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tick Ib 4 1 Dt 22" Zp I s Zc 13 4 ; of Jerus. under fig. of woman Je4 3P ,of rulers under fig. of shepherds Ez34 3 , cf. 'If?!"? ?? 2 Si3 is (no ace.) b. very oft. fig., put on, be clothed with, c. ace. of gar- ment;—™^ i-lBO Bob Jb f my flesh is clothed (i.e. covered) with worms; of Jerus., be clothed with inhabitants Is 49 18 ; of pasture, with flocks i/r 65"; more oft. the garment is some abstract quality, e.g. righteousness, majesty, beauty, strength, etc.;—?:!?'? n i?1? ^f*?- Is 59 17 h e ('») hath put on righteousness as a breastplate, cf. v 17 (vengeance), ^ 93 1 (majesty), v 1 (strength), 104 1 (honour and majesty), Is 51 9 (strength); also Jb40 10 ; said of men, 2 Ch6 41 (salvation), yfr 1 32 s (righteousness), Jb 29 14 (id.); of Zion Is 53"; also in bad sense, clothed with terror, trembling, shame, etc., Ez f 26 16 Jb 8 s2 + 35 s6 109 29 , cf. v 18 (cursing). C. lit. put on, obj. om., tfabb Ija • • • ?nj Gn28 M Jb27 17 ; Inf.abs. B>i3b Hg i 6 (there is) a clothing, but he has nothing for warmth, d. once c. ?, to B>ab nB>K . . . Bfcjjl Est 6 s . e. Pt. pass., clothed with, chiefly Ezek.;— c. ace. of garment, Ez 9" Zc 3 3 Pr 31 21 Dn io 6 ; of wearing armour 1S17 5 ; cstr. before garment, D"!?? Bob Ez 9 11 io 2W , cf. 23 s - 12 3 8 4 Dn 1 2 67 . f. fig. :— PH?" 71 ? n ?^i? "■ -H Ju 6M and the spirit of '< clothed itself with Gideon, i. e. (GFM) took possession of him (cf. ,«.^N pos- sessed); so 1 Ch 1 2 18 2Ch2 4 20 ; '#|{tt 'Vfft ft* Jb 29 14 and it clothed itself in me, as it were, became incarnate in me. Pu. only Pt. pi. D^??tp arrayed, c. ace. of garment 1 K 2 2 10 = 2 Ch 1 8 9 , 2 Ch 5 12 ; abs. in full apparel Ezr 3 10 . Hiph. Pf Sma.BVif^n Is6i 10 ; 3 fs. nB*abn Gn27 1 ';

ms. r)fzbn) Ex 2 8 41 + 3 1. ; sf. DW?bm (consec.) 

Ex 29 s Nu 20 26 ; 1 s. sf. vnfabni. Is 22 21 ; 3 pi. lEtobn 2 Ch 28 15 , IBobni (consec.) Est 6 9 ; Impf. 3ms.B>3J>?. Gn 4 i 42 +5t.; sf. Dj^S Gn 3 21 Lv8 13 ;

f 8 . t^abn Pr 23 s1 , etc.; 7n/. a£«. E>a9n Zc 3 4 ; 

cstr. B*?pn Est 4 4 ; P<. sf. D^abian 1 S i 24 ;— clothe, array with. 1. usu. c. 2 ace, a. lit. srtrn?? ink tfab'i Gn4i 42 2 S i 24 Is2 2 21 Ex 28 41

5 - 8 40 ls ' 14 Lv8 713 Nu20 M28 ZC3"; of clothing 

Jerus. under fig. of infant Ez i6'°; of putting armour on some one 1 S 1 7 3838 . b. fig., Jb io 11 thou hast clothed me with skin and flesh; cf. 39 19 (quivering of horse's neck) ; Is 50 3 6 1 ,0 ^ 1 3 2 1618 . 2. c. ace. garment only,Gn27 I6 ( + VT-^S); fig., Pr 23". 3. c. ace. pers. only, Gn 3" 27 15 2 Ch 2 8 ,M5 Est 4 4 6 9 ".


