make dark, 'nn rp , 7 DV Am 5 8 ; abs. cause dark- ness Je 13 16 f ios 58 , cf. Am 8' (ps6). 2. = hide, conceal, sq. ^OO ^ 139. 3. fig. obscure, confuse Jb38 2 (obj. HlfJ?). t"=]tt*n n.m. Ex10 ' 21 darkness, obscurity; — abs. T&n Gn i 2 + 7St.( + Ez8 12 del. Co A B etc.); cstr. id. Ex io K ; sf. "a&n ^ i8 M =2 S 22";— 1. darkness (opp. ""«)' lit. Gn i 24 (P), Is 45 7 Jb 26 10 Ec 2 13 , cf. in imprecation Jb3 4S (nini'VI "n)= nW> Gn i 5 - 18 (P), cf. Jos 2 s (JE), Is 45 19 Jb 17 12 24 16 38 19 1/. 104 20 ; darfoies* in mines Jb 2 8 3 ; of extraordinary darkness, in EgyptEx io 2121 (E); nJwjplEx 1 o^E),^ 105 28 , from pillar of cloud Ex i4 20 (J); at Mt. Sinai Dt4 n 5 20 ; of clouds of theophany 2S22 12 = yr 18 12 ; of darkness in deatb, or She'ol, 1 S 2 9 Jb io 21 (rm&n 'n ps), 17" 18 18 ^ 88' 3 Pr 20 20 ('npc^N^; extreme of darkness). 2. = secret placets) Is 45 3 Jb I2 22 (|| niD?¥); = hiding-])lace Jb 34 s (|| trf.), cf. ^ 139 11 ' 2 ;— on Ez 8 12 , v. supr. 3. fig., a.=distress Is 5 30 9 1 29 18 (fig. of blind- ness), 42' 49 9 58 10 59 9 60 2 La 3 2 Mi 7 s ^ %™= 2 S 22 s9 , Jb i^- 23 - 3 " 20 26 22" 23" 29 s f 107 1014 (in both Hnioi'V), 112 4 Ec 5 16 n 8 . b. = dread, terror, symbol, of judgment Am 5 1820 Zp i 15 Nai 8 EZ32 8 Jo 2 4 3 4 . c. =mourning Is 47 s . d. = perplexity Jb5 14 12 25 19 8 ; confusion^ 35 s . e. = ignorance Jb37 19 Ec2 14 . f. = evil, sin Is 5 20 - 20 Pr 2 13 . g. = obscurity Ec 6* adj. obscure, low, only mpl. as subst.; Q"?vn 'jab M ppr^ J ¥v 22* he shall not stand before obscure men (opp. DW*3" , J6?). tn32?n n.f. darkness (chiefly poet.) — 'n Gn i5 12 + 2 t., so rd. also prob. Mi 3 s (for MT roBm); ronrn f 139 12 ; cstr. nstfn ^ 18"; plV D'StPq Is 50 10 ;— darkness, opp. light (rniK) V. 139 12 ; supernat.,ni>nj 'n Gn 15 12 (JE); "nSB'n D^D f 18 12 in theoph. (but || 2 S 22 12 WDTtyfl} a mass of water); fig. = lack of understanding Vr82 5 ; =distress Is 8" (|| fTO), 50 10 . t"=]©n?3 n.m. dark place (poet.) — abs. '» Is 29 13 42 16 ; tl^'np yjr 88 19 ; pi. ff^JP 88 7 143 3 = La3 6 ; cstr. 'l^np ^ 74 20 ; — dark place: a. = hiding-place pN~'nD 74 20 . b. <Zar& region, in which men may lose their way Is 4 2 16 . c. = grave, or i>1NB' i/' 88 19 (v. Che) ; of dark place of God's wrath (like She ol) 88 7 ; cf. i43 3 =La 3*. d. = secret place, secrecy (of plots) Is 29 15 . t [ /^n] vb. shatter (B Aram, btin shatter; NH Pi., || T3Bte; &yi:'%jk~ forge a metal, Ar. pen JJl-a. drive cattle violently; As. hasdlu, shatter, destroy Zim BP12 Dl rr42 )— Niph. Ft. fig. "b D V?'P? i ! , Dt 25 18 all the shattered ones, i.e. those broken down, worn out, sq. $?5 T 1 1$ iVIKl ; others think =Evn. T OILVJ u.pr.m. head of a family of returned exiles Ezr 2 19 = Ne 7 s2 , Ezr 10 s3 cf. Ne 8 4 io 19 . t TQC^n n. [m.] etym. and exact mng. dub. ; evidently some shining substance ; AV amber; supposed by Thes (q. v.) and most to be a bril- liant amalgam of gold and silver, © rjeKrpov (v. Liddell & Scott s. v. 2), 33 electrum; v. also 1)1 in Baer Elech - '"; only in the combination 'n PJQ like the abearance of'n Ez i 427 ; n^Cpnn J-JJ3 Ez 8 2 (on ending n_ v. Ges S90 - 2B *'; Co del.) t[|Otft»] n.m. only pi. &mvn+68 m ; mng. unknown, © © 38 ambassadors, Babb. nobles, conject. from context ; doubtless txt. err.; Nes jbl mi. isa p r0 p tjijot?} they shall come with oils, ointments, Hilg Che (after Aq Jer) DB'n hasting. TpQyn n.pr.loc. town in southern Judah, site unknown Jos 15 27 . TnDlbttJn n.pr.loc. a station of Isr. in T : - wilderness Nu 33 29 ' 30 , site unknown. jtuTF (v of foil.; meaning not certain ; Ar. „■ >. is be excellent, beautiful; . — beauty, all excellence; hence poss. (B'n either as chief ornament of ephod, or as the most excellent, precious article of high priest's attire). TltPn n.m. the breast-piece or sacred pouch, containing the D'eril D ,- UK, worn on the breast of the high priest when he ministered in the Holy Place to bring the tribes for memorial before ' It was made of the same material as the ephod (v. "I" 13 ??), a span square ; set in front with twelve jewels in four rows, engraved with the names of the twelve tribes. It was firmly fastened to the shoulders of the ephod by gold chains passing through gold rings, and to the lower part of the ephod just above the girdle by a blue ribbon passing through other gold rings. It was tSEfP(H) pn (Ex 28 15 - 2930 ) pouch of judgment, because of the decision given by the D'Svl &yM. The name occurs only in P, EX25 7 zS 416 - 22 - - 23 - 24 - 26 - 28 - 2829 - 30 29 s 35 9 - 57 39 »*>m«. iM9.si.2i Lv8 8 - 8 .— Vid. Now- 4 "*" 119 -
1- P^^7 vb - be attached to, love (NH
press together, desire (rare); Aram. P&[ bind,