TO poss. quadril. bind round (from 733, with ins. ->) ;— only Pu. ^><. pass. }"» 7*1»3 ?3n3!3 i Ch i s 27 bemautled with a robe of byssus. fl. 7V13 vb. dig (NH «.,- Aram. NTJS, Eth. h«; Ar. Ij3 (c. j and esp. <jr, Dozy"- 461 ); Syr. );s is 6« sAort, cut off (i.e. rounded offl), Ar. fpSf ftoB; X *3f A«a/> Dalm Gr - ,09 ; Syr. U^, Mish. na id.; As. tere, large vessels for holding corn, etc., D1 HWB35S , cf. kiru (dub.) Wkl T.lA».T«»b.. Ba ZMQ 1887. 615 con j ec t Ure s be round as orig. v mug., and comp. Ar. cjo ,5 JO </te Zeg> is round) ; — Qal Pf 3 ms. H~)3 2 Ch 16" ^ 7 16 ; 2 ms. nns ,/, 40 7 ; 1 s. W13 Gnso 6 ; 3 pi. V13 Jeio^+st. ; sf. nri3 Nu 2 1 18 ; Impf. 3 ms. "1?! Exzi 33 ; 3 mpl. WJ Gn 26 s5 ; .P*. H13 Pr 16 27 26";— dig a grave, 1?i3 Gn 50 s (J), cf. 2 Ch 16"; a well, IN? Gn 26* (J), Nu 21 18 (song in JE) ; a pit, 113 Ex 2i M ; fig. of plotting against others ty j' e ; so sq. rime* JeiS 20 - 22 , sq. nivp 6 f II9 <* ; Bq . nriE> Pr26 27 ; hence njn H~i3 Pr 16 27 o;ie digging a calamity ; y '3 B??|? V' 4° 7 ears ^ as< ilwu dug (with allusion to the cavity of the ear) for me, thou hast given me the means of hearing and obeying thy will. — On ^22 17 v. II. Ttt. Niph. Impf. 3 ms. TinB' TTT3) ny f 94 13 until the pit be digged for the wicked, fig. of judgment. TLniS] n.f. oistern (or well), only pi. cstr. in D'jh ni3 Ti Zp 2 6 pastures of ( = with) wells of shepherds, but text dub. ; '3 a gloss ace. to Ko um - ( * M ^ A '" a - ; ® Kpfa ; We (JOTfh D'JTI ni3 ma , as @) kereth= Philistia ; v. further VtXf ; Bohrae 2 **"" 11887 ' 212 views nn3, plausibly, as erron. variant of preceding FnO, so Schwally
- "■»*»; Rothstein in Kau Ai .
t[pTj;n] a.m. pit (?), only cstr. n^O-niSO Zp 2* salt-pit (but not certain). fll. [H13] vb. get by trade, trade (NH n"i , 3 act of buying, purchase (so ' in^den Kttstenlandern,' Levy'^ 3 " 323 '); Ar. jj* let for hire) ; — only Qal Impf I s. sf. ^.SKJ Ho 3 J (d. f. dirim., si vera punctat., Ge8 i20-2,b ; but cf. We) ; 3 mpl. TO Jb 40 30 ; 2 mpl. Tin Dt 2 s Jb 6 27 ; — </e< by trade, buy, c. ace. Ho 3 2 Dt 2 6 ; sq. "75? Jrade m, «ta/ce <rad« of Jb 6 27 40 30 . till. [7113] vb. give a feast (lit. per- haps bring (guests), invite; cf. As. kar4, bring, kirelu, feast, kireti iskun, lie gave a feast, Dl HWBS52 ) ;— only Qal Impf. c. ace. cogn., tTffl i"Di"I3 rna Dnp 2 K 6 a and he gave a great feast for them (the context requires this sense, but text dubious, No 2 " 01886 ' 724 , cf. Klo). tpPS n.f. a feast, 2X6" (si vera 1. ; v. foregoing).
n.m. cherub ,—'3 Ex 25 19 + 26 t.;
pl.D ,| a'i3^99 1 + 33t.; D'rTQ Ex25 18 + 29t,; (NH id'; Aram. N3TI3, ]i w ; ^dub.; As. kardbu = be gracious to, bless D1 HWB300 , but adj. karuou is great, mighty, Id' bK2 ; on poss. connex. with 3113 cf. Dl in Baer ■»*•»*■; As. kirubu = sedu (name of winged bull in Assyr.; v. Len 0r, « lDMM18 ' El * Tr - ,2li Dl Plr154 ) has not been verified, cf. y.F. 2 *' 68 '- Budge Elp0! - Apr - Mw ' ,885 Teloni ZA - v ' I24ff -; the older view, connecting '3 with ypv^jf, and deriving from Pers. giriften, griffen, lacks evidence and probability. — Pos- sibly the thunder-cloud underlies the concep- tion); — 1. the living chariot of the theophanic God ; possibly identified with the storm-wind yjr 1 8 U = 2 S 2 2 11 3r>3-^ 33-W and he rode upon a cherub ( flew swiftly on the wings of the wind). 2. as the guards of the garden of Eden Gn 3 24 (J). 3. as the throne of Yahweh Sabaoth, in phrase D-STOn 3K* (niK3?) " Yahweh Sabaoth throned on the cherubim 1 S 4 4 2 S 6 2 = 1 Ch 1 3 6 ; the context shews that the cherubim of the ark of the covenant are referred to, and it is probable that the same reference is in 2 K 19 16 = Is 37 16 , ^8o 2 99 1 . 4. P gives an account of: a. two cherubim of solid gold upon the slab of gold of the JT1B3 facing each other with wings outstretched above, so as to constitute a basis or throne on which the glory of Yahweh appeared, and from whence He spake EX25 18-22 37 7 ~ 9 NU7 89 ; b. numerous cherubim woven into the texture of the inner curtains of the tabernacle and the veils Ex 26 ial 36 8S6 . 5. K and Ch describe the cherubim of the temple : a. two gigantic images of olive wood plated with gold, ten cubits high, standing in the "l , 3' ! J facing the door, whose wings, five cubits each, extended, two of them meeting in the middle of the room to constitute the throne, two of them extending to the walls 1 K 6*-** 8^ 2 Ch 3 io-is g?-s . Q|, (doubtless influenced by Ez) represents them as the chariot of Yahweh 1 Ch 28 18 ; b. images of cherubim were carved on the gold plated cedar planks which consti- tuted the inner walls of the temple, and upon the olive wood doors 1 K o 29-86 2 Ch 3 7 ; and on the bases of the portable la vers, interchanging