tttftl 1 ?, VJ?b n.m. Jb30 ' 8 garment, cloth- ing, raiment (on format, cf. Ges i84 *• ,2 Lag B> ' 64 • iJ9) ; _B«iaS) abs. 2 Kio a +9t.; cstr. B*dJ> Est 4 2 + 2 t., Bob Is 14 19 ; sf. 'Btob Jb 30 18 +3 t.; ^lab is 63 s Pr 27 26 ; iehab' Is 63 1 Jb 41', it?a>'2S20 8 +2t.; FlCTa^45 14 +2t.; f?^ 2 S'1 24 ; EHfta^ Je io 9 ; pi', sf. Dn-B/a) La 4";— garment, clothing, Gn 49 11 (poem in J ; || nniD), Jb24 7 (||niDa),v 10 3o 18 3i 19 Pr2 7 2li f 22 19 La4 14 ; of women's raiment 2 S I 24 Pr 31 22 , also fig. T'jl rlB^a? "nni y 23 ; specif, of princess ^45 14 > of warrior's tunic 2 S 20 8 , cf.Ises 12 ^ as warrior); raiment for worshippers 2 K io 22 ; for mourners, pe> ^a|» ^ 32^ c f. 6 9 12 ; pf t^3b? Est4 2 ; of royal apparel riWJJO 6 Est 6 s 8 15 , cf. (without 13) 6 9.io.u. gca iy coa t f croco( j. iB*ab "3S Jb4i 6 ; cover garment with violence Mai 2 16 , fig. of put- ting away a wife, cf. RS^^We; in other fig. uses : — as changed yjr 1 02 27 (sim. of heavens and earth), as covering 104 6 (sim. of deep upon earth); of cloud as garment of sea Jb38 9 , sim. of terrestrial objects in the light v 14 . tCTG^D, [WpQ] n.m. **•« raiment, attire ;— abs. 2 K io' 22 + 2 t.; sf. ^3bo Ez 16 3 ; pl.sf.^3i)OIs63 3 ; Dn^bo 2 Ch 9 4 - 4 , Dn^abo 1 K io 5 ; — raiment, 2 K io 22 (for worshippers, ||BtoS), Jb 27 16 (as wealth); of Jerus. under fig. of infant Ez 16 13 ; ^J '^P Zp i 8 foreign attire (ace. with K*??) ; pi. of garments of Sol.'s ser- vants 1 K 1 o 5 = 2 Ch 9 4 ', + 2 Ch g ,b ; of *> under fig. of warrior Is 63 s . tntfa^n n.f. raiment;— 'n Di» H33 B*?!* v : • ' Is 59 17 and he put on garments of vengeance as raiment (of '< as champion of Israel). t^7 n.m. Lvl4 ' 10 a liquid measure (NH id.; Aram. n«b; also |^£, )fc^£ « (dessert-)dish, etc.jmng.of -/dub.; Thescomp. Ar. * be deep,

  • J depth, abyss) ;— A > abs. Lv 1 4 10 ; cstr. v ,2 + 3*-

EV14; always of oil (?CB>)Lvi 4 ,0 - ,215 - 21 - 24 (P; all in law of purif. of leper); ace. to Talm.= T V hin (v. P supr. p. 228; Zuckermann" dM "" J,tM ° 9 ) i.e. c. litre; Benz^-^Now*"* 1 - 204 '- t~17 n.pr.loc. = AvSba, 1 Makk 11 s4 Acts 9 32.3s.38 j Lydda, mod. Ludd, c. 1 1 miles SE. fr. Jaffa, toward Jerusalem; Rob 811 "- 244 - 248 GASm Geogr.lWff. g un J Geogr. 197 j Q}, gl2 (nTO?* '?), Ezr 2 s3 ("fa V.3) - Ne 7 37 , cf. 1 1 35 ; ® A»8,' Ao8, Avd6<o», Au88a.