t"<3 n.[m.] burning, branding (for form, cf. n from nn, <K, 'X, "y : Kb"- 1 - 6 *)— only ♦?
- } nnn I s 3 2< branding instead of beauty, in
judgment on women of Jerusalem. tnjO n.f. id. ; 'a nnn '3 Ex 2 1 25 . Trfi3Q n.f. burnt-spot, scar of a burn; B's-niap Lv 13 24 ; reaq v 24 - 2528 - 28 (all P).
v. sub 333.
[ 71 3] vb. comprehend, contain (NH,
Aram, id., measure, measure out, of dry or liquid measure; Syr. Aph.'^o/'id.; Ar. fe' measure grain)— Qal Pf only Is 4o 12 t5S>B'3 ^3 . . . VD H? n "•??. «>Ao ^«^ comprehended the dust of the earth in a shdish-measure ? Pilp. Pf. ^3^3 2 S 19 33 ; sf. 0^?|)3 1 K 18 4 ; 2 ms. sf. DFlbsba NeQ 2 ', etc.; Impf 7$& Zc 1 1 16 + , etc.; 7w/.cs<r. b^3 Je2o 9 +,etc; Pt.b^a Ma.lf;~sustain,main- tain, contain: 1. sustain, support, nourish, sq. ace. pers. Gn 4 5 n 50 21 (both E), 2 S 19 3334 20 3 1 K 4 7 ' (v b abs.), 5 7 17" Ne 9 21 Ru 4 15 f 55^ Zc 1 1 16 (of sheep); sq. ace. pers. + rei (food) Gn 47 (J), i K 18 413 . 2. contain, sq. ace. pers.
K 8" 2 Ch 2 5 6 18 (heavens cannot contain '1);
hold in, restrain Yahweh's word within one, Je 20 9 . 3. support, endure, sickness fc"N TpT
- nj»qe 63; Pr 18 14 Mai 3 2 (obj. Ufa Di<-TlK);~of
sustaining a cause, in court, ttEB>t?3 )*TOT '^3? f 1 1 2 s . Polp. Pf. 3 pi. A?J>| were supplied with food 1 K 20 27 (Klo prop. Pajaa). Hiph. Impf T% 1 K 7 26 -f 2 t.etc; Inf. cstr. ^3n J e 6" + 5 1. ; — contain, hold, hold in, endure ; 1 . contain, sq. ace. (of liquid) 1 K 7 26 - 28 2 Ch 4 s ; in fig. Je 2 13 , abs. Ez 23 32 ; (of burnt-offering) 1 K 8 M
Ch Y; hold in (wrath of obj. not expr.,
subj. Jeremiah) Je 6" (opp. ?JSB>). 2. sus- tain, endure, sq. ace. Am 7 10 Je io 10 Jo 2 11 . T7373 n.pr.m. one of the wise men whom Solomon surpassed 1 K 5" 1 Ch 2 6 (on format v. Ba 1 ™ 206 ). D"0 (-/of foil.; Ar. '|3T 11. is heap up, accumulate; ISjS heap,- *ji herd of camels, hence perh. no'? as a group, herd, or /oc& of stars, but uncertain (v. '"H?*?)).
†(Hebrew characters) n.f. perh. Pleiades (v. supr.; NH
id.; T (
Hebrew characters), S (
language characters)) — as made by (
Hebrew characters) Am:5:8
(|‹›|^D3), Jb 9 » (|| V]l, £pa, jon nin); and under
his control, '3 nteTJjD Jb 38" (|| ^D3 TVa&O).— (Stern JM - Zelt * hr - f - Wlsaen. u. Lebon. III. (186*«) 258 ft JT" • Schenkel BL Hoffm ZAW '"•""*• interpret vy as Pleiades, and ncs as Sirius). fi. [jn3] jj, vb. prob. be firm, only in der. conj. (NH Aram. JO, in der. conj., }?3 arrange, direct; ycj> put right, correct; As. kdnu, be firm, right Dl HWB3a ; Ar. yarned. _,) exist, occur, be ; so Eth. Wj Sab. ps DHM 2 " 811 "'™, Ph. pa 6e (oft.));— Wiph. Pf. (on 3 ms. v. Pt. infr.), 3 fs. .13133 1 K 2 46 ; 3 pi. U133 p r i 9 » ; «3J Ez 16 7 ; 7m^/ fa Pr i2 3 +; 3fs. Jisn Je
o» + ; |3rn 1 K2 12 2 Ch 8 16 , etc.; Imv. >i3.1
Am 4 12 ; pn Ez 3 8 7 ; pi. tt»f! 2 Ch 3 5 4 Kt (Qr VMQ Hiph.); P<. |133 Gn4i 32 + (in V 93* and perh. elsewh. the Pf. would be poss.); cstr. [133 Pr 4 18 ; f. .13133 + 5 »» + 2 t .; p l. D<333 Ex i,»+
t.; pass, or neut., and (less oft.) reflex.: — 1.
be set up, established, fixed : a. lit., of house upon (^J?) pillars Jui6 2629 , so, in metaph, of temple-mt., sq. B^13 Is 2 2 =Mi 4'; be firm, of breasts at puberty Ez 16 7 ; firmly established, of ?3* V' 93 1= 96 10 =i Ch 16 30 ; firm, i. e. a strong support, of V s hand iOJJ jfan »TJ ^ 89^ (|| VgBgTI 'yi-it). b. fig., of throne 2 S 7 »= 1 Ch
14 , 1 K 2*i,8 9 3 » 9 ? Pr 16 12 25 s 29"; of king,
royal family, kingdom 1 S 20 31 1 K 2 1246 2S 7 26 =
Ch 1 7 M . c. of any persons, be establislted,
stable, secure, enduring Jb 2i 8 (c. 'js! 5 ), Pr 12 3 , also v 19 (subj. ncN rw), yj, 1 01' (c! »3Tf naab), io2 29 (c.'^3D|'), i 4 o 12 (c.n«3) ; of plans Pn'6 1 20 18 ; D'l'n Jto 4 '8 <A« established, stable, (part) 0/ «Ae rfay, i. e. mid-day, when the sun seems motionless in mid-heaven. — 2 S 6 6 v. 1*133 n.pr. infr. A. fixed, securely determined DVD "n^n '3 Q W£? (|| n»N) Gn 4 i 32 (E); so totJfb'jtjVl^a Ho 6 3 MT, butrd. inKXOJ [3 W1TO ; 3 Gie^ 1 " 1 " 208 We"" 00 -; substantiated, certain, of an allegation Dt I3 K = 17 4 ; JiSJ-by ace. to (what is) certam, = certainly, assuredly 1 S 23 s3 26 4 (v. Dr). 2. in moral sense, be directed aright, of ways Pr 4 26 V' 1 1 9 6 (cf. Hiph. 3) ; befixed aright, stedfast |T3J
- ? V 57 9 - 8 108 2 , so 1 12 7 ; imy |tej vb Dsb 7 8 37 ;
{tej nn 5 i> 2 (ipinp 3>) ; p hflw^'jtoj Ni> Ex 8 s2 (J) it is not W^/t<, ;«-oper, etc. ; pt. f. .13133 as subst. = «;Aa< it right, the right Jb42 7 - 8 ';=' uprightness fs 10 . 3. prepare, be ready, pers. Am 4 w (Oinf.)j words Pr22 18 ; ^ f3m fbn EZ38 7 ; 2 Ch 35 4 Kt (Qr Hiph.); pt. as adj. =prepared, Hh