tvnrm 31 they that corns after Jb 1 8 2 ° (Ges Schl)Ec i n 4 16 ,but Is 4 1 4 the last, Jb 19 25 Dip; "isjri>y fiinto and as one coming after (me) (and so'ablo to' establish my innocence when I am dead) will he ('pKll my Vindicator) arise upon the dust. — The fern, is used adverbially (cf. njb>K")) = afterwards or at the last (ace. to context): (a) absol. tDan n M ; (0) njftqaa ( opp . n$fa)$) tDt i 3 10 17'
S 2 9 2 2 S 2 26 1 K 1 7 13 Dn 8 3 ; (vVkS fNu 2 31 (P)
Ec i u . W J ~ |V '} , !!7^ 61 n-f- after-part, end; — a. of place, only f 139 9 (late) D; 'X. b. of time, Zatter ;>ar< or actual cZose (ace. to context), opp. TB'NT; — of year Dt n 12 ; of a man's life Nu 23 10 Pr 5 11 Jb8 ? 42 12 ; of a people's existence NU24 20 ; =final lot Dt 32 20 - 29 Je 12 4 3 i 17 V 73 17 ; a fu- ture, i.e. a happy close of life, suggesting some- times the idea of a posterity, promised to the righteous Pr 23 18 (|| nipn } W j )e ) 24 14 Je 29" (Hipni 'N DDp nrb), withheld from the wicked Pr 24 20 (|| '.r]n> 13 : v . i nfr ,) ; the end or ulti- mate issue of a course of action Je 5 31 Pr 14 12 23 s2 (of wine, i.e. of indulgence in it) 25 s Is 46 10 (absol., but implicitly of a phase of history) 47 7 (of the conduct described v 6b_7 *) Dn 12 8 Ec 7 8 ; of a prediction = the event Is 41 s2 . D*9*n TinnNri in the end of the days, a pro- phetic phrase denoting the final period of the history so far as the speaker's perspective reaches ; the sense thus varies with the con- text, but it often = the ideal or Messianic future; tGn49* (of the period of Israel's possession of Canaan) Nu 24 14 Dt 4 30 (of the period of Israel's return to God after adver- sity) 3 1 29 (of the period of Israel's rebellion) H03 5 Is2 2 (=Mi 4 1 ) Je 23 20 (v. Graf)= 3 o 24 4 8 47 49 39 Ez 38 16 (of the period of Gog's attack upon restored Israel) Dn 2 s8 (Aram.) io 14 (of the age of Antiochus Epiphanes): cf. D'Wn 'K3 Ez 3 8 8 . c. D^iSn K Je 50 12 the last, Undermost of the nations (of Babylon), opp. DtOT TPVVCi Am6' (Israel) cf. NU24 20 (Amalek) chief of the nations, d. concr. posterity (extension of usage noted above in Pr 24 20 ) yfr 37 37,38 (jwssibly not more than 'a future' here) 109 13 (|pi*l? DO'f "$ "OS) Am 4 s 9 1 Ez2 3 25 - 25 ( others, in these four passages, remnant, residue) Dn 1 1 4 . til. "N1N 1 Ch7 12 (ident. & meaning quite dub. ; Be thinks = ins adj. another, to avoid naming Dan (cf. Gn 46 21 Nu 26 42 ) on account of the narrative Ju 1 7 f. Ot identifies with DnnE* 8 s ). trnnN a son of Benjamin 1 Ch8' (perh. corruption of DynX Nu26 38 ,cf.also HX). DtSN ' 'THHfr* app. a descendant of Judah 1 Ch 4 8 (deriv. & mng. dub.) to^arWRjflTM satraps (Pers. Khshatfapdvan, 2>rotectors of the realm, v. Spieir AT*K 21 E » * > = (£arpan7]s, (raTpartrjs, cf. Lag 0<AU >-»M! B " alm , who rds. FD11K ; nK)_'K Est 8 . „>. cgtr ^BTWriK 3 n EzrS 36 . ^I^DM Ahasuerus = Xerxes (Pers. K)ishaydrshd= mighty + eye or man, vid. Spiegel '• oM6 ; in Aram, tntCWl, CIS UI12J [b.c. ]) king of Pers. Ezr 4" Est i 1 '- 2 " 10 -)- 18 t. Est + Est io 1 Qr (Kt BhCTIN); B'T^DK Est i 16 2 2i 3 is 37.10. a]g0 Dn 9 , where ma d e " f ^ tller of ' Darius the Mede,' cf. Meinh. T , ")TOn« but in form adj. gent. (cf. Be) 'nxn 1 Ch 4" (perh. Pers. = belonging to the realm, royal, vid. iufr.) t[pntt>nN] adj. (?) royal (fr. Pers. Khshatfa, lordship, realm, vid. Spiegel 1-c - 215 ) pi. DTTnBTlKri agreeing with BO^n Est 8 I0M . nnx v. im. CM v. DQK.
- 7t3K ( mn g- dub. ; perh. cf. Ar. jj,j make
firm, strong, cf. Thes MV). tltON n.m. Ju9 ' 15 bramble, buck-thorn (cf. Che ty 58 10 ) [rhamnus, Ar. jj»l, As. e(idu v. Dl w - No - ,8s , Aram KJB*, )^/ cf. Low*"- 15 ) contr. D'SJ/ Ju g" iiAi (personif, in fable) ; ^58'° as fuel (in fig., cf. Che); tW fija n.loc, Gn so io.n ^ r j-jj & onxo ba«). J^J^JfJ Arab. W to emit a moaning or creak- ing sound (cf. AW 1 * 5 Ges'"- 1604 ' Lane 1 "). t[*»teH Ol. 412 ] n.m. mutterer, pi. D'BK Is 19 3 mutterers (|| IVOR, D'Jjn?) i.e. either ven- triloquists or whisperers of charms (cf. 8" 2 9 4 ). TtON subst. gentloness, used only adver- bially: — a. as adverb, accus. 1 K 2 1 27 JBX IJ.jW and he (Ahab) went about softly (sc. in peni- tence); b. with p of norm or state (as in nB5b, v. {>) 2 S 18 6 "9^ ^"0*6 (deal) gently for me with the young man, Is 8" the waters of Shiloah 0$ D^'nn that go gently; with pretonic qames Jb 15 11 '^V BNp "D'n a word (spoken) gently with thee ; with sf. Gn 33" and I ^Np n^q?riK will lead on gently (lit. ac- cording to my gentleness). tQDtSK] vb. shut, shut up (Mish. DDK, cf.