h^ fin. 113 a.m. name of a plant, El Henna (/dub.; NH ID'S; Aram. tOBO, )i»eo; Ar. .£7 Henna, see Low No - 1M ) — a shrub or low tree, with fragrant whitish flowers growing in clusters like grapes, "iBSn /b^K cluster of Henna Ct i" (fragrant, fig. of a beloved one); pi. DnD3 Ct 4 13 . t["C2] n.m. village (/dub.; NEMB3; Aram. K3"1D3 ; Syr. J£as, looi.ai>; As. kapru D1 HWB348 );— sg. cstr. 'jittjn 133 Jos 18 24 Kt village of the Ammonites, or roieyn '3 Qii, a vil- lage of Benjamin, possibly Kefr 'Ána', 3 miles N.ofEethelSurv"- 2W ;^.0 , 1?3Ct7 12 iCh27 25 . fiv. 1C3 n.[m.] village; — only sg. cstr. fJlH 133 1 S 6 18 villages of the peasantry. <, 2'V3Vn"Ov.-iS3supr. tjTV£3 n.pr.loc. city of the Hivites sub- sequently assigned to Benjamin., Jos 9 17 18 26 Ezr 2 25 =Ne i™; © Kxpcipa, etc.;=mod. Kefireh JJ ob BB 1IU« Gu ^ r ; n Jud. 1. 283 IT. Mem lli. 36 Buhl G. J94. p.169. TD V VE3 Ne6 2 , prob. = foregoing (® al. n. appell. = villages). IV.1SD (/of foll., = <Kgr? cf. Sab.lB3.vb. dig, n.cave, DHM A " ,2elBerdwleMrAk - , "" 1 - hl,, - c, " DM - 17 - 1884 , quoted by Eut 1 "" 27 ; No'"' comp. also Eth. YX&.C: basket, measure; Nab. 133 cave,sejmlchre, synon. of snap No in Eut N * blb ) fOittl n.m. bowl (NH id.; $ Kites)— bowl of gold or silver, used in the temple (late), '3 i Ch 2 8 1717 - 1717 ; pi. cstr. *&} 1 Ch 2 8' 7 -' 7 Ezr i 1010 S 27 .
11. "liES n.m. hoar frost (NH id.) — '3
f i 47 »>; Ib3 Ex 16" (P), Jb 3 8 M . t[t#S3] vb. only Hiph. make bent, press or bend together (NH Hiph. id. ; S?33 furnish a vessel with a bent rim, 8*313 a broad- rimmed vessel; Ar. u-iS have bent or crooked feet; Tel Am. kapdsu, sole of foot D1 HWB348 (doubtfully), but inf. fr. E>33 ace. to Wkl T,l Am. letter,,' VocbA ;_Hiph. Pf 3 ms. sf. 'S^W K3 La 3 16 lie made me cower in the ashes. fi. "faffiS, "tfffj n.m. 1. capital, 2. knob, bulb (2. perhaps earlier mng. ; Hoffm zaw in. (1883). i2*^ com p_ g vr- Jj^aaa pear (Low
- ), from shape);— 1. "tin33 Am 9 1 capital
of pillar; so pi. sf. nnriB? Zp 2 14 . 2. "VIM,
knob or bulb, ornament on the golden lamp-
stand in tabernacle; G (Greek characters), JosArch iii 6,7 (
Greek characters), small pomegranate ; B saphaerula:—
Ex25 33 - 33 - 35 - 3S - 36 = 37 1919 - 21 - 21 - 21 ; sf - !T^*S 25 31 ' 34
= 3l" w , Qn , "'.i T iB3 25 36 = 3 7 22 (all , p). '
■f-11. TiPC3, "^nE3 n.pr.terr. prob. Crete,
so Ew Kiep Di G "' 0M Gie Je "■ 4 al. ; cf. A.J.
Evans Cre " nPlc,oer « ,bJ < 1895, - 10< " T -; (>© @ 55 X Cap-
padncia, certainly wrong ; Mich Cyprus; Eb
A»Mi27ir. a i tne coast of tne NUe.Delta; WMM
A..EU.S871. Philistines, originally pirates from
SW. coast of Asia Minor, and the ^Egean
islands) ; — "ORBS Am 9/ (orig. home of Philis-
tines), iri33 Dt 2 a (home of Caphtorim, v.
iufr.); "W33 >K W$$ Je 47* the rest of tlie
coast-land of Caphtor. — Vid. also , n~!3 infr.
t["HrE3] adj. gent., only pi. as subst.
DnriS?' Cretans ; Gn io 14 (J) = 1 Ch i !2 ; as
expellers of the 'Awwim' from their homes
about Gaza, Dt 2 s8 .
. 13 basket- saddle, v. sub 113.
fn. 13 n.m. +65 ' 14 pasture (/dub.; Thes
der. fr. "^? lamb (= lamb-pasturage) ; Schwally
ZAW X. 0890)186 fr rn3) an( J comp Ag fc^ [ w hich
however =nursery of trees, grove Dl HWB35a ],
Ar. Ji cistern; Honi N8I0 ° from 113 q. v., orig.
■=round enclosure); — sg. only ^rnj 13 Is
30 23 a roomy pasture; pi. D^S ^37 20 , W%
fSSn '3 65 14 <&e pastures are clothed with t/ie
sheep ( > Schwally '■ Ci who tr. lambs i/r 37 20 after
Aq @ S, and 65 14 , and underst. Is 30 23 of a def.
pi.). — in. 1? lamb v. sub 113.
" n.[m.] kor, a measure (usu. dry),=
ion (Ez45 14 cf. v 11 ) (NH lis, Aram. K"»to,
)»da ; hence, as loan-words, Gk. <edpo$, Ar. Jj
Fra, 207 ; -/dub.; fro, Lag '-" 30 , cf. Id BN *
156 ; 113, No 2 " 01886 - 11 - 734 ; Dl Pro,m comp. As.
kdru, and der. fr. 113 (but see now kdru
D1 HWB349 ));— rhb '3 1 K 5 2 ; npi? '3 v 2 ; of
D"t?n v ffi »; pi. tnb of 'n and B^ 2 Ch 2"
27 s ; ">3i? as liquid measure (of oil) Ez 45".
See further Benz Arch - 18S «■ Now Arch - '• ^ and, on
capacity, v. in. 1DH p. 330 f. supr. ; in 1 K
5 =* b rd. JOS' ri3 for MT V "3 (cf. © and 2 Ch 2 9 ).
T[73"C] vb. either denom. be-mantle
(from BAram. N^3")3 Dn 3 21 , t/ this = mantle,
and not (Marti G1 ) = Ass. karballata, cap (but
' Kriegs[?]-mantei; Zehnpfund BA8 "• 5K )), or
K k 2