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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/488

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ma may be an attempt to enforce an exclusion from the priesthood of all but Levitical priests. 1 6. Zadokite priests : Ezekiel distinguishes among tPvD D'anan those of the seed of Zadok, pi"I5T *JS; all but the latter excluded by him from priesthood 40 46 43" 44 15 48 11 ; the priests of his code being all Zadokites 40 4546 42 1314 43 s4 ' 27 44"' 22jo.3o.3i 45< .i9 46 s.i».2o 4 8 1013 . 7. Aaronic priests. In H. it is taken for granted that a priest is of the seed of Aaron; the pi. is never used; P3 is used for any priest Lv 21 9 2 2 1(UU213 ; ?nan for Aaron Lv 21 21 , and for the official priest (act- ing for the priesthood, almost collective) Lv X „S.6 22 H 2 ,10.U.20.20 2 w8. rpj^ priests of P are PW "i* Lv 1 "•» 2 2 3" 2 1 ' Nu 3 3 io 8 Jos 21 19 ; so in Chronicles 2 Ch 13 910 26 18 29 s1 3i I9 35 M "; f»^- * s use< l °f Aaron 22 t., Eleazar 29 1., Phinehas Jos 22 30 and elsewhere; 180 t. of ministering priests, or generic of the priests; D'anan LV6 22 f 13 2 16 33 J0S4 16 ; pa Lv 6 16 . Chronicles distinguishes D^bni D'an'an iChi 3 2 i5 nl4 2 3 2 2 4 6 - 31 28 1321 2Ch8 1 ' 6 ii 13 i 3 910 23 4 24 s 29 4 30 1525 si 2 - 2 ' 4 - 9 34 30 35 818 (the variants without t 2 Ch 23" 30 27 are due to copyists' errors), Ezr i 5 2 70 3 812 6 20 f 8 2930 9 1 Ne 7 72 8 13

s X2 1 - 30 * 4 - 44 13 30 ; uransnn &bn 2 Ch 19 8 30 21 ; 

priests, Levites, and others I Ch 9 2 Ezr io 5 Ne , i.29.3i IX 2o. *b <33 antith. to 'an Ezr 8 1S ; pan D^n DV pnN p Ne io 39 ; B'3n3(n)in Chr67t.has the same reference, as also &%tit Ezr 9 7 Ne 9 s234 ; p's Ezr 2 <0 =Ne 7 65 ; mn^ 'a '2 Ch 26 17 ; vans /fts (God's) priests 2 Ch 13 12 ; iTjiD'3 teaching priest 2 Ch 1 5 3 ; P'3n is used of Jehoiada in time of David 1 Ch 27 s , and Azariah in the reign of Uzziah 2.Ch 26 17 . In the literature of the restoration fnbn is used of Ezra, Ezr 7 11 io 1016 Ne 8 2 - 9 12 26 ; Uriah Ezr 8 s3 ; Eliashib Ne 13 4 ; Shelemiah Ne i3 ls ; VSKSn Jo i' 13 2 17 Hg 2"- 12 - 13 Zc 7 6 Mai i 6 2'; priests and prophets Zc 7"; p3 Mai 2 7 . 8. tlte high priest: pan is fre- quently used (see 4) to designate the priest who was at the head of priestly affairs. The adj. ^>i"ian first appears of Jehoiada 2 K 12", then of Hilkiah 2 K 22 48 23' 2 Ch 34 9 ; after the exile, of Joshua Hg I 11214 2 24 Zc 3 18 6", and Eliashib Ne 3' =° 1 3 s8 . But P uses it of Aaron andhiseldestdescendantswhoare anointed with holy oil Lv 2 1 10 (H; vriKO b^in 'an), Nu 35

  • •»•» Jos 20 6 , and so PP^BTj '3H Lv 4 «- 1 «6 ls , cf.

i6 M . tnhn ' 3 is used of Seraiah 2 K 25 18 =Je 52 s4 ; and, in Chronicler, of Amariah 2 Ch 1 9 11 , Jehoiada 2 Ch 24 11 , Azariah 2 Ch 26 s0 31 10 ; of Aaron, Ezr 7 s . (We also supposes ntCWl in 2 S 1 5 s7 to be a corruption of tPNin, which he regards as postexilic insertion. The text is corrupt [see Dr Bm - 1 - c -]; but this correction is improbable. Lists of high priests occur 1 Ch ,.30-41 535-38^ ^ priest of second rank (pa n3E>D(n)) appears in 2 K 23 4 (cstr.pl. incorrect), 25 18 = Je 52"; 'an »S?I 2 K i9 2 =Is 37 1 , Je 19'; 'an PV 2 Ch 36 14 Ezr 8 2429 io 5 ; 'an •%*) Ne 1 2 7 . f 11. []n3] vb. only Pi.denom. act as priest ; — Pf. P? Ex 40 13 1 Ch S 36 ; 3 mpl. Una Ex 28 41 4 o 15 ; Impf. 3 ms. ft?. Nu 3 4 +2 t.;' pi. «q^

Ch 24 s ; Inf. cstr. P? Ex 2 9 l + 1 1 t.; sf. Ufj3 

Ex 28 1 - 3 ' 4 .- — 1. minister as a priest, abs. Ex 31 10 35" 39 41 Lv 16 32 Nu 3 3 -VallP); '*? '3 minister tome('>) Ex28 13 - 4 - 41 2 9 M4 3O 30 4O 1316 (all P), Ez 44 13 Ho4«; Hin^ '3 Lv 7 s5 (P), 1 Ch 5 M 24 s

Ch 1 1 14 (alw. of Aaron and his sons, exc. Ez 

44 13 2 Ch 1 1 14 , where Levites are forbidden to minister ; and Ho 4 6 of Israel, whose national priesthood is taken away). 2. be or be- come priest Dt io 6 (E ). 3. play the priest : 1«B pa? |nPI3 IS61 10 as a bridegroom (that) priests it with his turban, decks himself with a splendid turban such as the priests wore. trrSHS n.f. priesthood; — abs. '3 Ex 29" + 5t.; T cstr. nana Nu 25"+ 2 1.; sf. Banana n u I 8 1 - 7 - 7 ; Dnana NU3 10 ; pi. niana 1 s 2 86 .— nana TW priesthood of '< , the portion of the Levites Jos 1 8'(D) ; pi. priest's offices 1 S 2 s6 ; elsewhere Ex 2 9 9 4o' 5 Nu 3 10 16 10 18 1 " 25 13 (all P), Ezr 2 82 =Ne7 M , Neis 29 - 29 .

213 n.pr.gent. Ez 30 5 , rd. 2b © Sta Po,,J "- 6 

Co, cf. Sm. tjni3n.m.helmet('/dub.;NHl'ata,Arani. NVata turban; cf. VQlp Ez 23 24 )— abs/3 Ez 27 10 ; yaia 3 8 6 ; cstr. Jpia (Ew' 213 ) i S 17 6 Is 59 17 ; pi. D^aia J e 46 4 2 Ch 26"; — helmet, of bronze teWr^g nt?na 'a 1 S 17 5 ; Je 46 4 Ez 27'° 38 s 2 Ch 26"; 'fig. of ' nyie* '31 iptfa n[m rfcffl Wlh| Is 59 17 . t [HIS] vb.burn, scorch, brand (NH id.; Aram. J as esp. Pa.; Ar. u'^S cauterize) — Niph. Impf. 2 ms. niari Is 43 2 thou shalt not be scorched (fig. of Isr., ^); 3 fpl. >W & V ^T-1 Pr6» shall a man walk on the coals and his feet not be burned ? (|| *~$ of garments v 27 ).