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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/515

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HDD . a. fig. = royal dignity, authority, power, "pj iKDSi Agin 2 S i4 9 ; '3^ in^iii ty-it!« inb i K 2 s3 ; esp. kingdom., c. vbs. of setting up, establishing, '•< subj., 1H '3 D'pr? 2 S 3 10 , W$? ^]KD3 ,/, 89 s , so c. B'k v 30 ; king subj., nS?D tab? IDna Pr20 28 ; pass. P33 HW TfJ " 3 » K2* <Ae throne of David shall be established, cf. 2 S 7 16 = iChi7 u ; '3 IDna f?vn I 8 16 s (of Mess, reign); so (in gen.)"'3 |13> 'np^Xa Pr 16 12 , cf. 25 s 29 14 ; intrans. (c. rpn) fr89 37 ; more fully, "• subj., W3^)OP '3TIS V0331 2 S 7 13 (1KD3 fib in || 1 Ch if 2 ), "h? ypfflQ 'a-riK Tibpm ^1^ 1 K 9 5 , cf. II 2 Ch'7 18 and '3 "Hiram Hf^T^J? in'3f)9 1 Ch 22' ; also '3 "«D V 8 9 4S cas< tfoiwi throne, of Gentile nations '3 "fOSni ni3^»C» Hg 2 s2 ; *S"9» 3B» m< on the throne of any one (esp. David) = be his successor 1 K jl3.17.20.J4.27.30.So.48 2 13 36 2 K jjM esp _ J e j 3W j y25

2 + 5 t, Je ; ^ '3^ OB* yfr 132" ; more fully 

1 Ch 29 s3 ; fcaus. 'b-^'a^in i K 2 24 5 19 2 K io 3 ; '2? a^'n fig. Jb36 7 , of placing in honour; rf? 'ai» jvb>k i3ca net? ^ 132 11 ; t^5!> , 'ybv also = ta/ce one's seat as king, become actual king, possess royalty I K 16", oft. sit on the throne of Isr. I K 8** Ch6" iK io 9 2 K 10 s0 15 12 , Je 33 17 ; without 3B* 1 K 2* 9 6 , cf. also Is 9 6 (Mess.); llW^OC KDS^V 3ST Dt 1 7 18 , na&pn XD3-^V 1 K i" 46 , and even TZfb hr^T^S * "^^ N ??"^5? iCh28 5 ; also 3B* B^fn 'a-bj? 2k 11 19 , yns^oQn'a 2 Ch2 3 30 ; of (royal) throne as judgment seat Pr 20 8 , cf. also yjr 122 5 ; set one upon the throne of Isr. "b» '3-^1? 'a yna 1 K 10* «f. || 2 Ch 9 s ; in com- par. sentence 'S'? taD?~]"lK 7W t i.e. make him a more powerful king than, 1K1", cf. v 47 ; of king of Babylon, "ND3 BnK iwpaaia!) byt2D Is I4 1S . In ^45 7 Ml Btfol ^SD3 the "text is prob. corrupt: AE HiEwBae read thy throne is (a throne) of God; Bi Che insert "irniD" rttlW ID'pn thy throne [its foundation is firmly fixed], God [has established it]; v. further Dr 5l94 ' ob * +b. throne of '* (DwK) = his royal dignity, sovereignty, La5 19 f 93 2 io 3 19 ('3 pH; ftWpP);

  • $33 '3 Je 14' 21 ; iEH? '3"^S 38* ,/, 47";

