tiros jJID (-/of fo.,=clothe? so Zi-hnpf. BASl ' M: , who der. therefrom As. kitinne, linen, cloth, — Ar. ,2,113; v. also Ararn. Wl?'?, JJfco and infr.) tn:P3, Tl'r n.f. tunio (NH id.; Aram. N3V13 , etc., * Uut , etc. ; Eth. fc;KI: tunic, Zinen; cf. also -/supr.);— abs. runs Gn 37 31 -t- 2 t.; n?h3 Ex28 39 ; cstr. Whs Gn37 3 +9t.; sf. iruria Gn 37* 2 S i 5 32 , i™J?3 Is 22 21 , W^R Jb 30" Ct5 s ; pi. abs. rtWg Ex 28"+ 3 t./ninsn 39 w ; cstr. rfona Gn 3"+ 2 t., nins Ezr 2 W ; sf. Drtna Lv io 5 ; — tunic, principal ordinary gar- ment" (v. Benz*"" 1 - 98 '- Now *«="•'• « f mau and woman, worn next the person, liV niri3 Gn 3 21 tunics of skin; of man 2 S I5 32 ; '3 'S Jb 30 18 mouth of any tunic (i.e. its collar); D^BB '3 Gn 37 3 - 23 - 32 i.e. tunic with long skirts and sleeves (v. OB), cf. v 23 - 31 - 313233 ; of woman Ct5 3 (put off at night); D^fS 2Si 3 1819 (of king'8 daughter ; rent, as sign of grief, cf. also 15 32 , and v. jnp). Specif, of priest's tunic Ex 2 8 4 ™ (embroidered, v. J>3B>, J'?^), V° 29 s - 8 39 s (made of W, q.v.), 40" Lv 8 713 io 6 ; &fa 13-'3 16 4 a holy linen tunic, of high priest; D'jnb-'a Ezr 2 69 Ne 7 6971 (van d. H. v 7072 ); of Shebna's official tunic Is 22 2 '. ftj^3 (•/ of following; meaning unknown). tf]Jl3 n.f. El2715 shoulder, shoulder-blade, side (NH id.; Aram. «eri3, Jil^i; Ar. *_LS ); —abs. '3 Zc 7" + ; cstr.*)"? 1 K 6 8 + , app. *]ro Is 1 1 "(but regard as appos., or rd. TO-?); s f. ■"sns Jbsi 22 ; asn? iCh 15 15 ; pi. abs. nbri3 Ex 2 8 7 + , n i B D3 iKf"; cstr. nfans Ex28 12 +, nisri3 Ez 4 i 2 +; du. sf. vara bt^+ 3 t., nieri3 1 K7 34 ; — 1. a. of man, shoulder, shoulder- blade (while by?, q.w. = neck and shoulders), vans pa rf>ra' jit? 1S17 6 ; cf. fig. of v s dwelling between the shoulders of Benj. Dt33 12 (v.Dr); bfer nD3ti>p " 1 Brt3 Jb 31 22 my shoulder- blade, from the shoulder let it fall ; as support for burdens Ju 16 3 Ez 1 2 6 ' 7 -' 2 Is 4 6 7 49^ (in fig.), Ex 28 12 Nu 7' (both P), 1 Ch 15 15 2 Ch 35 3 ; cf. ntiVlD '3"?3 Ez 29 18 every shoulder was rubbed bare (of Nebuch.'s soldiers chafed by armour and toil); as aim of bird of prey Is 1 1" (fig.); cf. shoulder of Moab Ez 25' (fig., i.e. the side of M. exposed to invasion): Ez 29 7b rd. prob. 1? (© <3 SmCo, cf. v*). b. of beasts, Is 30 6 (carrying), Ez 34 21 (thrusting, in fig.), Tjjp '2 Zc 7" a re- fractory shoulder (refusing the yoke, fig.), so N6 9 29 ; of choice meat Ez 24* (|| V$. c.= slioulder-pieces (alw. pl.)of ephod Ex28 712 - 25;!7 = 39 4 - 718M ^P). 2. a. slope, side, of mountain, KJiro; HD? Nu 34 11 , i.e. the mt.-slopes NE. of the hike, cf. Jos I5 8 - 10 ' 1 i8 121316 > 819 (all P). b. opposite side[s), sc. of door or entrance, of taber- nacle-court Ex 2 7 14 - li =38" , - ,li (all P), of temple iK6 8 7 3 " !U9 =2Ch4 10 , 2Kn 1111 =2Ch23 1010 ; cf. Ez 40"""-"-"-""" 41 226 46 19 47 12 . 3. sup- ports of the bases for the lavers beside the temple iKf"' 51 . [HJ^D] vb. surround (in Pi.), (Aram. "W3 Pa., wait, hope for ; i%j* Pa. wait, await, remain; i.e. peril, surround expectantly, v. Jb 36 2 infr.)— Pi. Pf 3 pi. VW3 Ju 20 43 of surrounding an enemy; sf. ^'"Ujl? ^ 22 13 (in fig.; |PJ«?D); Imv. ')-*<&? 3h $& wait, I pray (as in Aram.) Hiph. Impf. 3 mpl. VIPD? '? D'fp'IX ^ 142 8 dub., throw out crowns (Ges* 538 ), i.e. appear with crowns (denom. fr. "^3 ; but this very late — only in Est.) ; fig. for <rm»y>/j,because of me ; but Gr Che V^EJV ( v . I. nsa); njn nFD! Pr 1 4'* dub., Thes De al. throw out knowledge as a crown, make knowledge their crown (denom. fr. ins ; but v. supr.), Now, encompass know- ledge, i.e. possess it (|| !!)',); sense good, but meaning of '3 without ||. Pt.~PFQi® surround- ing (as Pi.) Hb i 4 (c. ace. of enemy). T*1P3 n.m. orown ((perh. Pers. loan-word Lag 08 *" 11 - 21 "); NHti.; Aram. ^3; Ar.jHi the higher hump of a camel) ; — always cstr., in combin. nwpp '3 royal crown Est i 11 2 17 (both of queen), 6 8 (of king). < . . niPB, fOrTO n.f. capital of pillar (as surrounding, crowningits topi); — abs. J"Tiri3 iK ">«+iot.; nnnisn Je52 22c ; pi. abs. rnris 1 K > 6 4. 7 t., niin'3 2 Ch 4 ,2 - ,2U ; — capitals of pillars P?; and 1J?3 1 K 7 l61616 + 1 2 1. 1 K 7 = 2 Ch 4 121213 ; 2K25 ,71717 = Je52 Z! - 2S1B . t [t^JHD] vb.pound, pound fine,bray (NH id.; Aram. tJ'ns ; Syr. *& is strive, contend; Zinj . ET13 break in pieces, shatter, DHM SendKh - M ) ; — Qal/mp/.t5>n3133 ^IKH-riK EfaprrDK Pr 2 1 ] 22 if thou shouldest bray the fool in the mortar. Tltjri-TD n.m. mortar (place of pounding, braying ; cf. Palm, BTDD = contundens Vog No - 97 )— abs. 'D Pr 2 7 :2 (v. foregoing) ; hollow resembling a mortar Ju 15 19 (whence came forth a water-spring; cf. GFM), Zpi" = a part of Jerusalem, cf. Schwally 2 ^ 1 - 0890 173 '-