DPD peoples, etc. 4. = decree, nVriD ty 3JI3n Jb 13 26 <Aott ('») dscreest against rne bitter things. tNlpb.. (chiefly late, esp. Est.), 7r«^f. 3fl3? Esti" + , 3 fs. nt*T 2T13P1 ^io2 19 ; 3 mpl.«n3» Jei7 ,3 + 3 t., IttTD? Jbig 23 ; P«. 3^133 Est" 3 12 + 2 t.; — 1. 6« written, subj. words, Jb 19 23 , book Mai 3 16 ; be written 1BD3 Est 2 s3 9 23 , in, or among (3) the laws Est i 19 ; once, c. "vj*, OTIS; D?>3 l-iSp-^5? ^ i 39 18 in thy (V 8 ) fo & aii of them, (my members) are written, i.e. written down, recorded (v. infr.); abs. 3^133 "ISTS 3H3 ^]?Qn OB'S Est 8 8 a writing which is written in the king's name, cf. (impers.) 3 12 ; impers. also W? Ty^"^?? 3TI3»1 Est3 12 8 9 ; '|? sq. t> =/br ^ 102 19 ; sq. ? + inf. (really = a subject-cl., — the contents of the letter) Est 3' 8 5 . 2. be written down, recorded, Ezr 8 M ; enrolled, ^HI)? «TI3? i& i>K"ib» rra Ez 13 9 m </te enrolment of the house of Israel they are not enrolled (eseha- tolog.); ttp3T^8 CPTTOy) ^69 OT (|pBBP ins^ D«rj)._«n3? n?? Jei7 13 is difficult; Gie rds., plausibly, VT$. H§5 ( cf - f 34 17 ioi 8 , etc.) tPi. frequent., Pf. and Pi., only b®V tr3rptt 13^)3 Is io 1 and busy writers that make a busi- ness of writing oppression (i.e. register unjust sentences, cf. Qal 4; || WW? n^hri). tan? n.m. E " 4 ' 7 writing (late Aram.; BA. MIS, Syr. oko);— '3 abs. iCh28 I9 +4 t.; cstr. Ez'i3 9 +4t.; sf. Pore) Est i 22 + 2 t.; D3J13 Ezr 2 62 +3t.; — writing: 1. register, enrolment, Ez 13 9 Ezr 2 62 =Ne 7". 2. = mode of writing, character, letter, TVQTJK 3V13 (IRipjin '3? Ezr 4 7 and the writing of the letter was written in Aramaic (characters ; so prob., v. Be-Ky Kyle, cf. NH Hoffm ZAW1(,881, ' s34ff ); cf. Est i^S 9 - 9 . 3. = letter, 2 Ch 2 10 Est 9 s7 . 4. of a royal enactment, edict 2 Ch 35"* ( [| 3R3D), Est 3 14 8 813 ; more fully rnn"3rra 4 s . 5. f a writing with divine authority 1 CI128 19 ; DON '3 Dn io 21 , i.e. a book of truth. tron3 a.f. only cstr. «nn t6 yjsjjg nahrn D33 Lv 19 28 i.e. a writing (mark or sign) of irnprintment, scriptio stigmatis, perh. of tattoo- ing, cf. Di (v. also Ba" 861 ). tnroo writing ; — abs. '» Dt io*+5t.; cstr.3fl3pEx32 ll, + 2 t.;— 1.=hand- vmting WW Q'nSs 3R3I3 3fl3Bni Ex 32 16 . 2. = thing written, Ex 39 30 (acc. cogn. c. 303), Dt io 4 ; specif, a royal enactment or edict (=3JTI| ), 2 Ch 35 4 (|| ans), 3 6 C2 =Ezr i 1 ; a prophetic writing 2 Ch 21 12 . 3. in a title, ^)n> 'O IS38 9 Writing of Hezekiah. t |>P2>] adj. gent, BWp, D»n?; usu. as = Cypriotes (cf. Ph. ro, TI3, Citium; on a connexion with Kheta, If-ta, Hatte, Wl, v.WMM A " ,nu ' , '"""* w ;- on «<tM»i v.Cesnola Cr[,nM46,r );— D H ri3 fJS IS23 1 , D*B? v 12 ; B>B| (as son of Yawan) Gn io 4 =i Ch i 7 ; Xff[ "2 "l^p Nu 24 24 ships from the side (direction) of Kittim; more generally, of coast-lands of Mediterranean, D^n? «S J e »» D>P13 »•* Ez 2 7 6 ; even of Macedonian Greece, D'R? D^2f Dn 1 1 30 (only here as adj., cf. Bev) i.e. Grecian ships. FP.TI3 v. sub nns. /1D (v of foil.; cf. Ar. j£5^ «iaA« tnto firm lumps or blocks, make compact ; Frey also 6iwd, imprison, Jjp 6e joined together). tpnis] n.[m.] wall of house (NH bri>3, Aram. K^nis);— only sf. «%13 Ct 2 9 . ttt^VftS a city of Judah Jos 1 5 40 , site unknown; @B Maaxas, A Xa0a>s, ®L KadaXeis. fl. [DJ"I3] vb. only Niph. be stained (NH Niph. ^. T (Jastr) ; Dri3 blood-stain; £ Uty (blood- )stained Is I 18 ; W?n , 3 blood-stain JC2 22 ; Syr. ipfco stain, defile, Pt., also Pa. Ethpa., and deriv. ; Ar. 115 is cover, conceal, so As. katdmu; Zinj.Dn3(?), DHM 80 *** 8 );- Niph. P«., fig., 'iDp t|3i5? DfOJ Je 2 22 stained is thine iniquity before me (cf. Eng. phr. iniquity of deepest dye). II. Qj~0 (/of foil.; meaning unknown). t DnDTp n. [m.] Mikhtam, a term, techn. in i^-titles, meaning unknown (© orrjKaypcupia : cf. Bae r '- "• """); alw. c. ~l)~b :— *lVj5> '» f 1 6 1 60 1 ; '» "•"!» 56 x 57 1 58 1 59 1 - J. * T DH3 a.m. La41 gold, poet. and late (perh. loan-word in Heb.; Ph. has DD3; Sab. Dn3 Hal "■ e * b ' I9 °; ka8dma as loan-wd. in Egypt., Bondi 80 ') ;— '3 abs. Jb 28 19 + 3 t., DTI| Pr 25 12 ; cstr. Dri3 Is 13"+ 3 1.;— I'SiN '3 Is 13 12 gold of Ophir (JJTS), so Jb 28 10 ^45 10 ; TBW '3 Dn io 6 (rd. perh.^BIK for TBW q.v.); '3 alone Jb3i M (|| 3HT), '3-«i)n Pr 25 12 ornament of gold (|| DW 3nj), TT t3 '3 Ct5 n ;iino '3 Jb 28 19 ; 3itsn '3n La4'(|i3nT).