pro 485 t[]03*2] n.[m.] only pi. hidden stores, e]D3ni 3njn ^D3D Dn n 43 (?rd. ^bDD). t iQ3 a.m. cummin, plant grown as condi- ment (© Kifuvov, cuminwm cyrninum; Plin. nh.ii.8j Germ. < romischer Kiimmtl;' Low N ° 162 ; V^ub.; NHid; Aram. WiB3, tf ojaa ; Ar. ^5, Eth. h«^.1: on format, cf. Lag BN89 ; loan-word ace. to Di 832 );— Is 28 2i!7S7 . t[Du3] vb. store up (si vera 1.), in Qal Ft. pass. DCS Dt 32 s4 is not this stored up (laid up in store) with me (|| ,r nsiN3 DWn); but rd. prob. D*3 in same mng. (v. D33, and Dr 1 " 32 ' 34 ). tDt!^ Ezr 2 27 =Ne7 31 ; = B>p3p (v. Baer's notes) 1 S 1 3 2 + 6 1. 1 S, + 2 t. ; — city in Benjamin, N. fr. Geba and Jerusalem 1 S 1 3 P (E. fr. Bethaven), v 111623 14 531 Is io 28 Ne 1 1 31 ; 'D <W3* Ezr 2 W = Ne 7 31 . © Ma X (*)nas, etc. (On Mikrnds v. Bob BB '• 440ff - Buhl GoogI - {96 .) fl. [Tp3] vb. Niph. grow warm and tender, be or grow hot (NH id. Pi. heat fruit in the ground, making it ripe, over- ripe, tender; Aram. 103 id., and more gen. make warm (one's flesh, or food); cf. kenr, fermentation, etc., in mod. Syria Wetzst ZPVxlva89,) ' 6 )— Wiph. Pf. 3 pi. ritMJ Gn 43 30 +2 t., VT233 La5 10 ;— I. grow warm and tender, fig., subj. D'DITl; '3 vrtN-^s l'prn Gn 43 30 (J), so aj?"^ n'cni 'j 1 K 3 s6 ; ('oqi We) 'gW '3 nrr Ho 1 1 8 fll^ru yfr "Sv). 2. 6e or #rew /io*, 'J "WO yiij? '131 "OBD La 5 10 our skin has become hot like a furnace, because of the famine. II. 1QD (1 -/of foil.; cf. Syr. ;.v>-> Mac/fc, (far/!;, usu. gloomy, sad; ;_ia. jjaalf fee sacA. T[T , "]Tp3] a.m. darkness, gloominess (,), pi. iutens. cstr. Di' 'Tib 3 Jb3 s <7ie deep gloom of day( Wn , flicta, njjyjj—rd.'OS.v. Di Sta* 231 . III. "")QD (•v/offoll.; cf. As. kamdru, over- throw, lay prostrate, whence n. kamdru, net, snare Dl UWB336 and "103 priest ace. to D1 HA42 , i.e. one who prostrates himself; also Mand.~lE3 turn round, bring back No M443f andN.Syr. jjaa pursue No'"-PS 1759 ). T^TO'D n. [m.] net, snare, bringing an animal to its fall, "O Siri3 Is 51 20 like an ante- lope of (in) a net or snare (cf. 11. D^n p. 357, II. JIBn p. 440). t ["lb^ n. [m.] net, snare (v. foregoing) — pi. sf. D'ye*! V"!b3C3 W ^ i 4 i 10 ; so Gr Che
11 (nno3»a for MT 'niibnp3, v . p. 243).
t [jTV33tt] n.f. net, fishing-net ; sg. sf. innpsp Hb'i 16 (|| nsn, and D-jri), v 16 , both in fig. of conquering Chaldeans. trnppp n.f. id.; D^D-ja-by 'd *bnbi i s i 9 8 (||n3n'-iw3 ^bute). t[^Q3] a.m. (idol-)priest (so NH "«?»; Aram, jtaooa, 8^0*3, is also priest of God; Nerab 1D3 Hal ""• « m - ""■ »■•; Nab. 1D3 priest CIS"- Nol7 °, TeimatOBS id. CIS "• Nol,s *••>•>""; so nM Neo-Pun. Eut ZMa lm - * 239 Berger JA.Apr.-Ju«,l*r.««B. perh Te j ^ m fa^^ Bez 8 *' ausri, or.Dipi.92. Wkl™ 1 - 15 ' 33 leaves untransl.);— pi. abs., in 0. T. only of idol-priests; D^p?^ 2 K 2 3 6 , vies Ho io 5 , D'Jnbri-Dy 'sn z P i 4 . 'in Ho 4 4 Beck (in Wii 142 ) We prop. I^p?? "BJJI (for MT *3np3 ^SSn). jlQD (-/of foil., meaning unknown), tnnn^n alw. 'Qn, Jos 16 6 (® Uavunv, ©L (is hx6a>6, A Uaxd<->6), if ptJ'^p 'Qn ; @ ArjKavttO, A drrA A<7fp Ma^Bad, and simi- larly ©L), place in NE. Ephraim, near border of Manasseh, between Shechem and Taanath Shilo ; Buhl """- 109 conj. Khirbet kefr beita. I. ]3 adv. so (Ph. NH X id.; Syr. ^o is then, Ar. ^i>), ("j^J. but : prob. from the demonstr. Vka, found in '? etc., Ko" -1,254 ); (K'n)«in-[3 Gn 44 10 +4t.:— so (i.e. usu., as has been described or commanded, with ref. to what has preceded), mostly of manner, but sts. also of quantity, quality, or degree ; 1. a. Ju 5 31 H3N* p so perish thy enemies, Jb s 27 "J3
- WJ, 8 13 btt ^nsv bs nimN p, Pr6 M 8' 3 2S16 23
Is 36 s 47 15 ^^ rn p, Nu i3 33 Dn'j'ya u«n pi ; Nu9 16 T>cn nT p ; Ex io 1414 fU-iK p fWl N^> 'jl 1H03 (i.e. in such numbers), 1 K io 12 N3 iS texkn '•w p, v 20 2 Ch i 1212 , Ju 2 1 14 iNso xh p Dilp and they did not suffice for them so (viz. in such numbers of them as there were); i K
26 y0n 3ron pi, EZ41 7 ; 'b pi Ex 27" 1 K
io 29 Ez 40 16 2 Ch 35 12 , cf. 1 Ch 23 30 ; 'b p Ex 25 s3 (cf. 26 s4 ), Jos 2 1 40 . b. the force of || has sts. to be elicited from the context : i K 2 7 VK 13"ip p '3 (sc. with kindness such as that enjoined in v a ), 20 40 ^SBTS p, Je 14 10 12HN p V13? (i.e. not less than ^ has withdrawn from