MOS was ff. ff. . Ar. sun-baked bricks; so NöZGxl. 1886, 756 Lag EN 189; >others regard as As. loan-word VOJ ¹*ª; in As. a deriv. fr. labânu, throw down, prostrate, is sought D1 Pr. 83. (el. HWB 60));- Gn I 1³ Ez 4¹; 969);—' estr. na Ex 24"; pl. Das Gn 1³+ 7 t.; Bf. 969) Aslen u. Europe, 197 8;
- cf. further Rob
BE II, 4857.493 GAS Geogr. 45. Buhl Geogr. 110 and reff.; name prob. fr. whiteness of its cliffs Rob BE 1,4 BE II, 193); -wooded mountain-range on northern border of Isr. [usu. c. art. (51 t.); without art. 1i, poet. and late Ho 14° Na 1^ 2 K 19²=I8 3724, Ex5¹:1. brick, as building-material, Ez 3116.16 Is 148 29¹7 33 40 Je 184 Hb 2¹7 Zc Gn 1³ (sg. coll.; elsewh. pl.) v³; Ex 1¹; straw 10¹0 11¹ 296 Ct; c. loc. i IK used in making Ex 57, cf. v.16.18.19; Is9²(fig.; as 58]; perh. first mentioned in defining a locality, inferior to hewn stone); incense burnt on 2.=tile, Is 65³ (=roof-tiles? cf. Che Di). Ju 3³ (E acc. to GFM; this com- on which plan of city could be engraved (ppn) bination only here), but also in early proph., Ez 4¹. then in D, and later;-in defining a locality 3.=pavement, Ex 24¹ (cf. Di). Jos9¹; Jos 11" 127 (side of Baal Gad); t[] vb.denom. make brick (as As. as a marked feature, in describing extent of land labânu fr. libittu DI EWB $70); — Qal Impf. 1 pl. Dt 1² 3² 11² Jos 1¹ 135 (7-2) vª (all D), 1 KG 11³ (c. acc. cogn.); Inf. cetr. 155 88 19 Ex 57 (c. acc. cogn.), v¹ (abs.) 18.8. 9¹-2 Ch 8°, Je 22" Ze 10;Je 226 (fig. of royal house of Judah), as a height Ct 488; a Ct 7 i.e. a tower built on Lebanon; Je 18¹4 snow of L.; L. as source of streams Ct 4¹; ¡Ho 14³; most often, however, as bearing forests, esp. of cedars, Ju 9¹5 (in allegory; perh. J, acc. to GFM), Is 2¹ 14° 295 104¹, cf. I K 513. 7.7.15 2 Ch 27-7-5, 2 K 149.9=2 Ch 25 ¹8.10 (in allegory), Je 22 Ez 17³ 275 313.15.16 Zc 11¹ Ezr 3¹ 92¹3 Ct 3 5¹5 (sim. of majestic figure); ^> m² Na 1¹; 1 35³ 60¹; Spas Savi 2977 (||78); 15 527 traby n.[m.] 1. brick-mould; 2. quad- rangle (on meaning brick-mould, and fig. some- thing rectangular, v. Hoffm ZAW 1882, 53-72 Dr38 12, 31 cf. NH; Ar.; Syr. ) ;— 1. brick-mould, 2S 12¹ Qr (Kt, by error, b), Na 3". 2. quadrangle, Je 43' (at Tahpanhes). 1a5 in S min-by & 9¹ of dubious meaning, v. Thes Bae Palmen, p.xvil †73 n.[m.] poplar (appar. Ar. Eth. An: styrax officinalis; but & λeúxŋ, cf. S and Löw- No. 107);-Gn 30 inter ben; mbi nb 5 as marking places of idolatrous incense-burn- ing nkay maki pike na Ho4¹. 13 ● mak, v. nah minw. AT: twas, was } 34 1.1 'n with the same ref. Is 37"=2 K 19 vb. put on (a garment), -trees of Lebanon Ho 14° Is 104 406 296 wear, clothe, be clothed (NH id.; Aram. 72¹6; Is 33¹ fig., as mourning; op Hb2",; As. labašu; Ar.; Eth. And:); s i.e. violence done to Lebanon, prob. by cutting | Qal Pf. 3 ms. 93¹¹, Jb 7³ + 2 t., down its trees; yn a royal mansion of (consec.) Ly 6³ +3 t.; sf. D (consec.) Sol., 1K 7² and 10¹7.21=2 Ch 916.6; as home } Lv 16¹; 3 fs. Ju 6+2 t., etc. (Ez 42¹4 rd. of wild beast 2 K 14 = 2 Ch 25¹ (in allegory); prob. Qr, for Kt, but cl. perhaps w is, of the odour of cedar forests Ct 4", interpol., v. Co); Impf. 3 ms. wah Dt 22³ +; cf. Ho 14 (in sim.; We thinks here to be a sf. 'Wa?” Jb 29¹4, D&A Ex 29; 18. f. specific plant). BIT 18 N Ct 5³; 3 fpl. 2813", etc.; Imv. ms. was 1 K 22%, etc.; Inf. abs. Hg 10; cstr. a Wia? 1ª; Gn 28* Lv 21¹; Pt. act. pl. D abs. estr. Zprª; pass. 1 S17 Dn 10; Ez 9³ + 3 t.; -T - Dn 1287, Ez 9"+3 t.; pl. cstr. Ez 23+2 t.;-1. a. lit. put on (one's tn.f. brick, tile (NH id.; Aram. own) garment (acc.) Gn 38 IS 288 2 S 14² 1 K 22³0 = 2 Ch 18", Ex 29" Lv 6³4 164- was, JK; Zinj. ¡5 (3) DHM Bendach. 57. 59. 2110 Dt 22 Ez 447-19, aud so 17.19, and so 42¹4 Qr (v. supr.), As. libitu; Ar.,,,, Jon 35 Ct5 Est 4¹ 5¹; c.acc. garment+ J (loan-words acc. to Fra"); acc. to Thes and Lv 16³; of putting on armour Je 46¹;=wear most from whiteness of clay, or light colour of (more or less habitually), c. acc. of garment, 1