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i. אוּר n.m. flame. My')? ~®Q * 3 ? u-alk in tJie flame of your fire Is 50", & so fire itself, whose light & flame were seen 44 16 47 14 — exil. Is. + 31* &Ez 5 s (CoC : S).

אֻרִים n.[m.]pl. region of light, East Is 2 4 ls (soGesMVEwDeDiEV; LoHiKnCherd. O^ti — coasts, so Cdd. ©; — © mostly om. 23 in doctrina, thinking of Urim, vid. Br" 1 " 297 ).

אוּרִים n.m. Urim (pl.intens., mostlyc.art. the Urim, and mostly joined with tJ'BH q.v.) I'BH tpnpn With T"|1«1 Dt 33 8 thy Thummim and thy Urim has tlie man of thy favour, i.e. the Levite tested at Massah&Meribah; V>®m DniRn were putintothe CBB^n f^' n of the high priestEx 28 30 Lv 8 8 (P); this J?'n(q.v.)wasa little bag or pouch worn on breast of high priest, to hold the Urim <fc Thummim; the name BBPBn Tl was given because of decisions made by that which was within it ; thus, Eleazar was to inquire of ** for Joshua ffTWil BS'f03 Nu 27 s1 (P); Saul prayed TTWH nan, opp. Wp!J n3n , 1S14 41 ©, so We Dr (MT om. former, and rds. D'pn in latter) ; * did not answer Saul B*"!*?, or by dreams or prophets 1 S 28"; postex. Jews reserved diffi- cult questions until there stood up a priest D'enitt Dn«6 Ezr 2 13 Ne? 65 (here alone without art.) These passages give little information ; © SijXoxm rai aKi)6tia, 23 doctrina et Veritas, Sym (JHoTHTnoi km T«Xt uTijTtr ; Jos-*-"'" 1 - 8,9 thinks of the twelve gems of face of bag as giving decision by shining; Philo v "- Mosl " thinks of two small images ('N & 'n), prob. embroidered in the cloth of the bag,likeoracle-imagesof Egypt (Diod I,48,TO Aelian^ 11 ""- 14 ' 34 ); Ew "" 011 -"'- 309 ' ^"o- 295 , of two stones of different colours for sacred lot, on this v. Dr 1S14 41 where © OPf* & 0*95 as obj. of give, Sos = nan; c f. &W v 42 , 1$* v 41 (used of taking by lot 'i o 20 Is 7 1416 ); v. also We & RS "" L ~*' N4 ; Bahr s ' mbollk , of one thing within bag, a sacred pledge to high priest of the enlighten- ment & perfection he would receive fr. '< when called to make sacred decisions; Ka K,M4 sees the sacred pledge in the twelve sacred gems themselves, that stimulate piiestto self-sacrifice & perfect sanctification.

ii. אוּר n.pr.m. {flame} father of one of David's heroes 1 Ch 1 1 35 (in. "IW n.pr.loc. v. infr.)

אוּרִי n.pr.m. {fiery, or contr. for npiK) 1. prince of Judah Ex 3 i 2 35 30 38 s2 1 Ch 2 20 2 Ch I s ; 2. a porter Ezr io 24 ; 3. father of an officer of Solomon 1 K 4".

אוּרִיאֵל n.pr.m. {flame of El or my light niH isEl,Y.b$ sub ni>N; cf-Ph.^Dlxin As.Urumilki (Sen T * , "' rC " 1, " 1 - 1Lt0 , cf. COT 2K18 ' 1S )) 1. chief of Levit. line of Kohath, in time of David 1 Ch 6 9 15 s ". 2. maternal grandfather of Abijah 2CI113 2 .

אוּרִיָּה n.pr.m. fiame of Yah or my light is Yah v. ty. 1. Hittite husband of Bathsheba 2 S 1 i 3f 23 30 . 2. priest in reign of Ahaz Is 8 2 2 K i6 10f . 3. priest in time of Nehemiah Ezr

אוּרִיָּ֫הוּ n.pr.m. {flame cf Yahweh or my light is Yahweh v. mrp) a prophet slain by Jehoiakim Je 26 20 .

יָאִיר n.pr.m. {he enliglitens, or one giving light). 1. son of Manasseh Nu 32 4141 Dt 3 1414 Jos if 1 K 4 13 1 Ch 2 22!S . 2. a judge in Gilead Ju io 345 . 3. father of Mordecai Est 2 s .

יָאִירִי adj.gent. Jairite 2 S 20 26 .

מָאוֹר n.m. luminary — abs. Gn i 16 + ; cstr. -to Pr i6*+; pi. rn* 1 ? Gn i 15 ; rh&q v 14 ' 6 ; cstr. ^RD EZ32 8 — light, light-bearer, luminary, lamp," of sun & moon Gn 1 "•«■"■"■>• (P) Ez 32 s ; moon ijf 74 16 ; "rtKBn 7YYJD tJie lamp-stand of the luminary or light (where 'Bn is sum of seven sacred lamps on golden lamp-stand) EX35 1414 - 28 30 37 Nu 4 916 , cf. Ex 2 5 6 27 20 35 s Lv 2 4 2 (all P); y?Ttl$lP D^^-liSD Pr 15 30 the luminary of the eyes (=the eyes as a lamp) gives the light of joy to the heart; T?. s "^ Kt ? V' 9° 8 <' te luminary of thy face (thy face as a lamp) in the light of which the secrets are exposed.

[מְאוּרָה] n.f. light-hole— only cstr.rvViRD — =den of great viper Is 11 8 , cf. I'M? Mish. Ohaloth 13 1 (others eye-ball % Ew De Di).

iii. אוּר n.pr.loc. Ur (Bab. Uru; seat of moon-god worship ; hence Eupolemos in Euseb 1 ' I, * epEvlx17 says Kaitapivg rjv nvas Ae'yfo' noKiv Ovplpof, ancient city in Southern Baby- lonia; OT alw. n>iV3 "UK, i.e. Ur of the Kasdim (Chaldeans) v. Date's sublBO; home of Terah, Abram's father, & A.'s point of departure for Mesopotamia & Canaan Gn H™ 15' (both J), & hence Neo 7 ; also Gn n 31 (P);— mod. Mu- qayyar, south of Euphrates, c. iflo miles SE. of Babylon; v. KG 94 ' Dl p,226f COT on Gn n 28 .

אֲוֵרוֹת v. אֻרְיָה sub I. ארה.

אֲוַרְנָה v. אֲרַוְנָה.

†[אוּת] vb. only Niph. Impf. consent, agree (cf. Rab. rM" 1 } Niph. Pt. esp. enjoying NHWB 49 ) sq. ^> Gn 34 s2 V} *>*£; v 15 D$ rrtM;