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by'> ^94"; of idols (do not hear) ^115" 135 17 ; 'K3 VOf 2 S 7" + 8 1. ; esp.'N3 after vb. of saying = in the ears, in the hearing of Gn 20 9 (E) 2 3 10 - u -' 6 (P)44 18 5o 4 (J)Dt5 l 3i ll - ii - 30 +44t.; cf. Is 5 9 (vb. om.); after noun of utterance, sound S 15" Jb 13' 7 15 1 ; cf. '« after verbal noun Ez 24 M ('« W?"? 1 ^) cf. Isn 3 ; '« nisn incline the ear=give attention ^45" Pr 22 ,7 + 9t.; sq. bf 49 5 + 4t.; so'K3^pnis 3 2 3 ; Pr2 2 (sq.b); 'b 'K K^n Pr23 5 ; as receiving words nj5n 'N Jb4 15 cf. Je9 19 ; as tingling (bb"i) at dreadful news 1 S 3" s K 2 1 12 Je 19 s ; as hearing with satisfaction, triumph ^ 9 2 1J $? njyD^n (|| '2 <yj Darn) but Che del.; as intelligent (in- volving mental process) rf? J3ni 'K nyD!S> Jb 1 3' ; jrpri |^0 'K Jb 12 11 cf. 34 s ; as unsatisfied Ec i 8 JjtotS 5 !? 'K t6sn tib; as seeking (E>p3) know- ledge Pr 18"; as hearing & blessing Jb29 n ; cf. nypfe> 'K Pr 20 12 25 12 a Jiearing (responsive, obedient) ear; cf. Pri5 31 Is 4 3"; opp. stopping the ears (wilful ignorance) "|? '« ODN Pr2i 13 cf Is 33 15 ; also of adder in simile of wicked f 58 s VOf oas: chn jnD toa ; -p? 's -vpo p r2 8 9 so 'R HTTy /fot'r ear is uncircumcised Je 6 10 ; K Tpil Zc 7 11 cf. Is 48 s Je 5 21 Ez 1 2 2 ; cf. also IS42 20 '. b. of Yahweh, + 'Ra after vb. of utterance Nun 18 (J) 14 28 (P) I S 8 21 Ez 8 18 ; after rtft 2 K i 9 28 =Is 3 7 29 ; after K13 V 18 7 cf. S 2 2 7 where vb. om. ; so also (after noun without vb.) Nu 1 1 1 (J) " 'K3 1 Ch 28" nearly = in presence of; incline the ear 'K HEn 2 K i9" , =Is37 ,7 Dn 9 18 t86 I ; sq. ^>fi7 6 88 3 1 16 2 ; sq. -b V3i s 7i 5 io2 3 ; '« a?? i° 17 ; '«  b rfOEfc 2 Ch 6 40 7 15 cf. V' 130 2 ; id. sq. "^} Ne i 611 ;vb.om.-b8 / Sf 3 4 I6 ;cf.Is59 1 'Kn-iap T Xb; La 3 M 'b '« D^??"^. 3. +'R nba open ears of, reveal to, subj. man 1 S20 21213 2 2 8 - 817 ilu4 4 ; subj. 1 S 9 15 2 S f- 1 Ch 1 7 s5 ; ipi»i> '« '3 Jb36 10 , cf. v "; 'Krn3^ 4 o 7 ;5?tos6'K' , i'T^i S 5o 4 ; 'K^nne IS50 5 ; cf.n3nriEriDBnri / S1Is35 5 ; opp. judicial deafness Mi 7 16 J.s 6 ID . '

