT 2 ""—COT 1 - 6 " 1 )— abs/nZci4 8 + 5t.;6f.' , 3inJb 20 4 ; _.ci-i"m^pGn8 2!! (J),V'74 17 Zci4 8 ; 'nn rtq autumn-house or palace Am 3 15 J636 22 ( + EHn3 'jPB>nn m <Ae 9*/* month, i.e. Nov.- Dec); 'no CHIT N? ?SV Pr 20 4 a sluggard ploughs not after harvest; as implying maturity, , ?"! 1 ^ , ? , 3 Jb29* in the days of my autumn (prime). in. [^n] vb.denom. remain in harvest- time (so Ar. uJX ; Eng. to winter) — only Qal impf 3 fs. ijnn vby pan npn|"7| is i8 6 aii t/ie beasts of the earth shall spend the harvest- time upon it. t Fpn (<lub. whether from I. or II.) n.pr.m. a chief of the line of Judah 1 Ch 2 51 . T Fpn, Fp~*n n.pr.m.(cf. Ar. i_L£. autumn, v. Tin supr.) — 1. *|"in head of a family of re- turned exiles Ne 7 M (® Ap«<£, ®L Iwfnj«)sesT}V (cf. !"n^ ear/,y ram) Ezr 2 18 (© Ovpa, A lapa, ©L Qpat). 2. Tin one of those sealed Neio 2 " @ Apn<p(a), @L Apr)<p. t^ynnQr, B'nn Kt, adj.gent. c. art.; 'nn VWpB^ 1 Ch 12 6 (Baer, v 6 van d. H), © Xapa(t)<p(t)i, A Apovcpi ; perh., if Qr right, con- nected with TO Ne 7 2i . fIV. [^in] vb. acquire (cf. Ar. u££ <wm o thing from its proper way or manner, but also gain, acquire [subsistence] for one's family)— only Nipt. Ft. f. Vft6 JlBTn nnSE' a maidservant acquired for a man (viz. as his concubine) L v 1 9 s6 (H ; cf. NH nann of woman designated for a man). "fl- Ijv v ^- cut » sharpen, decide (NH id., cut in, decide, Aram, in deriv.; As. hardsu, dig, decide, harisu, trench, Zehnpfund 8 * 81502 ; Ph. pn decmw, Hoffm ABQl "'- Mwl8SU1 )~- Qal Pf. 3 ms. 'M Jos io 21 ; JWjn 1 K 20 40 ; Impf. TW Ex 1 1 7 ; 2 ms. pnn 2 S s 24 ; Pt.pass. pin Is io 22 Lv 2 2 s2 ; pi. own jb i 4 6 (v. also pin infr.)— 1. cut, mutilate Lv2 2 w pUE' h» f^JJ n^3: 18 pirriS). 2. sliarpen, fig. the tongue, j> fcfe>j> 3^|"'n; *6 Ex 1 i 7 (J), i.e. utter no sound against Isr., Jos io 21 . 3. decide 1 K 20 40 (abs.); so pt. pass. VD' D^VPn Jb 14 s his days are determined, fixed (|| VEhn 13DO), Is io 22 'n |V?3 ; act with decision 2 S 5 24 . Niph. Pt. nyiTO Isio^+st.; nripJ Dn9 26 (both these forms inf. cstr. ace. to Ba NB9 °); decisive TU1 n?3 Is io 2:1 28 22 1JH9 27 a consumption and strict de- cision (i.e. that which is strictly determined), nrib'jo 'j 13 Dn 1 1 36 ; nto»b i 'na Dn 9 s6 *<Wc«  determining of desolation. "J" I.VW1 adj. sharp, diligent (on this and foil. v. Ba "» 173 )— pin Is 28 s7 4- 1 1 1. ; pi. BfPQ Prio 4 i2 24 ; D'Sin Pri3 4 ; nirjn Ami 3 ;— 1. sharp : of threshing instrument EHn 'fl J"liD Is 4 1 15 ; without 'D, as subst., 2S 27 (where KhV); ^"> 3n 'n Ami 3 ; Jb 4 i 22 (fig.of crocodile). 2. fig. diligent : as subst. Pr 21 5 ; opp. HJD"j Pr io 4 12 2427 ; opp. ^SV Pr 13 4 .— Dn 9 26 v. iv. pin. f 11. Y^nn n.[m.] strict decision, only pOJ? pinn Jo 4 14 ' 4 «aZZ«y of strict decision (v. Ba K c ). fin. tpnn n.[m.] trench, moat (Aram. "y"! n ; As. harisu, hirisu, id., Dl awB ) — only in 'ni 3in"l Dn 9 s5 , si vera 1. ; as above Ges Herzf Ew Zb Meinh (q.v.); Gr T m ^ i < @ Bev yVft 3in"l with public places and streets. f iv. ynn n.pr.m. father of king Anion's mother 2K21", © Apovs. t [y^n] n.m. * 8 "• 1S a cut, thing cut, sharp instrument; — pi. cstr. T10 1 S 17 18 1 Ch 20 3 ; '3n!J 2 S 12 31 ;— 1. 3bnn 'n 1 S 1 7 18 cuts of milk i. e. cheeses. 2. sharp instr. of iron, 2 S 1 2 31 =