(cf. © supr. 2, but also 1 ; form with 2 said on Copt, authority to denote India, v. Jablonskii Op™,.«Lt,W.torLS7. cf a)g0 J os A-t.»m.6.4. j n that case its use by © may indicate a theory of the location of Ophir); (6) peninsula Malacca ; (c) island Sumatra; (d) Sofdla, with city Zim- babye (SE. Africa); (e) west coast of Arabia (where gold & silver formerly found), etc. On these & other theories, v. Di Gn io 29 Ri HWB , Herzog, Smith 15 cf. Gla '■)
†[אוּץ] vb. press, be pressed, make haste -Qal Pf. yt* Jos io 13 if ; 'JjlSS Je 17 16 Pt. ft Pr l9 2 +3t. Pr; D'SK Ex 5' 13 ;— 1. jyress, hasten (trans, but obj. not expr.) Ex 5 13 (E). 2. (intr.) be pressed, confined, narrow Jos 17 15 QMS?"" 1 ? ij 5 r? *?• 3 - hasten, make haste, sq. ^4- Inf. Jos io 13 Ni3^> fX t6 (J, of sun); Pr 28 20 Tty$ '*; sq. !«? Je 17 16 nj?"i» 'X tb ; sq. 3 (of particular in wh. one hastens) Pr 19 2 (Dv3"?3); 20 (Dmna); c f. also Pr 2 1 5 -iiDnp!> -]« yx-b?). Hiph. Impf. W<KJ! Gni 9 15 ; WWJ Is 2 2 4 — Aewtoi. (tr.) sq. 3 Gn 19" (J); sq. b + Inf. 'Kn _ !>K %™) Is 2 2 4 . (May be Qal Impf., & vb. '"V.)
[אוֹר] 43 vb. be or become light (cf. Ar. , l enkindle, Aram. (Nasar.) »o< Aph. illumine, & deriv. in As.)— Qal Pf. "** Gn 44 3 + ; *& 1 S 14 29 ; Impf. 3 fpl. njTkm 1 S 14 27 Qr; Pt. "lis Pr 4 18 (Ges 572 "- 1 ); 7mv. fs. *f* Is 60 1 Pr 4 18 ;— become light, shine of sun (esp. in early morn.) Gn 44 3 (J) 1 S 29 10 Pr 4"* Is 60 1 ; of eyes (owing to refreshment) 1 S i4 27 <«" 29 . Nipt. Impf. "IN?.1 2 S 2 32 ; Inf. "t*h Jb 33 30 ; POitO 1// 76 s — become lighted up of day-break 2 S 2 32 ; by light of life, revival Jb 33 30 ; by light of glory, en- veloped in light ^r 76 s . Hiph. Pf. 1'Nni Ex25 37 , etc.; /to/)/. W Jb 4 i 24 + ; 1iONu6 25 + ; 1^- ^n8 !7 +,etc.; 7mv.lNn^8o 20 +,'1T^V'3i ir + ; Inf. "WOT Gn i 15 + ; />«. "««? Pr 29 13 ; n^KD ■^ 19 9 ; JTTVKJp Is 27 11 — 1. (five light, of sun, moon & stars Gn i 1517 (P), of moon Is 60 19 ; of pillar of fire (eq.b) Ex 13 21 14 20 (both JE) + 105 39 Ne 9 1219 ; of sacred lamp Ex 25 s7 Nu8 2 (both P) ; fig. of the words of God ^ 1 1 9 130 . 2. light up, cause to shine, shine, sq. ace. P3f? Cpl? WKn light- nings lighted up tlie world ^ 7 7 19 97 4 ; abs. H¥ t n33D n^Kn Ez 43 s ; the earth shined toith his glorij (of theophany); of leviathan, which makes path shine behind him 3b 42^; "W D*I n ty night shineth as day jr I39 12 - 3. light a lamp 1//18 29 ; wood Is 27"; altar(-fire) Mai i 10 . 4. lighten, of the eyes, &?]) 'WW, subj. ' his law, etc. Pr 29 13 ^ 1 3 4 19 9 Ezr 9 s . 5. make shine, of face of God T^V »H " "HR Fa/ ( u*A ma/fce At« /ace */u'ne «pon <Aee Nu 6 2S (priest's blessing), reappearing f 3 1 17 (sq. "^J), 67 s (sq.TIK), So 4 -" 20 ; 1 1 9 135 (sq. 3), Dn 9 17 cf. f 4 7 ; without D'3B ( S q. b) yfri 18 27 ; once, of faceof man,Ec8'TWI DIKnDsn V3B </(e wisdom of a man lighteth up his face.