I. †אָזַן 42 vb. denom. Hiph. give ear, listen, hear, almost wholly poet. — Pf. H£? Dt i 45 ; pTKm consec. ■f 77 s (v. De Ko 1 "" ); OTnl Ex 15 26 ; U^ Is 64 3 + ; Imp/. PBP Jb p ie -i- ;' pm (for P!»5«) Jb 32", etc.; Imv. ms. njpftjn Nu 2 3 18 + ; fs. ^nttn i S i 2 ; fpl. nsvxn Gn 4° Is 32 s , etc.; Ft. P!»'(for PWD, v. Kb 1 ' 391 ) Pr 17 4 ; — 1. A«ar, perceive by the ear, abs. Is 64 s (|| yOB>) V' 1 35 17 ; J?™ ear > H iten , & bs. (of mts. personif.) Dt 32 1 , cf. Is I 2 (of earth, personif.); |1«Q cf men Ju 5 3 ^ 49 ! Is 28 a Jo i 2 (all ||jO?) Ho 5 1 (|| S»e>, 3WpJ) Is 8 9 ; sq. ace. rei Gn 4 Jb33 1 Isi 10 32 9 (all ||»DB>) 42 23 (||VCB',3>"B'pn); Jb 37" (Hia&in); 78 1 sq.^y (rei) Pr 17 4 (||3pn); sq.tj? (rei) Jb 32" (|| ^nin) ; hearken to, = be obedient to, abs. Je 1 3" (]1CV) 2Ch24 19 :N"e9 30 ; c. ace. rei Jb9 16 ; j> (rei) Jb 34 16 (|| yDt?) Ex 15 26 ; sq. b pers. Jb 34 2 (||yDB i ); sq. ^y pers. Nu 23 18 ; sq. "?K pers. Is 5 1 4 . 2.o/ (?od, listening (with favour) to prayer, etc., abs. i/' 80 2 84 s (|| yov), sq. "^N pers. f 77 s Dt i 45 (|| yap); c. ace. rei + 5? (|| pa) 17 1 (vnv, yvpn), V55 2 (lla^pn v 3 ) 86 6 (||id.), I40 7 i4i'; sq."bK(rei)V'39 13l 43 1 (both||y»B ; ); sq. b (rei) V' 54 4 (I! yetS 5 )-

[אָזֵן] n. [m.] coll. implements, tools (fr. sharpness? Aram. P?.1K, ^-.1 weapons 3 J. S . Dt 23 14 (Cdd. "pW ® 93 "fa cf. Di).

אָזְנִי n.pr.m. a son of Gad Nu 26 16 (my Iwaring, or my ear ? Gn 46 16 i^aSK q.v.)

אָזְנִי adj. gent. fr. same, Wll Nu 16 16 .

אֲזַנְיָ֫הוּ n.pr.m. {Yahweh hath heard) father of Jeshua, a Levite Ne io 10 .

אַזְנוֹת תּבוֹר n.pr.loc. (peaks of Tabor? pi.) Jos 1 9 s4 place in Naphtali cf. Di.

יַאֲזַנְיָ֫הוּ n.pr.m. (Yahweh heareth) — so K 25° Ez 8"; PratWC Je 35 s Ez 1 1 1 ; contr. Vnpp) Je 40 8 , n ;?P(1) Je 42 1 — 1. a Judaean 2 K 25 351 Je 40 8 . 2. an elder of Isr., son of Shaphan Ez 8". 3. son of Jeremiah Je 35 s . 4. a leading Judsean, son of AzurEzn 1 . 5. a leading Judaean Je 42 1 (= n ^!y : 43 2 )-

II. †[אָזַן] vb. only Pi. Pf. weigh, test, prove (cf. Ar. J^jj weigh, also Ar. & Aram, deriv.); f& (conj.) Ec 12 9 (|pi?n, fW).

[מאזן‬] n.[m.]du. balances, scales (Ar. •G^, Aram. (Nasar.) UTa*>)— OSpte (Ojr) Is 40 15 +4t. ; cstr. typtO Lv i9 M +9t. — balances, for weighing money Je 32 10 '03 *[03n bpfX) ; hairEzs'^fD'O); T3 P0?'Is4o 15 tf'M** 0/6^., sim. of insignif. of nations bef. * ; fig., calamity Jb 6 2 ; men ^62'°; hills Is 40 12 (0^33 S^ '03 nto;^ Dnn) ; pnjf 'K LV19 36 (|| 's-'P.aK, 's : ns^, T >s prij,' Ez 45' 10 (|| 's-ns^, 'jrna) c f. Pr 1 6" (t3S» ; t? 1M D^B); fig. Jb 3 1 6 ta »3G^ P33?; opp.'nDno To Pm 1 (™bf ja«) ; 20 23