v» nr6 pinto; g q. inf. 2 K12 9 D^nan visn
אוֹת v. II. אוה.
אֶז adv. (cf. l,l, <TA : also BAram. pN ( prop, a subst. = time : see tKDI at that time, then, whether expressing duration, or inception (= thereupon). 1. strictly temporal: a. of past time: — without a verb Gni2 6 13 7 J0S14 11 2 S 23"; with a pf. Gn 4 26 Ex 4 26 Josio 33 Ju 8 s 1 3 21 Je 2 2 I3 v 3to tK (lien was it well to him (cf . v 16 Ho2 9 ); more usually (esp. when = thereupon) with an impf. (v. Dr 2 ' 7 ) Ex 15 1 Nu 21 17 Jos 8 30 io 12 22 1 1 K 3 16 8 1 9" (v. Dr In,r192 ) al. b. of fut. time (usually where some emph. is intended), with impf. Is 35 56 60 5 Mi 3 4 , rather differently Lv 26 41 1 S 20 12 ; rarely with pf. 2 S s 24 " {will liave gone forth) Is 33 s3 : with an accompany- ing logical force, implying the fulfilment of a condition, then — if or when this has been done (with the impf.) Gn 24 41 Ex 1 2 44 - 48 Dt 29 19 Jos I 8 1 S 6 3 Is 58 s9 Je 1 1 15 Hi Ke V 19 14 51 21 Pr 3 s3 Jb 1 1 15 13 20 2 2 26 . c. in poetry TK is sometimes used to throw emphasis on a particular feature of the description Gn 49 4 Ex 15 15 Ju 5 8 -"- ,MMJ Is 33 23 4i 1 Hb i 11 ^2 5 96 12 - d. it points back with emphasis to an inf. with 3 2 S 5 24 ^r 1 26 22 Jb28 27 33 16 ; to KWn Di>3 (anomalously) 1 Ch 16 7 . 2. expressing logical sequence strictly: in the apod.: — after DN (rare) for sake of special em- phasis Is 58 14 Pr 2 5 Jb 9 31 ; =in that case, after >b or K.W> 2 S 2" hadst thou not spoken, tK »| surely then had the people, etc. 19 7 a^iiq 92 ; after vnx 2K5 3 ^ 119 6 ; after a suppressed protasis 2K13" Jb 3 13 $ 0«; IK V$l& I had slept, then were there rest for me; Jos 22 31 (strangely) = now, as things are; Ec 2 xh = that being so. ( 1 2 2 1., besides f NO and TN"|D. Seldom used except where some special emphasis is de- sired. ' Then ' of A V RV more commonly repre- sents J, esp. in the apodosis.)
†מֵאָז (cf. ili), once (Je 44 18 ) VfTVf, lit, from that time: used (a) absol., as adv. = in time past, of old, whether of a nearer 2 S 1 5 s4 Is 16 13 , or of a remoter past Is 44 s 45 21 48 3 ' 5 - 7 - 8 yjr 93 2 Pr 8 s2 ; (6) with foil. gen. or relat. clause, as prep, or conj.=from lime of, since. With subst. Ru 2 7 "l^an tND from time of morning f 76 s ; with infin. Ex 4 10 TJ|1 tKO since thy speaking unto thy servant ; with finite vb. Gn 3 9 5 Ex 5 s3 '31 'HK3 TND1 and since I came unto Pharaoh, etc. 9 s4 Jos 14' Is 14 8 Je 44 19.
†אֲזַי = אָז (prob. a dialectic form; cf. Aram. !1$) then, in that case jr 1243.4.5, i n apod, after ty: cf. tKf 119 92 .
†אֶזְבָּ֑י n.pr.m. father of one of David's men iCh 11 37 (where , (Hebrew characters) = (Hebrew characters) 2 S 2335).
†אֵזוֹב n.m. 1 K 51s hy 8 sop (Mish. 3W, Aram. Aramaic, Ar. Ujj Frey., Eth. AH-fl: © vo-owor, herb of purging qualities, but peril, not precise botanical term, v. Di Lv 14"; v. also Low 93 ) — "K abs. Ex 1 2 s2 + 4 t.; 3TK Lvi 4 4 + 4 t.;— hyssop), little plant (contr. T1K cedar) 1 K 5 13 , Tgffl NX IBfc KW ; Ex 1 2 s (J)' 'K TTWS a bunch of h. for sprinkling blood on doorposts ; with- out mat, used in cleansing from leprosy Lv j 4 «MUUt. burnt witn red heifer Nu 1 9 6 ; used in cleansing with ashes of red heifer v 18 (all P) ; cf. yjr 5 1 9 "jjtDKl 'N3 'JKBnn.
אַזְכָּרָה v. זכר.
†אָזַל vb. go (mostly poet.) (X id., BAram. ^B|, Syr. ^jf)— Qal Pf. by i S9 7 ; 3 fs. rby (poet.) Dt 32 m ; fy«J Jb 14"; 7mp/. 2 fs. ^in (for ^IKH) Je 2 36 ; Ft. b)k Pr 20"— go away Pr 20"; 00 about Je 2 36 tfltfjj 1KD tygTIQ TpnTTtK; Je g^one, exhausted, used up Dt32 3C (subj. T strength); sq. f» 1 S9 7 U^SI? ^|« Drferj; Jb 14 11 Dr? 7 ? D^> <%; Pu. P«. bftm Ez27 19 (RV yarn, cf. Aram. |>?JJ spin but) rd. ?t1KD, v. sub ^K infr., so © Hi Sm Co.
†[אֶזֶל] only %? 1 S 20 19 rd. l(K)Wi q . v .
†אוּזָל n.pr.m. (Sam. brtt, © AiftX) 6th son of Joktan Gn io 27 1 Ch i 21 =n.pr.loc. Ez 27", rd. i>WKe © @ Hi Sm Co ; old capital of Yemen, later .Wd, cf. Di Gn io 27 .
I. †אזן (pointed, sharpl cf. Eth. "iXffl; edge, corner, peak, pinnacle; v. also As. Dl w , & JTK infr.)
אֹ֫זֶן 188 n.f. ElM ear (Ar. ^1, Aram. foP, KJTIN, As. uznu, Eth. XTH:)— abs. 2 S 2 2 4S + ; cstr. Ex 2 9 20 + ; sf. '?# iS20 2 + ,etc.; du. D3}K (D$ Dt 2 9 3 +; cstr. 'Iflf Gn23 10 + ; sf. 'itK Mr) Nu I4 28 +; (never with article). — 1. ear, as part of body ; of human being, as bearing earring Gn 35' Ex 32 s 3 (all JE) Ez 1 6 12 ; pierced by a master Ex 21 6 (E) Dtis 17 ; touched with blood in consecration ('» t|WI tip of ear) Lv 8 23 - 21 1 4 i4.i;.25.28 . cut ff Dy enemy Ez 23 s (of ^VljK q.v.); ear of dog Pr 2 6 17 3^-^X3 PEJD; of sheep Am 3 12 (fragment rescued from lion). 2. especially as organ of hearing, a. of man Dt 29' 2 S 2 2 45 = f 1 8 45 , Jb 4 2 5 Is 30 21 ; implanted (ytM)