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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/396

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TVVS^ltO n.pr.m. (Aram. ; = Ramman is good, or is wise, v.Wkl on 7X3D supr.) — father of Benhadad king of Aram I K 15 18 . trCIO n.pi". 10th month=Dec.-Jan., Est 2" (Nab. TOO Eut NoS Palm, id., Vog Hoe<i ; loan-word from As. Tebetuni, Sfhr C0T on Ne I 1 , Hpt K-vo«iiO ) jgjjZAivawOT?^ y p erh.«e6i2=S?3t2 v. esp. Hpt'% Muss-AmoU' 81 ""' 1892 ' 170 , month of sinking in = muddy month). TDSTD n.pr.loc. Ju 7", spot near which Gideon's pursuit of Midianites ended, site un- known. t"intD vb. be clean, pure (Ar.J^i, JXJ° id.; NH id., Pi. make or declare ceremonially clean; AranOi'O emptiness, ^l!' 1 ? brightness; Sab.nnt3 Hal 682 ;' Eth. ftTUd: *rtlU<S: pur(/y, wash oneself with water) — Qal Pf. 'a Lvii 32 + 12 1.; 3 fs. nrtng Lv 12 7 15 28 ; nVR? Lv 12 8 etc., + 5 t. Pf; Impf TW Lv 15 13 Jb 4" etc., + 9t. /mp/; /tnOjT? 2K5 1013 ; — 1. be clean, i.e. (miraculously) freed from leprosy by wash- ing in the Jordan 2 K J****.' 2. 6e cZ«m ceremonially (only H P), Lv I5 13 ' 28 - 28 (P), 2 2 4 {H); by washing with water, the flesh Lv 2 2 7 (H); garments Lvi^Nn 3 1 24 (all P); both flesh and garments Lv 17 5 (H), 14 s - 9 15 13 Nu 19" (all P); other articles Lv 1 i 32 (P); passing things through the fire Nu 31 23 (P); offering sin-offerings Lv 1 2 7 - 8 1 4 20 (P) ; by the ceremony of the two birds Lv 14 53 (P); by ashes of red heifer Nu I9 I212 (P). 3. be clean morally, of people, made clean by Va scattering clean water upon them Ez 36^; of Jerus., specif, made clean from idolatry, under fig. of adultery Je 13 27 ; also sq. JO Ez 24 1313 (purification by '<); made clean DSVltterrbD Lvi6 30 (P; by the sin-offering of the atonement day); also of the individual, be clean niSETO Pr 2 o 9 (||n3T); become clean by use of hyssop ^5i 9 (|| ? , ??£); more generally 1r A P?<?? Vft&STtMJ Jb 4 17 shall a man be more pure than his maker? ( PJj^T)- Pi. J p/nnDLvi 3 3 + 4t.; ef. VviBLv i 3 6 +5 1.; 2 ms. JTiriB Nu 8 615 etc. + 7 t. Pf; Impf. "WO} 2 Ch 34 6 etc. + 4 t. Impf; Imv. sf. 7SJJ ty 5 1 "; Inf.cstr.T® Ez 39 ,2 + 5 t.; sf. ^H Ez 36 s3 etc. + 4 t. Inf.; Pt. iriDD Lv 14" Mai 3 3 ;— chiefly P; 1. cleanse, jrurify : a. physically, metals from dross Mai 3 s ; land from corpses Ez 39 12 - "•"; heavens from clouds Jb37 21 ; temple from unclean things 2 Ch 29 161618 ; land and city from Asherim and images 2 Ch 34 358 ; store-cham-

mnia bers of temple from household stuff Ne 13 9 ; priesthood by exclusion of alien blood Ne 1 3 s0 , b. ceremonially, the altar of incense by the blood of the annual sin-offering Lv 16 19 (P); tlie people, gates, and wall (by some undefined ceremony) Ne 12 30 ; the altar of the court by the blood of sin-offerings Ez 43 M ; of consecra- tion of Levites by risen 'D Nu8"(P), and nNQn Nu 8 1521 (P). c. morally Lv 1 6 30 (P), Ez 37 s3 Mai 3 3 ; HKISTO ^51*; (m)31SO Je33 8 Ez 36 s3 ; n(l)XDt3» Ez 24" 36 s6 . 2. pronounce clean, ceremonially Lv 1 j««**«Ji x 4 ?.48 ( all P). 3. perform the ceremony of cleansing Lv 14 11 (P). Pu. Pf. 3 ms. inb 1 S 20 26 (so rd. for MT lino ® We Dr, he is not clean, be- cause he hath not been cleansed) ; Pt. N? Yl# rnnbp a land not cleansed Ez 2 2 24 (but ® Hi Ew Co SS rd. a land not rained upon, v. 1t2D). Hithp. Pf. 3 pi. nqjjn Ezr 6 !0 ; *Vflpi (Ko 1271 ) 2Ch30 18 Nu8 7 ; ipl. ^inan Jos 22"; Impf. nnttj Ne 12 30 ; Imv. vintsn Gn35 2 ; Pt. inao Lvi4 7 +nt.; pi. D , "}™p Nei3 M Is 66 17 ;— reflexive : 1. purify oneself; a. ceremonially, esp. in preparation for sacred duties Gn 35 2 (R)> Nu 8 7 2 Ch 30 18 Ezr 6 20 Ne 1 3*; also for heathen mysteries Is 66 17 ; of purifying priests, people, and wall Ne 1 2 s0 (cf. Pi. 1 b). b. morally Jos 22 17 (P). 2. present oneself for purifica- tion, only pt. "intspn the candidate for purifica- tion Lv I4 «A«-"-W-"-»-»-a»-»>(P). t"trii5ll.[m.]purity,purifying — 1. purity, -T0> evfn DSys Ex 24 10 (JE), as the body of the heavens for purity. - 2. sf. n~ Q iQ Lv 12 4 ' 6 the days of her purifying (menstruation). t[nna] (v. Ges> ,o - 2 - B ), or [-«ro] (oi" 73 " B'o i386 ) n.[m.] clearness, lustre (dub. word; sub "«P Hup Pe SS ; so Thes, reading Vvibd) — only nntSD Pl3^n ^89 46 ; DeHupPeSch thou hast made (him) to cease from his lustre; <S 93 made his lustre to cease, so AE Ki al. reading n. nntpp r VintSD (D. f. ace. to Ges 52012b ), and gchr sk 1868, etz W T ] 10 reads iir.p nra^n ; Gr prop. imuy his crown; Bae ^*M? nBD sceptre from his hand. t rnnfO n.f. purifying, cleansing ; — abs. 'B Lv ia«+ 2 t.; cstr. Tf^f 1 Ch 23 s8 2 Ch 30 19 ; sf. frn~B Lv 1 3 7 + 7 t.; — 1. purifying, men- struation Lv 12 45 . 2. cleansing, jmrification, of leper Lv I3 7 -* I4 2 - 2332 ; of Nazirite Nu 6 9 ; from an issue Lv 1 5 13 (all P) ; from contact with the dead Ez 44 26 ; of sacred things in gen. 1 Ch 23 128 ; ofpersonsforthepassover 2CI1 30 19 ;