wwp? [iap ceBto p-jar -^ S9 1S cf. 97 s . fl. [J1D3] vb. cover (NH HD3 Pi ; Aram. KD3 chiefly Pa ; eao Pa. /wcfe, cover; Ueos covering, )&£flC garment; At. Lli (j-~j) clothe, 'AulS garment ; As. /«<#$, cover ; /cm- sta, garment D1 HWB342 )— Qal, only Pf. acf. HD3; — l. conceal shame Pr 12 16 ; knowledge Pr^ 23 . 2. pa««. (cstr.) Tmn «ID3 ^32' covered in respect of sin (by God, which he thus puts out of tight) (|| ytrB-iVeo). Niph. Pf 3 fs. nrrraj, covered, with waves Je 51 42 ; /w/. cstr. DiDSn Ez 24 s , (blood) not to be covered. Pi. Pf. 3 ms. HD3 Nu 9 15 + 12 t.; sf. WD3 Lv i7 13 Nui7 7 ; teM Ex 15 10 ; 3 fs. fine? G1138 15 + 5t.; is.WB| V32 5 + 3t.; VIS? Ez 3 i ,6 (del. Co); WB3 Ez 32 7 + 13 t. Pf.; Impf. 3 ms. nBZ) Is 6 2 +8t.; D3"l Ex io ,5 + 4 t.; sf. JM^ Hah 2 i-. n3D3> Ez 30 19 ; 3 mpl.sf. WJIJ9J Exi5 5 + 41 t. Impf.; Imv. sf. WD3 Ho io 8 ; Inf. cstr. niD? Mal2 13 +nt; riB3Nu4 15 ; sf. inbs Ex

13 ; Pt. nB3D Pno 18 +i2t.; pl.D^DSOIsii 9 ; 

fpl. niD3D Ez I 112323 ;— 1. cover, clothe Ju4 19 Ez 1 6 10 (2 ace), v 18 ; Jon 3" is appar. reflex., c. ace. of garment (strange; rd. perh. D3?l); naked- ness Gn 9 s3 (J), Ex 28 42 (P), Ez 16 8 Ho 2 11 ; the naked Is 58 7 Ez 1 8 716 ( + ace. rei); the face and legs of seraphim Is 6 22 ; bodies of cherubim Ezi n.23.23. the face Gn 3 8 I5 (J), Ez i2 6 - 12 , fig. Jb 23 17 ; earth with the great deep |f 104 6 ; heavens with glory Hab 3 3 ; with 3 of the clothing Gn 38 14 (J), Dt 22 12 , these two appar. reflex., cf. Jon 3 6 supr.; Ju 4 18 1 K i 1 ; heaven with clouds (f 147 8 , with glory Ez 32 7 . 2. cover, conceal blood Gn 37 s6 (J), Jb 1 6 18 ; human ordure Dt23 14 ; mts. conceal men from God Ho 1 o 8 ; cover transgressions Jb 3 1 s3 Pr 1 7 9 28"; iniquity V'32 5 ; righteousness i//40 n ; hatred Pr io 18 ; a thing Pru 13 ; face of judge so that he cannot see justice Jb9 24 ; rulers and seers Is 29 10 ; with 3, of covering Lv 1 7 13 (H), 1 S 19 13 ; face by fat Jb I5 27 ; sun by a cloud Ez 32 7 ; with ?«? from whom Gn i8 17 (J), Jb 33 17 . 3. cover (with covering of protection), a pit Ex 2 1 33 (Covt. code); with cloud of incense, the Kapporeth Lvi6 13 (P); coverings of the sacred tent, tabernacle, and their furniture Ex 26 13 Nu 4 9 - 16 (P); with 3 of the covering Nu 4 5 - 8 - 11 " (P) ; Zion , 1' ?S3 Is 5 1 16 . 4. cover, sjrread over, fat, the inwards Ex 29 1322 Lv 3 3 - 9 »4 8 (with b$), 7 3 (P); leprosy, the skin and flesh Lvi3 1213 (P); the cloud of the theophany, the mount Ex 24 1516 (P), the tent of meeting Ex 40 34 Nu 1 7 7 (P), and the tabernacle Nu 9 1516 (P) ; altar with tears Mai 2 13 (2 ace.) ; Jerusalem with multitude of camels Is 60 6 ; of handiwork 1 K 7 18 - 4112 =2 Ch 4 1213 . 5. cover, overwhelm, sq. accus., the sea the Egyptians Ex 1 4 s8 (P), 1 5 5!0 (song), Jos 24 7 (E), f 78 53 io6 11 ; waters Jb 22" 38 s4 ^ 104 9 Je 46 s Ez 26 19 ; locusts the eye of the land Ex