rvr. swallowed, dainties,— 26^ , aim. of tale-bearer's words. T}rt7 conj. on this account, therefore, Rui 1315 (either from j» and ft (v. sub m?h); or the Aram, ft? Dn 2 69 4 24 : see the Aram. Lex.) t[npn7]n.f.dub.; acc.to®@J AqSymm band, company (pern, by transp. from npnp, cf. Thes (r6nj3) The Klo Bu; v. also HPS).— Dwrisn npnb 1 S 19 s1 . Sb (Kt I S 2 M 20 2 ), VS V. A. tl7„ and K17 (ti S 14 30 IS48 18 63"), also t6 (Qr £), +2 S 18 12 19 7 (Ar. JJ, Aram, .ai, 'lp, Mishn. " I )i>, As. Ztf, with opt. force, £llt««*«.M5. cf K5 W S33 ), conj. if, O that:— 1. if (stating a case which has not been, or is not likely to be, realized): a. sq. pf. (so mostly), Dt 32 s9 n«r lbB* U33n lb if they had been wise (which they are not), they would under- stand this; Mi 2 11 (apod. HW); Ju8 19 13 s lb npb «b WVDflb '< }»Bn t/ J. had desired to slay us, he would not have taken, &c; 1 S 14 30 2 S 1 9 7 . b. sq. impf. Ez 1 4 1S if I were to send, &c. (but rd. prob. Is, cf. v 1719 ). C. sq. ptcp., 2 S 18 12 bip't? 'a'JK Kpl and though I should be weighing 1000 pieces of silver upon my hand, I would not, &c; *8i ]4 -' 7 'b Jffif n» lb t/ my people were hearkening to me, . . . quickly would I bow down, &c. d. sq. & Job 16 4 . — With the apod, omitted, Gn 50 15 UDBfr lb if Joseph were to hate us (how should we fare then ?). . If only . . .! i.e. that! would that! (cf. tl yap, tWt) usu. sq. perf., as Nu 14" Uno Y? if only we had died in the land of Egypt 1 20 3 Jos7 7 35?j)iypKirnbl Is48 ,8 63 19 ; sq.B'.' , .Nu2 2 29 ; sq. impf. Gn 17 18 nm lb that Ishmael might live before thee ! Jb 6 2 ; sq. juss. Gn 30 s4 W lb T>313 ; sq. imv. 23 13 •3JJ08 1 p nnS DN if thou — that thou wouldst hear me ! ( + prob. v 5 tqiMS* lb : iDNb for 'b> : b taib, and similarly v"). — Rd. also prob. N? for Mas. Nb Ju2i M (with nny •? f or nys), i s 13" 2 o ,4M Jb 9 s3 (sq. B*) ; and perh. 1 4 4 (Ew Kb). t tH^b Gn 43 10 Jui 4 W 2 S 2^2 7", elsewhere V© M if not, unless (fr. v> i^j and Np, by dissim. (Kb" 86 ' 489 ) for t<b «o<; cf. Ar. S)J), the neg. of lb, and used similarly :— a. sq. pf., Ju 1 4" xblb DDNVD V?? . . . Dnenn unless ye had ploughed with my heifer, ye would not have found out my riddle, 1 S 25 s4 (second "O resumptive: '? 1 d), yjr 106 23 ; with apod, introd. by nny '3 Gn 31 42 43 10 ; by W? 2 S 2 W (*j resumptive); by t35?D3 Is i 9 ; with an aposiop. f 27" if I had not believed. . . 1 b. sq. impf. Dt 32 s7 ">UN 'bib , . . WON I should have said, &c. . . . except I dreaded, &c. c. sq. ptcp., 2 K 3 14 . d. without a verb, ^94 17 (apod. By»3), 11 g m (apod. TN). In the later language, ^ 124 12 -f "" b*b (apod. "TN) except that . . . (cf. Aram. ? . . . ji ct^r ^ 106 23 , h . . . »b^« ^ 27 b $).— Rd. also b*b for '?W in NU22 33 (apod, IWJ? -3). See further on lb and V&b Dr*' 139 " 146 Kb'"- 487t6,B . fto*? poet, for k Job 2 7 14 29 21 38 40 40 4 , like IDS for'?, to? for 3; see to. t [yb] , &yh, &Sb n.gent.pL Lybians, in N. Africa, W. of Egypt;— Na 3" ( + BIB), 2Chl2 s (® Ai£u«; +Dnvrp j D«3D ! D'B*0), 16 8 © A./3u« ; ( + Bfto) ; D^b Dn 1 1 43 (v. Baer ; c. DnsO.D'fe), Theod. Atfvw ; prob.= D»3.nb (q.v.)' Gii io 13 = 1 Ch i" A@L Aa/3wi^; read D»»!? perh. also Je46 9 (for ^ HT^, cf. Sta J * v ' n6 '), ® Ai;8oi (BIB t&. = Ai/3u«); ® SmCoSta J *" n6 Berthol rd. 3^ Ez 30 5 (for ^ 313, q.v.) See WMM*"^ 1 " 115 . tlr?, D l, "l ! l7 n.pr.m. et gent. 1. Lud, Lydia, As. ZWdtt .— -CrVQ l6j H^B-IN Gn io 22 = 1 Ch 1 17 ® Aou8. 2. appar. a people in NE. Africa I^J Sb K"Enn Is 66 19 , ® AouS; ^ DIB BIBI Ez 27 10 ; Tlh BW E^3 30 5 ( + 3^ q.v.), in both ® A(o)u8ot ; also pi. D*"!!? a ' son ' of Misraim, Gn io 13 @ Av8.« F (|| ^3^)= 1 Ch 1" (D°nib); Je 4 6 9 (|| D»,«to) v. yb supr.— On this African 1^v.Di Gnl0>13 ) opp.Sta ,lv * n6ff cf.WMM A, - Kurl,i . in"| *h n.pr.loc. v. 131 tib. fl. [m7] join (intr.), be joined (NH Pi. Hjp (m'i>) trans., Hithp. intr. ; Aram. 1^ ac- company; bo ]q2±; Ba ME comp. Ar. ^Jj 6e near);— Qal (late) /m;;/. 3 ms. sf. ^ Ec 8 15 , be joined to, attend (of mirth). Niph. HlpJ ^ 83 s Is 14 1 ; 3 mpl. consec. *??1 Nu i8 4 + 2 t., + Je 50 5 (Ges Lb «- Bo Kb LC88 Gf Gie ; > Imv. Ki Ew >226c OP 264 ) ; Impf. H^J Gn 29 s4 ; *^ Nu 18 2 ; P<. flj^? Is 56 3 (pointed as Pf., rd. prob. nib?) ; pi. D' , '!P? Est 9 17 Is 56 s ; — join oneself or be joined unto, sq. ^ Nu i8 2 - 4 ($ n W to Aaron, by