pt2N 32
DOW stoppage, Aram. nt?t<; Ar. Itl contract,
stop, li>l fortress; As. afamu, in list of
headgear, etc. = <ur&<m? D1 WN ° lsi )— Qal
Pi. aci.DCK Pri7*+2t.; ;ja«s. D'OEK i K6 4 ;
rriDCK Ez 40 16 + 2 t.; — «Au«, «<o;>, obj. lips Pr
17 s8 ; ears 21' 3 Is33 is ; •p&ss. = closf!d (i.e. nar-
rowed, narrowing, cf. S in Co) (Hebrew characters) Ez
40" 4i 1626 ; cf. D'BCS D'DW ">3i^n 1 K 6 4 .
Hiph./m2?/!i.q.QalD??S^g8 5 (juss. with sense
of indie, cf. Dr smob *-) of adder, stopping ears,
sini. of wicked.
' pt2N n.[xa.] thread, yarn (etym. un-
known; onform v. Ges 84,liR - Talm.NJIBK, K3VJJK,
cord, rope; so 3) cstr. tfnfO '» Pr f
t[Ht3K] vb. shut up, close, bind (Ar.
-* " T , , v
bend, curve, 'io what surrounds, encloses)
Qal Impf. 3 fs. Wn ,/, 69 16 (rra nsa *by '" ba). T"tt2N (binder ?) a chief of Jews Ezr 2 1642 Ne 7 2145 io 18 . t^tSM adj. shut up, bound (NHIKiK, lame) Syip>~i 's {?'»{< J u jis 20 i6 a „j an bound, re- stricted, as to his right hand, i. e. left-Jianded. PM] ((Jl,A£: in Syr. in cpds. as JL,j'how? W bg ia>2 . c £ As- at - M) wJl0 ? w j Mt A +1 . inter- rog.adv. where? a. so with sf. HS'K [a verbal form, v. Sta 1856bs ] Gn 3"; H Ex 2 20 , poet. where is he?=he is nowhere Jb 14 10 20 7 (Je 37" rd. Qr n»«); DJK Na3 17 (in indirect qu.) and the place thereof is not known, D'X whire they are. Idiomatically, with the sf. anticipating the noun to which it refers (Ew sa09(: , cf. Dr B-.'.a.M) 2 K , 9 i3 non-Tibp VS w fo> r( > t « fo>, the king of Hamath ? (|| Is 37 13 W*) I s i 9 > 2 Mi 7 10 . When used alone, or with other adverbs (v. infr.),itis contracted to '« Gn 4 Dt32 37 1 S26 16 Pr 3 1 4 Qr. (The more usual form is n'N.) b. strengthened by the enclitic ni (v. HI, 4) i " l J~ , N ir , where, then i (never of a person, exc. Est 7° (late), & only once 1 K22 24 [but v. 2 Ch 18 23 ] with a verb) Is 50 1 66 11 Je 6", in indirect qu. 1 S 9 18 ; in the phrase • • • T}/}? iTPK is the way (that) . . . ? ti K 13" '2 K3 8 2 Ch 18 23 Jb3&' 9 * -24 . 2. prefixed to other adverbs or prons., 't? imparts to them an interrog. force : thus a. H]PK which (of two or more)? only Ec 2 3 ii* (late), in indirect qu. b. tnfl?"' l N wlience 1 (p?D= hence; v. sub HT) Gn 16 8 njlD"'^ riK3 1 S 30' 3 2 B i 313 Jb 2 2 ; in'indirect qu. Ju 13* 1 S25 11 ; with eubst. annexed 2S 15 2 ntt?" , K nriK "Vy lit. whence, as regards city, art thou ? Jon I s . c. +nt<P" , t< Je 5 7 upon what ground 1 (33 super quo ?) how f With other adverbs, % coalesces into one word, v. '"■a'tf, naa'X, nB^. HWI ^ (lengthened from ^K, cf. ?n & nan) interr.adv. Where P Gn i8 9 i9 5 2 2 7 ; the most gen. term expressing this idea, used of both persons & things (but never with a verb [con- trast nfa^Nj); oft. in poet. or elevated style, where the answer nowhere is expected, Is 33 18 36 19 51" Je 2 M (cf. Dt 3 2 37 *$) 1 7 15 37 19 , Jb 1 s 23 he wandereth abroad for bread H*K (saying) Where is it? 2 1 28 Zc i 6 (Dn-n>K); in the (iron.) phrase where is thy (their) God? t^42 411 79 10 115 2 (KJT1»K) Jo 2 17 ; rhetorically, of an earnest in- quiry Je2 68 J0D35 10 , or longing IS63 1115 Ju6 13 . Tp» (Aram. TO, T l' [pron. dch]) adv. 1. interrog. How? Gn 26 s 2 S i 614 1 K 12 6 Is 20 6 al. ; oft. with impf. (esp. in 1 ps.) in an expostulation Gn 39 s 44 s34 Jos 9 7 2 S 2 s2 12 18 ff 137 4 , Is 48 11 for how should it be profaned? (l)iONn ytt how canst or dost thou (do you) say...? Ju 16 15 Is i 9 11 Je 2 ™ (cf. 8 8 rcw) 4 8 14 jf n 1 ; in an indirect sentence 2 K 17 28 Je 36 17 RU3 18 . 2. as an exclam. How! whether of lamentation 2 S 1 " Je 2 21 9 18 Mi 2 4 ; or of satisfaction Is i 4 4lJ Je 48 s9 51 41 Ob 5 al.; with intensive force=/iow gladly! Je 3 19 , how ter- ribly! 9 6 (but others render here 'for how [else] should I do'? etc.)
†(Hebrew characters) (from (
Hebrew characters) and (
Hebrew characters) = (
Hebrew characters) ; cf. As. ekiam)
adv. 1 . interrog. In what manner ? rim
Tp6na>; (rather more definite than y$:=*fic;)
Dt i' 12 7 17 12 30 18 21 32 30 Ju 20 3 (indirect sen-
tence) 2 K6 16 Je8 8 ^73". 2. exclam. How!
(slightly more emph. than TO) Is i 21 Je 48 17
La i 1 2 1 4 1 ' 2 . 3. Where? (prob. north-Isr.;
cf. Aram. *$% U*!' where? Cf. Br 1 ""- " & «>)
only 2 K 6 13 Kt Ct i 7 ', — each time in an indirect
"hrrtf 2 K 6 13 Qr where ? v. na'N 3.
tnSD^ (Ct) n33^t (Est) (from 'K & naa
thus) How? only CV5 3 ' 3 Est 8 66 .
I. [pfrj] adv. (from 'K; As. aina,ainu, Arab.
' { Jj where ? ^y> ^ whence ?) only in the com-
pound pM? ]7 whence? Gn 29 4 42 7 (syn. i"W?~ , X
e.g. Gn 16 8 1 S 30 13 ) Ju 17 9 19 17 Jb i 7 ' (2 2
njp _, K); used in a rhet. or poet, style (where
njo-'N would be too prosaic) Nu 1 1 13 ^ $ RUB
whence have I flesh etc. ? 2 K 6 s Je 30" Alas !
for that day is great ; VltoS J?KO whence is its
like? (see also II. ])« ad fin.) Na 3' ^121' Jb
2 gi2.»i. j n an j n( ij rec t sentence J0S2 4 (cf. RJ^PB