- nn
nunn fn. "Hfr, ■'"Vin adj., usu. n.pr.gent. et pers. (prob. = cave-dweller, soThes RobGes M V VB; v.alsoWMax Mull^'" DuEuro, - 13,U661M )— 1. adj. gent, 'nn -V]l& Gn 36* Seir the Horite (P) ; rd. 'nn also v 2 for MT ^nn. 2. n.pr.gent. alw. c. art.; usu. sg. coll. , inri ) ancient inhabitants of land of Edom Gn 14 6 i^W 0"™?); in P called DV1N jnSS "r^ff *J| 36 21 (vid.'v 20 ); cf. v 59 - 30 ; ace. 'to DtV s (where alone D^nn), v" they were driven out by sons of Esau (yet v. Gn36 lc, nnd Di) ; ©d Xoppaws, oi Xoppaim, (Gn 36*> M Xo PP (<)i). 3. n.pr.pers.m. a. nn an Edomite Gn 36 s2 = 1 Ch i 39 ; ® Xo PP (<)i. b. nln a Simeonite Nu 1 3 s , but ® 2oup(«)i, ©L Soufipi. — 1. 'in v. sub 1. ""in. ti*"in (V'of foil.; cf. Ar. ^i vb. scmteA, lacerate, i£y- irritation, etc.) TtZT^n n.Tm.1 earthenware, earthen ves- V » L J . eel, sherd, potsherd, P and late (NH D^ri, Aram. DTn)_ a bs. 'n Lv 6 21 + 9t., Enn Nu 5 17 + 4 t; pi. cstr. '•bno IS45 9 ; sf. ?fcnn Ez 23 s4 . — 1. earthenware : 'n~y? earthen vessel Je 32 14 ; esp. P Lv6 21 11 33 14 550 ' i5 12 Nu5 1? ; without '?? P126 23 ; cf. 'n "W* P3jpa Jeig 1 ; 'n ?33b La 4 2 they are reckoned as earthen vessels, sim. of sons of Zion ; n»TK eHO - ™ &$} Is 45" (i potsherd (perh. = earthen vessel, v. Pr2 6 23 supr.) among earthen potsherds (of men, over against '* their potter); sim. of dryness 1^ 22 16 . 2. o fragment of earthenware, sherd Is 310" Ez 23 s4 ; "injnnp 'n Jb 2 8 a sAerd <o scrape himself; 'n ^JflH Jb4i 22 sharpest potsherds, fig. of sharp scales on belly of crocodile. ruznn v. nbnn-rp. ■(• in. [D^Pl] n.[m.] an eruptive disease, itch (Aram. Np"!n ; ]kiv~; also *cooiL rough, etc.) — D-uni LH28 27 (||D^s» Kt, 3"!?).— 1, 11. o-in v. sub Din. tmo^n Kt, rvenn Qr n.f.cou. pot- o sherd — mpinn ^B> nriSJe 19 2 , designation of a gate in Jerus.; opening of the gate of potsherds, i.e. where they were thrown (vid. v 1011 and Gf ) ; it led into the valley of Hinnom ; © xaptr(«)i# favours Qr. ■j-I. [•2'jnj vb. cut in, engrave, plough, devise (NH id., plough, so Eth. thdhi Ph. tjnn , Aram.' rare) J"nne?M/rav«, li— cleave, plough, Ar. &jL plough)— Qal Pf. whn f 1 29 3 , DnfSJ j u i4 18 Ho io 13 ; Impf. Bnn? Is 28" Pr 20 4 ; &Vr. Ho io u + Am 6 12 (v. infr.); 2 ms. «NW Dt2 2 io Pr 3 M ; /«/• cstr. Bhn 1 g 8 12 ; Pt. vhp Gn 4 22 + 5 t.; BP.in Am 9 13 '; pi. B^h f 129 3 , 'tsnh Jb4 8 +3t., fpl. abs. ni&nh Jb i 14 ; pass. nBTin Jei7': — 1. cut in, engrave, of worker in metals bpy* na-n? 'n Gn 4 22 (J), nero'n 1 K7 14 ; fig. D3P rn7~py 'n Je 17 1 engraved on the tablet of their lieart. 2. plough, lit., human subj. (animal usu. c. 3) ; no obj. expr. 1K19" Dt 22 10 Is 28 24 , so D>TM3 B'nq: Am 6 12 (but rd. prob. DJ ^33 Bh£; v.We al.'); c. ace. cogn. iS*"}n 'n 1 S 8 12 plough his ploughing ( = do his plough- ing), Pr 20 4 ; fig. of JudahHoio 11 ; with ethical ref. Wi 'n v 13 (|hvp), ?}? 'n Jb 4 s (lljnt, IVp); D'EnH IBnn ^"Py >//■ 129 3 upon my back have ploughmen ploughed (fig. of oppression by wicked); EH°n = ploughman Is 28 24 , Am 9 13 (|pSip); 'n with oxen subj. only Jb i 14 . 3. devise (as one who works in, practises), usu. bad sense, obj. nyn Pr f, jn 6 14 ; P v « ni3yno v 18 , JTl 'Bnh Pr 12 s0 14 22 ; but also 3iB »ghh v 22 . Niph. Impf. 3 fs. BO.nn nw p»X Mi 3 12 Zion, as a field she shall be ploughed — Je 26 18 . Hiph. Pt. ~by njn l^nqp 1 S 23' fabricating mischief against (v. Dr, and cf. We). ttthn n.m. Ex3823 graver, artificer (Ph. enn)— T abs.'n(=*E h }n)Ex 3 5 36 + i 4 t.; cstr.Enn Ex 28"+ 2 t.; plBfjn Hoi3 2 +7t.; D'Bnn iCh4 1414 Nen 35 (v. infr.); cstr. ^n 2 S 5" + 6t.; — 1. graver, artificer: a. worker in metal 1 S 13" H08 6 13 2 Dt 27 15 Je io 9 (|| T?.'S), Is 40" (|| id.), 54 1S 1 Ch 29 s ; i'Jl 3 ' n Is 44 12 2 Ch 24"; perh. also Is 4i 7 ( + TO*); appar.=ham- merer Zc 2 3 (symbol.), b. worker in wood J*J? 'n S5"=lChl4 , (D , 3tJ?), 2Kl2 M 22 6 =2Ch 3 4 n , Je io 3 Is4O 20 44 13 (v.also I Ch 22 15 infr.); perh. also Ezr 3 7 2 Ch 24 12 (both || 3Vn). C. worker in stone I"? J3K T 2 S 5"= 1 Ch 14 1 (om. )3N); also of engraving on gems )3N 'n Ex 28" (P; || Dnh »PM»)f) ; see also foil. d. in gen. ftj J?S t 1 Ch 22 ,s ; idol-maker B«T? '" Is 45", cf. 44 u (also v 1213 supr.), 2 K 24 1416 Je 24 1 29' (all || -13DD), Ex 3 5 35 38 s3 (both P ; both || 3^). In D"Bhn K'3 1 Ch4 14 , 'nn *J N ^e ii 35 valley of '(the) artificers, and D'Bnn artificers 1 CI14 14 , n has — exceptionally, v. Ol'* 183 ' Kci"-' 60 - 6 ; rd. D-Knnj 2. fi<'. JT'nK'10 'n Ez 2 1 36 men skilled to destroy. f 1. Httpn n.f. carving, skilful working, only cstr.>5? nsnn Ex 31 5 35 33 ; ??K 'n 31' 35 ». . — 11. risnn v. p. 361 infr.