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t [J"irG] vb. beat, crush by beating (NH «.; Aram. nrfi);— Qal Pf. i s. $"?) + 89"; Imp/. 1 s. TlbW Dt 9 2 '; /mr. mpl. W3 Jo 4 10 ; Pt. pass. TW13 Is 30 14 Lv 2 2 24 ; — 1. beat or crwsA yJne, of a potter's vessel Is 30 14 , the golden calf Dt 9 21 ( + 30? fine) • a sacrificial victim Lv 2 2 24 (i.e. its testicles; + W?, P™, "I" 1 ?); fig. of enemies ^89". 2. 6eat, hammer (ploughshares into swords, cf. Pi. 2) Jo 4 10 . Pi. Pf. 3 ins. Tina 2 K18 4 2 CI134 7 ; 3 mpl. VW31 consec. Is2 4 + 2 t.; — as Qal 1. beat or crush fine 2 K 18 4

Ch 34 7 (of images) ; fig. of devastating the 

land Zc n 6 . 2. beat, hammer (swords into ploughshares, cf. Qal 2) Is 2 4 = Mi 4 3 . Pu. Pf.

mpl. VUjOl 2 Ch 1 5 6 and they were beaten in 

pieces, one nation against another. Hiph. Impf.

mpl. VIS'l Dt 1 44 beat in pieces an enemy, 

sf. DWI|»1 Dtt*l Nu 14*. Hoph. /wip/. 3 ms. ny^'-ns^ njKK'* Is 24 12 and to ruins is t/te gate crushed; 3 mpl. VI3J Mi i 7 (of idol-images) ; fig. of warriors Je 46 s ; of frail man Jb 4 s0 . Tn^riS adj. beaten; — only in combin. f^na |OB* beaten oil, i.e. oil made by beating or pounding the olives in a mortar ; esp. fine and costly (cf. Levy 1 ""™"- 443 sub nTO) ; _i K 5 s6 Ex29 40 Nu28 5 ; liKl|6 '3 ?} m JOB' EX27 20 jwtre beaten olive oil for the lamp = ljv 24 s (Hex only HP). t [nrO J n.f. the crushed or pulverized =coll. crushed fragments; — sg. sf. 'WOO Is 30 14 (result of WIS, y«).


, twelfth letter; used as numeral 30 in postB.Heb.

prep, to, for, in regard to (Moab. Ph. b, 

Aram. ?,^., Arab. J, Eth. A: As. la in lapdn = 'Osi> ) 'Dl HWB630 ), before tone-syllables usu. b (Ko i,S7 " c ); with roil. »£; $, nsb fGn 27 s7 2 S 18 22 Is 3 6 , ^; f. $, • , 3yt2K 4 2 Ct2 13 Kt (prob. N. Pal. dialect : cf. Syr. w^i£); b (15 t., ace. to Mas., written incorrectly N? ■ v. *b note); ffy, hb fNu 3 2 42 Zc 5 11 Ru2 14 ; jf; D3^>; mbb fEz 1 3 18 (f?^> does not occur); On?, poet, toj (55 t., incl. a few cases where, ace. to many, it stands for r? : cf. Ges S' 03 - 2 *'"^ Di 1 * 44 ' 1563 - 8 ), [also^non^ tJei 4 16 ]; $ [g$ (q. v.) + Eu 1 "- 13 , fl|r6 5 t., v. flBf}]. Prep, de- noting direction (not properly motion, as ?K) towards, cr reference to ; and hence used in many varied applications, in some of which the idea of direction predominates, in others that of reference (cf. Giesebrecht D1 " Pr * p ' L * n,ed ' ,87 ') : — 1. very often, with various classes of verbs, to, towards, for: viz. a. verbs of looking, listening, attending, waiting, etc., as fONn , bbhrr, i>n Wnn, tp3J, rta (f 84'+ ), jtn non, ai> (ns*, pan, noa) jna, rnp, 3"e>pn, jidb> (sts.), NOV to thirst for (Ex 17 3 ^ 42*), HinnB'n (<o Gn37 10 , towards ^ 99 s ) ; sts. also with p?Nfi, B<3n, B3J, nm, e*SJ, NBO (gee these verbs; many are also construed with other preps.); IS51 6 VM4 21 ; pregn. Is 38 14 ; b finnan fGn 24 21 , b t^inn Nu 30 68 : sts. without a vb., as Ju5 9 ) if t Je5 s b rm *33 18 (II b«), 3 9 8 «*n "f? "Ti^mn, 120 7 rrorhth non, 130 6 nefes »JT»6 (cf. IS26 8 ), 143 6 Dnn 27 2 Ch 3 13 32". b. with verbs of saying, calling, singing, vow- ing, sacrificing, etc., as ">DK, 13T (chiefly with God as subj.=promise, Gn24 7 1X5*+, esp. in D b 13T T(te Dt i" (v. Dr), v 21 etc.; with human subj. Gn49 28 JU14" 1 K. 2" al. (Gie 421 : bit 13T is more common), n3t, not, min, T3H, TtJ, T NBO (in oath) Ez 20 s - 6 - 23 1// 106 26 , 10p, ynn, y355>3, "K? etc. c. with vbs. of giving, leaving, bringing, offering etc., as iPSn, ^Sn aWo< (J0S13 6 ), jru, TJDfl, 3T5? V' 16 9 abandon to Sheol, Is 18 6 , 3nprt L.V17 4 , ait? = <o 6e returned Dt28 31 , D'Ein = Jn'ni; 6«cA 22',= requite 2 S 16 12 , l"IJB', etc. d. with vbs. of dealing, acting towards (whether with friendly or hostile intent), as b rtety Gn 19" + oft, b ^03 Is3 9 ; so with 3B"n, Vin, ion, sort to sin against (Gn 20 9 + ), DW to be guilty tov:ards (Lv5 19 ), ytf, B»n3 to lie to, 3J3; with vbs. of mocking or laughing, against, at, as p 3V? V' 2 4 , j> pn'E» 37 ' 3 , i) nob to rejoice <wer 35' 19 Ez 35 15 , caus. b nob ^30 2 , b ybv t25 2 : with other verlis denoting hostility (less common than 3 or by), Gn 2 7 4, "jnni> -]b orono, 2 K 5 7 , Ex n 7