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I- sf. 'SD^n Jb "9 3 , niO-Eu 2 15 ; Inf.cstr. D73n Je6 ,s Pr25 8 ; Tt. D^ap J u 18 7 (but v. infr.), D?3P Jb 1 1 3 ; — 1. put to shame — insult, hu- miliate, c. ace. i S 20 34 25 7 (cf. Hoph. v 15 ) Ku 2 1S Jbi9 3 ; humiliate by rebuke Jbn 3 ; hu- miliate by defeat Pr 25 s ^ 44 10 ; cause shame to p r 2 8 ; ;— Ju 18 7 is crpt. (see Be VB GFM ; Be prop."i3V73 "tonp there was no lack of any- thing, for MT "I 0*JOP; GFM conjectures K&JB "lino <Aere is no one to restrain (us) from any- thing in the land). 2. exhibit shame Je 6 15 (|| Eta). Hoph. P/. 1. 1 pi. «©» «•> 1 S 25 15 we were not insulted, humiliated (cf. Hiph. 1). 2. 3 pi. 'OJJIin Je 14 3 they were put to sluime, dislwnoured, confounded (||Bh3). tn^TO n.f. insult, reproach, ignominy; — abs. '3 Is 45 16 + 9t.; cstr. n»?| Je 20" + 3 1.; s f. vjqfa jb 2o 3 + 3 1., etc.; pi. nieps Mi 2 6 Is

6 ;— 1. specif., insult, reproach,'! W K> Mi2 6 

reproaches do not cease; 'nB?| "1MD Jb 2cS=my beshaming (insulting) correction, i.e. the correc- tion which insults me. 2. in gen., reproach, ignominy, opp. 1133 ^ 4 3 J ' 3 ? "P" Is 45 16 9° into ignominy ( + 6*3, 0^33); oft. ||n#3 Is 30 3 6 1 7 V'44 16 '. SUD J- of n ?^ J e 3 M our ignominy covereth us, so under fig. of garment, after BW ^35 W ( + Bi3, nan in v a ), 109 29 ; ||nB-in ^69* (subj. of '33 nnD3) ; Je 5 1» (id.; tfo in II cl.), ^7i 13 (+Bn3 in "U cl.) ; ynp + nBin 69 20 ; rbw Pn8"; ||pils50 6 ; O^P '3 Je2o" (t*3 in ||cl.); ^nB^3 Ez 16 63 (id. II); oft. in Ezek. '3 NB>3 /W ignominy, Ez i6*"» (||t*3), v M (^33 in || cl.); 32 2«.25.30 ( a n + TO nnVTlS with those who go down to the pit ; ref. to ignominious death), 36 7 39 26 (fci vera .=bear the humiliating sense of undeserved kindness from *> ; but txt. dub., Hi Co, q. v., ['3] 1E>3; Sm Da defend) ; n&f KfeO tfian, i.e.caused by the nations, 34 s9 36 s , also v 15 (|| nnsp. nain) ) pro b. also ^8$ M (rf. nebs, cf.VB CheBae); t^TB^ Bnt^HJ D^Jf '3} EZ44 13 . t TV'ob'2 n.f. ignominy ;— only cstr. rUB?3* D^iy Je 23" (|| e^J> nsnn). tn^~)3 n.pr.loc. (si vera 1.) Ez 27 s3 , named after "WSte, © Xap^ai-; =mod. Kalwddlia near Bagdad, ace. to G. Smith T8BA1 - 61 Dr* 206 , cf. Schr C0T ; but txt. dub. v. Co ; Snoi, whence Mez sudt n**« m 1-10-^3 aiZ 3/ea7a ; JKi Hi Co "MD?| (?|rij>3"!) Asshur was as </«'«« apprentice (v. sub noi>) t» trading; but sense not very prob. trnV? (van d. H, so Norzi; Baer K$ft) n.pr.loc. in Babylonia, Gn io 10 (J), © XaAoMq; D l r * "* prop, identif . with Bab. Kul-unu=Zirlab (conquered bySargon in 7 io: COT G ° 10 ' 10i Am6 ' i ), but dubious, and site of Zirlab unknown. t Huf?! Am 62 » P rob - = 'W? Is ' ° 9 n.pr.loc. city (conquered by Assyria under Sargon ?) poss.=nS3 (q. v.) Ez 2 7 23 , © om. in Am 6 2 , XaXa^n Is 1 o 9 ; perh. = Kullani (Wkl GeKh - B * b ' ») i.e. (Tomkins F6BAJ,I ' lm61 ) Kullanhou, near Aleppo, conquered by Tiglath-Pileser III in 738 (COT"- 195 ); or (Di) Kunulua (KG 217 KB '• 107 ), SE. of Antioch (cf. Dr Am6 ' 2 ). t (-T03 vb. faint (Ar. ZJ> is be pale of face, ^ray (of daylight), weak-eyed, l^ blind from birth ; Syr. ojcta be blind), only fig.— Qal Pf 3 ms. , lV'3 ^p '3 jf 63 s /oi'ti* (with longing) for thee (||V$ lj> "$«$). tDi"TO3 n.pr.m. 1. attendant of David 2 S i9 38 - 39 =in»3 v 41 ; © in all Xi^aafi, ©L A*t- paap. 2. in n.loc. DnCO nri3 Je 41 17 Qr (Kt rjniD3), cf. nrw p . 158 supr. ]rTC3 2 S 19 41 , v. foregoing. Tf23 v. HD. *I7D3 v. sub 3 p. 455 supr. mO3 Je 4 i 17 Kt, v. DnEG. tffiiOS n.pr.div. Chemosh (c?D3 MI 3 - 58U - . a J g0 pgQ -, n jJ^ J17 an( J n .p r . m . 1^08*03 l 1 ; As. Kammusunadbi, a king of Moab Schr. coTi,i»i ; =KATa.288. c f f ur ther Bae 8 "' 13f - m2SS No ZMG lass, 471 . @ xapws) ; — god of the Moabites to whom Solomon erected a high place i K 1 1 733 2 K 23 13 Je48 7 (KtB^D3),v 13 . Moab is'3-Qy Nu2 i^ode) people of Chemosh, and Moabites his sons and daughters, cf. Je 48". He is said to be also the God of the Ammonites Ju 1 1 26 (probably an error Bae 8 *" 5 GFM). TftD (A>f foil.; mng. dub.; Ar. IjS is bunch, Jieapj. ttOT3 n.[m.] name of a golden ornament; _'3i nyseii Dj3j nn Ex 35 s2 ; njno n'tosi ""iV^? '31 ^3y. Nu'31 60 (both P). UTD3 Je48 7 Kt, v. BntD3. |^D (^of foil, (si vera 1.); perh. be hidden^ cf. Aram. f!?3, <^a, He in ambush; Ar. ^S id. is deuom. fr. loan-word ^j-^S ace. to Frii 243 ).