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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/388

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the Ammonites Je48 2JM ' 4S 49 3 ; it was celebrated for its fish ponds Ct 7 s . — Mod. Husb&n, Seetzen B.i«mi.«o7p lob Bai.wi Bd^' 191 Survey" 1 " 8 . »T [p2& s n j n.m. device, invention (cf. Lag BN200 ) — only pi. abs. rtftofc ; mfyn riwy cat ntotfn vfta nam "ib* DiNrrnn Ec 7 29 (?od tna(/e mankind upright but they sought out many devices; 3t5>ih TOfno PSXSfn V£ 2 Ch 26 15 and he made contrivances (i.e. engines of war for hurling stones and arrows, see v b ) the invention of inventive men. t'BTattJn, rvntrn n.pr.m. (FoA(i*) Ao«  iaAen account) — 1. VljatS'n a temple musician 1 Ch25 3 =rV3^n v 19 ; ® in both A<ra0<a. 2. '"'J??'?! a Levite, David's time 1 Ch 27 17 ; perh. = '^B'n .officer of David in Hebron 1 Ch 2 6 30 ; in both® Kaafaas. 3. vratfn a Levite, Josiah's time 2CI135 9 ; ® Aaafiia. Elsewhere maBTI : 4. Levite in line of Merari 1 Ch 6 30 © A<rf/9(f)i, Ao-apia. 5. Levite 1 Ch 9 14 , ® Atra^ia — Ne 1 1 15 , A ©L Ao-«/3ioi'[nr]. 6. Levite, Ezra's time Ezr8 19 - 24 Ne io 12 1 1 22 1 2 24 (@ Ararat etc.) = n^a&n 2, q.v. 7. head of a family of priests Ne 1 2 21 , © Ao-oPias. 8. a builder at the wall Ne 3 17 , © A<ra/3ia(s). TnilUJn n.pr.m. (this and foil. perh. txt. err. for (l)rP3t?n ; yet © Eo-n/3ara, @L A<r£ara) ■ — a chief of the people, Nehemiah's time Ne io 26 . Vid. also following. (TOjv!,*n n.pr.m. (v. foregoing); — 1. father of a builder at the wall Ne 3 10 , © A<rPapap; ®L ?afSavwv-ai . 2. a Levite Ne 9 s (om. ©) = ma^n 6. trnCJniO n.f. thought, device (chiefly poet, and iate)— abs. '» Je 18 11 49 30 ; TGVno Ez 38'°; rnB>nD Ex 3s 33 2 Ch 2 13 ; cstr. nn*5>ne Est 8 s 2Ch 2 6 15 ; sf. ta^DD Est 8 3 9 25 ; V pl- rtafm j e n I9 +7 t.; riae>np Ex 3i 4 +3 t. ; cstr. hiatfriD Is59 7 + 13 1.; nafnp Gn6 6 ; sf. Tri3B»np Is 55 8 etc.+ i9t. sfs.; — 1. thought: a. of man DIN 'd i/' 94"; 3? 'D ^ 33 11 thoughts of the mind; {lb) 'D TO (So) Gn 6 5 (J), 1 Ch 28" 29 18 . b. of God mm 'o Mi 4 12 ; c. -5>K V4° 6 ; "?5? Je 5 1 29 ; the thoughts of God are exceeding deep ifr 92 6 ; higher than man's thoughts Is 55 8 ' 89 ' 9 . 2. device, plan, jmrpose Is 55' 59"

s 66' 8 Je6 19 i8 12 f 56" Pr 19 21 Jb2i 27 La 

3 s0 " Est 8 s ; pin 'O p r2 i 5 ; DWnjj 'D Jb 5 12 ; D'PTV 'D Pr 12 5 ; D»Dy 'o f 33'°; JIN '» Is 59 7

-ptfn Je 4 14 Pr6 18 ; jn 'd Pri5 2 '; tibv '» Je2i n ; 'o 2VT1 devise devices 2 S 14 14 Je 1 1 19 18 1118 29" 49 20.30 50 « Ez 38 ,o Dn j l2 4,; 6 Egt gs 9 ». / D ag subj. of P2J 6e established Pr 16 3 20"; 'd "ian 6rea& joZaw Pr 15 22 . 3. invention Ex 31 4

    • » (all P), 2 Ch 2 13 26 15 (v. 3B>n 1 5).

TiTnittJn n.pr.m. (etym. dub.) — one of those who stood with Ezra at the reading of the law Ne 8 4 ; Bom.; A Aaa^aapa, ©LA/Suarar. t[nt£TT] vb. be silent, inactive, still (chiefly poet, and late) (NH id., Aram, in deriv.) — Qal Impf. 2 ms. ns>nn ^ 28 1 Is 64 11 ; n^ns Is 62 1 65"; #m Is 62*; «*n»J f 107 29 ; — be silent Ec 3' (opp. ia"!J>); Is 62 16 (= neglect to speak); of i.e. be unresponsive f 28 1 (||enn); Is 64 11 (||pa«nn) ; but 6s 6 of '<'s keeping silence at iniquity, i.e. overlooking it (cf. 57 11 Hiph.); of waves, be still ty 107 29 (subj. om'b). Hiph. Pf. wym ^ ^ j s 42"; Imv. Nt'nn 2 K 2 3 - 5 ; Pt. nB'np'is 57 11 ; pi. CtPriO Ju i8 9 + 3L; — 1. exhibit silence, be silent 2 K 2" 7 9 ^ 39 3 (sq. aitso, 11 , rip?N3), fig. Is 42" (II B'HriN); of '»' s being silent at iniquity IS57 11 (i.e. overlooking it, cf. Qal 65 s ), poss. also is be silent, opp. rescue, Ges Che Di Du. 2. shew inactivity Ju 18 9 , nngp 'nil 1 K 22 3 Gilead is ours, and we shew inactivity so as not to take it. 3. causat. make still, quiet, sq. p, of direct obj. Ne 8" (v b ton q . v .) CTtpn, Dt^n v. supr. p. 302 a. T ^j^n vb. be, grow dark (NH id.; Aram. ~^WT, >JL* ; Ar. eL-^. bear rancour, v. Lag BN3 °) — QalPf. 'n Is 5^+ 4 t. ; rof m consec. Mi 3 6 (butv.infr.); ! l3?'^La5 ,7 ; tt^ consec. Ec 1 2 3 ; /m;;/ 3 fs. Ifctaj Ec 1 2 2 ; ^nPllEx io 15 ; 3 mpl. i:{?m Jb 3 9 ; 3 fpl. n33B*nri ^6 9 24 ;— 1. 6«, grow dark, 1i« Is 5 30 , cf. (fig.) Jb 18 6 ; Bto^n Is i 3 10 (fig.); DW EZ30 18 (where rd.-jBTl, forMTBaer "pT); Jb3 9 (subj. 0030% cf.Eci2 2 (subj. ksvr, ni«n, rrWl, Mauri) ; impers. Mi 3 6 (si vera 1. ; but rd. prob. n2pn, corresponding with ryjj preceding). 2. have a dark colour: linE'O 'n ^IJ?^ La 4 8 darker than blackness is their visage; of the earth H? n Ex io 15 . 3. grow dim La 5 17 (subj. Xf>¥$), cf. f 69 s4 (fig.), Ec 1 2 3 subj. niN-in i.e. the eyes. Hiph. Pf. ^tim Am 5 8 , ^a^Ji?] Am 8"; Zrop/. Vr^ f r 39 12 ; W n ! Je 13 16 ; #?M fios 29 ; Pi. TJWO Jb 3 8 2 ;— 1.