crrsrn i Ch 20 s rtf-ncci bpzn 'nai rnj^ap ( c f. Am i 3 sub fim 1, and T>r Bm ). †(Hebrew characters) some insignificant vine- product, usu. taken as grape-kernels, grape- stones, fr.acrid taste, so Thes (after Onk Mishn), v. also (Hebrew characters) p. 260 supr.:(Hebrew characters) Nu 64 of the wine-vine, including both (Hebrew characters) and (Hebrew characters), he shall not eat.
II. Vlll be yellow (prob. V of foil. : Syr. "»>i«. id. (rare), Wojl yellow ; cf. Aram. Jpm safflower, Ar. J*i r L id. : v. No Z " G »"', Low Aram. Pflanrenn. 218 T£tj if 1 , 137 tv.Y*nnn.m. Pr8 - ,0 gold, poet. (Ph. pn, v-Dr 8 -" 1 ""; As./(urd ? M)— pnn^68"+5t.; </oW, always || IDS ; Zc 9 3 , of dove's wings 1^ 68' 4 'H P1PT3; elsewh. in comparison with value of wisdom, etc. Pr 3" 8 10 (IrtM T!) v 19 16 16 . k iTl (quadrilit. -/of foil.; cf. Ar. C/UL bind or twist powerfully, Prey). T[n2nn] n.[f.] bond, fetter, pang, only pi. niaxin ; '_ 1. cstr . yen 'n i s 5 8« bonds of wickedness i.e. imposed by wicked men (||nV ! ttK neito). a. pawo* (cf. bn, i>an), a bs. fi p« DniDi> ^73* </(ey Aaw no pangs (rd. '151 DPI te?). CSTTl v. sub 1. pn. I pin vb. gnash or grind the teeth, only poet. (NH id.; Ar. ,jS>.jile, rub togetlier, grate or grind (teeth); Aram. &IL id.) — Qal Pf 3 ms. 'n Jbi6°; Impf. pin? ,/,ii2 10 ; TpT»M La 2 16 ; Inf. abs. pin ^ 35 >« ; ' p t . plh ,/, 37 12 ';— grind the teeth in rage against: 21? TOtf 'n i^37 12 35 16 ; abs. without 7V ii2 10 La 2 16 (only here c. W sing.); c.3 instr.(Ges' 119 - 3b - *• Da Sj " , -* 73B - 6 ) -bynvz 'n Jb 16 9 . jl. [ I jnj vb. be hot, scorched, burn, poet. & late (Ar. ti 6e 7io<, 6wrw, thirst; Eth. rfi/.£: Aram, in ; cf. As. ardru, glow, SASm A.rb.1.,, n Belger BAs ». i»_Qai/y. 3 fs# n-injbso 30 , flini consec. Ez 24 11 , *Hg Is 24 s ; — 1. be hot, scorched, Jerus., under fig. of caldron Ez 24 11 .
2. burn-= be burned, fig. of men, in (Hebrew characters)'s judg- ment, Is 24 s . 3. burn, of bones of sick men in fever 3irr»|D 'n Jb 30 30 . Miph. Pf inj Je 6 W , 1H3 Ez 15 4 , in? ,/, 60 4 ; 3 pi. WJJ f 102 4 (Ko 1 - 368 )"; imp/. VQ Ez 15 5 W$ Ez 24 10 (del. CoBal.) 1. be scorched, of bellows nED in
in fierce fire Je 6 M (fig.); scorched, charred, of the vine (as fuel) Ez 15 45 middle part charred, (he ends devoured (P3N) by fire (sim. of inhab. of Jerus.); bones (sim. id.) Ez 24 10 (v. supr.). 2. burn, of bones in fever >^io2 4 (IpiDiJ, cf. Qal Jb 30 : "'); beparclied, of throat WU 'ro 60 4 . —Is 4 1 11 45 24 Cti e Pilp. /ra/a^-innnb Pr 26 21 to kindle strife. T[~"in] n.[m.] parched place (Ar. >I>Ci, Bd^'^only pi. abs. tTTHJj 1^D3 'n J e 17 6 (Hnrjjj) fi g . f life of godless. tirnn n.m. violent heat, fever (v. Ba "»«J__tn amai 'nai np^ai nrnjn* nsn#| Dt 28". T~l*irnn head of a family of returning exiles Ezr 2 5 ' = Ne 7 s3 ; © Apov(a)p (meaning as above ? or fr. 11. "Tin f). II. I IM (/of foil.; Ar. L be or become free, jj>. free, freeborn; NH Tin Pi. set free, "<n freeman; Aram. TUJ, tL Pa. set free, Kin, xn"]n f reed-man, -woman; Sab. in freeman, noble (?) DHM*""'- »«*»• w ; Eth. At?.: coll. army, troops (in Amhar. _/ree, noife, ace. to Di 85 ), rhtME: /r«e, rioftie, etc.) f 11. [ih] n.m. 1K21 8 noble, late, esp. Neh., v. Dr In,r619 "• (v. Lag BN *)— only pi. D^h 1 K 2 1 8 + 6t., D""iin Ec 10", Ne6 17 + 3 t.; sf. nnh Is 34 12 ; — nobles in Naboth's city 1 K 21 8 "; nobles of Judah, AW ^.h 6 17 13^ Je27 OT 39 6 Ne6 17 13 17 , bnaOffl 'nn (in Jerusalem) Ne2 16 4 813 5 7 7 6 , Ec io 17 , of Edom Is 34 12 .— 1. in, y. 11. T,n. III. ™nri (vof foil.; v. As. hardru, bore, pierce, fyurru, hole, ravine Dl Pr169, 182 ; Ar. -a. hole or mouth of millstone ; NH in"in Jore, pierce. fin. "lh, "Yin n.[m.] hole;— 2X12'° Ez 8 7 (del. Co B etc.), T,n Ct 5 4 , Dnh 1 S 14"; cstr. "in Jb 30 6 ; sf. vih Na 2 3 , fnnn Zc 14"; — hole in lid of chest 2 K 1 2 10 (made by boring, 2pi), in door Ct 5 4 ; in wall Ez 8 7 (v. supra); =eye-socket 'n^ njpEH YTJ) Zc 14 12 (plague of enemies of Jerusalem) ; holes as hiding-places for men 1 S 14 11 , so also 13 8 Ew We 1 r (for MT D'nin), dwelling of outcast people IBP ,_ in Jb30 6 ; of dens of lions Na 2 13 . — 1. in, v. 11. 11 n. .tin, Tin n.[m.] id. — coll. nn Is 42 s1 as hiding-places of men ; cstr. in la 1 1 8 hole of asp (iflS).