אוֹר 121 n.m. (f. J »"w»' "flight (As. urn = tfru. UF)— abs. Gn i 3 +; cstr. Ju i6 s + ; sf. nta f 27 1 , etc.; ;;/. D^K f 136 7 ;— 1. %A< as diffused in nature, light of day Gn i 3 - 4 ' (P) Jb 3 9 38 19 4- . 2. morning light, dawn, ">p3H 11K light of the morn. Ju 1 6 2 1 S 1 4 M 25 s4 - 36 '2817" 2 K 7 9 Mi 2 1 ; 133 'K 2 S 23 4 (poem of David); 'Kn-iy j u i 9 M ( c f. T?3rny v 25 ); ii»6 Jb 24 14 ; Di>n n^RJB n$> Tllinrpp fr. dawn till mid-day, Ne 8 3 cf.'Pr 4 18 . 3. light of the heavenly lu- minal ies; nibn 'K, || nenn '« moonlight & sunlight Is 30 26 ; "liK '3313 stars of light + 1 48 s ; "lis ,- }iS<D luminaries of light Ez 32 s ; D , *)iN = DniND ^ 136 7 ; so liK"^J! m sunshine Is 18 4 ; the sun itself Jb 31 26 . 4. daylight D'VBn "ViK /i^//i ofthewicked Jb38 15 (their work-day being the night); IIS tip a day of light Am 8 9 ( = a clear, sunshiny day). 5. lightning Jb 36 s3 37 3 " 15 cf. Hb 3 n . 6. UgU of lamp Pr 13 9 Je 25 10 ; of crocodile's hot breath Jb4i 10 . 7. light of life DWJ '« Jb 33 30 ^ 56 14 ; cf. tm Jb 3 16 - 20 . 8. %A( of prosperity Jb 22 28 30 26 f 97 11 La3 2 . 9. light of instruction ~h& rnini nist? 13 Pr 6 23 the commandment is a fomp and instruc- tion a light; so the Messian. servant is D^3 "ntt Is 4 2 6 49 6 ; cf. D'Sy '« IS51 4 ; the advent of Mess, is shining of great light Is 9 11 . 10. light of face D'JS liK:= bright, cheerful face (of men) Jb 29 s4 ; betokening king's favour Pr 16 15 (cf. DS'S * f 38 11 ); of God = his shining, enlight- ening, favouring face V' 4 7 44 4 89" 11. Yah weh is PS^fe^ 'K Is io 17 , as source of enlight- enment & prosperity; light & salvation ^-27'; light to guide Mi 7 8 cf. ^ 43 3 ; everlasting light of Zion, instead of sun & moon Is 6o 19a) ; house of Jacob is to walk in his light Is 2 5 .
†i. אוֹרָה n.f. light (late, Mish. z'd.,cf.Aram. KrnW evening-light, mcon-light, star-light, etc.) 1. light (opp. nyrn) f 139 12 . 2. light of joy & happiness Es 8 16 ;'pl. intens. niliK light of life Is 26 19 (light that quickens dead bodies as dew the plants Ew Hi De Che Di RVm; vid. Br i«r303 cf D «n lis ; but Ki Ges MV Bo RV transl. Jurbs).
†ii. [אוֹרָה] n.f. herb (so Mish., Ges cf. )»n, Ar. .y = lights & flowers, & Sam. IK^NBH of Gn 1" 12 ) only pi. niliS lierbs 2 K 4 M (cf. Is 26'* supr. sub 1. !r J <| N).