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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/395

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-nzta ^ 44 s3 like a flock for slaughter, sim. of the harassed godly ; nn3B^> JKX3 Je 1 2 3 sim. of judg- ment of wicked (|| TOTJ] DV6). rOl? n.m. 189 - 23 1. cook, 2. guardsman;— 1 1. cook (who also killed the animal for food and served it) ri3B abs. I S 9 23 - 24 t. 2. elsewh. only pi. CraB guardsmen, bodyguard (orig. royal slaughterers; v. KS °»°«* <*»,- s«m. ima sw). a j w in the foil, combinations: 'BH lb captain of Pharaoh's bodyguard Gntf™ 39 1 (both J), 40 34 4 1 ">'* (all E) ; irai chief of Nebuchadr.'s body- guard 2K25 810 "-' 2161820 Je 39 9 +i6 t. Je(hence Aram. KjnSB 31 Dn 2 14 ). t[nTCa] n.f. female cook; — only pi. abs. nirBB 1 S 8 13 ( + ninjS-l perfumers and rflBK bakers, all as menials). trcon n.[m.] slaughtering-place (Ph. mUD id. CIS 1 - 175 ), Is 14 21 , for Babylonians (under implicit fig. of animals). t PTOB n.pr.loc. a Syrian city ; nrnBB I Ch l8 8 (@ MeTaPi) X a(s), @L Ta&aa6); so rd. also for 11. n03 2 S 8 8 (v. p. io5 b supr.) fl. 72E) vb. dip (NH id.; Aram.Vatp dip, batlte ; cf. perh. Ar. J.^, saturavit tinctura vestem,Frey) — QalP/. ^B] consec. Lv 4"+ St.; np3C1 consec. Ru 2 14 ; O^BI consec. Ex 12 22 ; Imp/. S>3BM Lv 9 9 + 3 t.; 2 ms. sf. ^3Bfl Jb 9 31 ; 173B»1 Gn 3 j 31 ; — dip: 1. trans., dip a thing in, c. ace. rei+3: in blood Gn37 31 (J), so esp. in connexion with sacrifices Lv 4" 9' 1 4 651 (also in freshwater); in water, for purification Nu 19 18 (all P); of dipping rod in honey 1 S 14 27 , bread in vinegar Ru 2 24 , foot in oil Dt 33 s4 (poem) ; ^Cfl r '0S<' a Jb 9 31 in the ditch dost thou dip me; ace. omitted Ex 1 2 n ( JE ; in blood), 2 K 8 15 (in water); but also-f Q = moisten with, with some o/Lv 4 17 (blood), i4 16 (oil). . intrans. , dip (oneself), sq. a,

K 5 14 in 

Jordan (|| 3 m V 1012 ). tirPT^E n.pr.m. ('» hath dij>j>ed, i. e. puri- fied) — name of one of the porters, line of Merari 1 Ch 26' 1 (®L Tafcr,). II. / JU (perh. to be assumed as */ of foil.; cf. Eth. fTVflAA: wind about, wrap up; As. tublu, turban, Dl in Baer's Ezech x "). t [T^Dtp] n.m. turban (v. Sim in Thes Bob Ges DP- c )— only Dn , ^">3 D^UB iflinp Ez 23 16 extended in respect to turbans on their heads = with pendant turbans ( Dl SS, cf. Da) > Hi-Sm who comp. Ar. J^L dye (v. I. i>3B). t^QL3 vb. sink, sink down (NH. id.; Aram. ^£^, V3B; Ph. JHB coin; As. tebu, sink in, tabbt'u, diver (water-fowl) etc., v. Muss- Arnolt JBL - 1892 - ,TO Dl« WB ; Ar. i'J, seal, stamp, imprint; Eth. nT0l dip) — Qal Pf 'FipO ^6 9 3 ; W3B ^ 9 '« La2 9 ; Impf. V?C>| J e 3 V; J?3Bni 1S17 49 ; n^SBNf 69";— sink, sink doum, intrans., c. 3; 1 S 1 7 49 (stone into Goliath's fore- head); Je 38" (Jerem. in mire of dungeon); La 2 9 (gates of Jerus. into ground); metaph. of distress; fe^rbwa JVa'B; 69 15 (||BB»'0^xn); nations into the pit (nnE*3) 9 16 . Pu. Pf. WSB be sunk Ex 15 4 (poem) of Egyptians drowned qiDTrs. Hiph. Pf W3Bn be sunk f33 in the mire, of feet, metaph. of entangle- ments and difficulties Je^; W3I?n, of pedes- tals (D^W) of the earth, as settled, planted ^? Jb 38 s (|| H3B m») ; abs. of mountains Pr 8^. ni'3t3 n.f. signet, signet-ring, ring (on format, v. Lag B!,8S ; As.timbu'u, seal-ring, Muss- Arnolt lc )— abs. n$ae> Ex 26 24 + 3 t.; cstr. id. Est 3 is +3t-; to V 3B Gn 4 i 42 +2t.; pi. abs. niV3B IS3 1 Ex 28 s ; nj)3B Ex 25 1212 +i 4 t.; cstr.niVSB Ex 28 23 + 2 t; nj>3B Ex 2 s' 2 -f- 12 t; sf. lnJQB Ex 28 s8 39 21 ; DnTl3?3B Ex 26 M ; DnjBB 36 s4 ; — 1. signet-ring, of king, taken from his hand and given as token of authority Gn 41 42 (E), Est3 10 8 2 ; used in sealing official missives Est 3 12 8 8810 (vb. DnPl). 2. ring, as orna- ment Is 3 21 ; as gift for sacred purposes Ex 35 s NU31 60 (both P). 3. most often (only in Ex.) of rings for staves of ark, for curtains, for ephod, and other sacred furniture Ex 25 1212 -' 2 + 35 t. in Ex (all P). TrO>'2 T -3 n.pr.m. a family name among the Nethinim Ezr 2 43 =Ne 7 4S . ~QLD (v of foil.; meaning dubious). TT12t2 n.[m.] highest part, centre (ace. to @ 93 navel, so NH id., and "fl3 , B, Aram. uryenp, Nn^B)— pun -vqb Dye on"}' oy nan Ju 9 37 behold people descending from the highest part of the land; ptW IISB-^y ^ Ez 38 12 those dwelling upon the navel of the earth, i. e. upon the mountainous country of Israel, central and prominent in the earth. b b 2