m b
Wh word-play), Is 1 4 1 (strangers to Isr.), Dn n 34 (flatterers to the people), cf. Est 9 s7 ; Is 56 s (to '"); sq. 'bit Is 56 3 (to •), Zc 2 15 (to '"), Je 50 5 (to
- ►), Gn 29" (J ; husband to wife); *q. DV ^ 8 3 9
(Asshur with enemies of Isr.) fH. [HI 7] vb. borrow (NH id.; cf. Ar. u^J delay payment of debt (cf. Ba KS12 )) ; — Qal Pf 1 pi. wb Ne 5 4 ; imp/. 2 ms. rnjin Dt 28 12 ; iY ni*S Fr 22^+2 1.;— borrow, e*«i> nil) nay nipD Pr 2 2 7 a borrower is slave to a man who lends; abs. Dt28 12 Is 24 s f 37 21 ; sq. ^DS Ne 5 4 . Hiph. iy. 2 ms. consec. n»Tli>m Dt28 12 ; Impf. 3 ms. sf. 1$! Dt 28"; 2 ms.' nibn Ex 22 M ; sf. «jbn Dt 28"; Pt. TtffQ + 37 M + 3 t., cstr. t1$Q Prig 17 ; — cause to borrow, i.e. lend to, c. ace. pers. + reiEx2 2 24 (E); c. ace. pers.Dt 28 124444 ; abs. fr 3 7 M 1 1 2 s ; nii>9 K"K Pr 2 2 7 (v. Qal supr.) ; as subst. Is 24 s ; '* ni?D Pr 19 17 a lender to *> is one shewing favour to the poor. III. ("07 (■/of foil.; cf. Ar. <j2 turn, twist, wind; As. larmL, surround, encircle ; D1 HWB368 J en ZMG illll (188B),20l t [rPr?] n.f . wreath ; — cstr. jn rn.j> only fig. Pr i* (|| D'PJS!) of instruction of parents, 4 9 (|| n-J«ari rVJBJj) of work of Wisdom.
[rP7J n.f. wreath 1 (mng. dubious, cf. Sta
ZAW ULIM. Ml. poss.rzrn^ii));— pi. Tf^ I K 7 29 - 30 - 36 of carved work on bases of la vers in Solomon's temple. t]Jn^7 n.m. Jb4025 serpent, dragon, levia- than, poet, and rare (on format, fr. ill? c. fern. n+ f_v.Thes and cf.Ges* 85 ' H Kb"^ 99 Ba NB!2 ° 7c ; Lag BN20S thinks foreign loan-word) ; — sea-mon- ster — crocodile Jb40 25 ; whale ^io4 26 (v. Che); dragon producing eclipses (mythol.) Jb 3 s ; fig. of Egypt as all-engulfing ^ 7 4 14 (|| ttf& v 13 ); cf. Is 27 1 - 1 (|| n-a tfru, jinbj?y tfnj), v . Che Di and esp. (on 'i> in gen.) Barton *'*-"• JA09 " (189,, ' 22ff - Gunkel Sch,>,,f • u • clu<> • 46 . ttT 5 )/] vb. (poet., mostly WsdLt) turn aside, depart (NH Niph., Hiph.; Ar. iil have recourse to, take refuge in) ; — Qal Impf. W^'/tf I'J'SO Pr 3 21 let tlvem not (i.e. sound wisdom, etc., si vera L, cf. VB) depart from thine eyes (v. Hiph.). KTiph. Pt. WJ Pr 3 32 Is 3 o 12 ; cstr. 'i?? Pr 14 2 ; pi. Ow? 2 15 ; — fig., devious, crooked, Dri^yoa 'J p r 2 15 (|| D^ipV); P^ *> 14 2 ; as subst. of pers. 3 s2 ; of course of action Is 30 12 (II P?^), i- e. crookedness=craftiness, cunning, cf. De Che Di. Hiph. /mp/. fj»JfB tfcfa Pr 4 21 (subj. 'I? 11 !) ?e< them [my words] mo< depart (on form v. Ges !72B-9 ) /row thine eyes (strictly, let them not practise, exhibit, deviation, direct causat., Kb'- 205 ). T [rVll 7] n.f. deviation, crookedness (fig.); ^only cstr. &T$f rmij Pr 4 24 (on form cf. 01 SH9» vr ;; lL 1««, *74 f I. T17 n.[m.] almond-tree, almond-wood (NH id.; Aram. *&, Jidi^. aZmon^Lbw*"'- 31 '), whence Ar.jp as loan-wd. (Fra ,45 Lag BN1CTt ), Eth-rtavU:);— Gn 3 o 37 (J; + nxi'?, r£ pD-)S)of rods stripped by Jacob. fn. XV7 n.pr.loc. 1. former name of Bethel Gn 28" (J), 35 6 (E), 48 3 (P), Jos 18 13 " (P), Ju i 23 ; appar. distinct fr. B. nfi SfWW Jos 16 2 (JE ; but 'p here perh. explan. gloss, v. Di); © Aov(a, Gn 28" [OuXa/i]/iavr. 2. city in hands of Hittites Ju I 26 (on conject. as to site v.GFM); OAoufr. L Ml 7 (v of foil., mng. unknown; cf. perh. Ar. 1M shine, gleam, flash (of star, lightning, etc.), or Syr. J^iik. wipe out, efface, with ref. to smooth surface ; but this =nr6). Trft? a.m. tablet, board or plank, plate (NH id., Aram. t<ivh, J^oi^ ; Ar. £jl (mod. pron. Uh, loh, cf. e.g. Spiro Ar *"- lto «- Voc » 1> - Buhl), Eth. Aco-thi, but As. li'H (as if from nrv) in D1 HWB366 ; see, however, lejum {leyum) Jager BA81 ' 486 );— '$>abs.Is 3 o 8 ; cstr. Pr 3 3 + 4 1. ; du. n'nhb Ez 27 s ; pi.nmb (rtnjj, nhb) a bs.Ex32 16 - 1 7 t. ; cstr. Dt 4 13 + 1 6 1. ; — -1 . chiefly of stone tablets on which ten words were written Ex 24 12 3i 18b 32 1616l9 (allE), 3 4 11 '- 4 - 4 »(all J), Dt 4 13 5 19 9 ».io.ii.i 7 I0 i.w.3.3A.i lK8 » 2Ch g ». jyiyn '|j Ex
i 1 "32 ,6 cf.v 15 , 34 29 (all P); nnan 'b bt 9 9 " is ;
tablet for writing prophecy Is 30 8 (|| "'S??), Hb 2 2 , and fig., *ja? fpo Pr 3 s 7 3 (for writing wise coun- sel), cf. Je 17' (inscribing sin of Judah); (vb. mostly ana Ex 3i 18b 32 13 Dt 9 10 ; in? '3 Ex 34 128 Dt 4 13 5 19 io 2 - 4 Pr 3 3 7 3 Is 30 8 ; 5>y B^ Je 17'; ma sq. ace. Dt 9 9 cf. 1 K 8 9 =2 Ch 5'°; i>5? TYV Ex 32 16 ; ^ isa Hb 2 2 ). 2. wooden boards, composing altar of tabern. Ex 27 s 38 7 ; planks composing ship (fig. of Tyre) Ez 27 s ; cf. TU D* V'ty ™? Ct 8 9 , of door. 3. (metal) m m 2