not tell me, etc.? v 19 20 25 31 27 42 1 43
,3 24' ^22 2 44 2425 74
HO I have done D'Jt? n03 HI now (nt 4 i), /tow many years ! ^ 78 40 np3 how often ! (6) /or Iww long ? ^ 35 17 nson nos, Jb 7 19 . d. nop, nop (no? mostly before the gutturals K, n, V, and '< [i.e. ^K.], but twice besides, ^ 42 10 43 s ; nop also occurs before gutt., in five places noted by Mas. on ^ 43 s , viz. 1 S 28 15 2 S z* 1 4 31 * 49 6 Je 1 5 18 , and before ntGn 4 6 2 Si4 ,3 24 3 Ec 2 15 ), TOp' f Jb 7 20 , nop' f 1 S I 688 , for what reason ? why? Gn4 6- £ mn nob why art thou angry? 24 81 , etc.; often strengthened by nt (nj4e), Gni8 13
s0 (=Ju i3 ,8 )»oe>i> Wn nt no?, 33 15 Ex 2i0
S 22 17 3 , etc., Je 6 20 20 18 + ; Gn 25 s2 "noi? p DX '3:K nr if so, why, then, am I ? (why do I con- tinue to live?); =to what purpose (sq. p pers.), Gn 27" D"n 'i> no?, Is i 11 Je 6 20 Am 5' 8 nr no? DV D3^>, Jb 30 2 ; in an indirect question, 1 S 6 3 Dn io 20 . Note especially (a) in expostu- lations, Gn 12 18 *b man xb rmb why didst thou lS2I 1S '■" + oft.; (6) with an impf., oft. deprecating, or introducing rhetori- cally, the reason why something should, cr should not, be done, why should . . . f 1 S 1 9 517 20 8 but to thy father (emph.) iJtfSTl nt nab, why shouldst thou bring me ? 20 32 nov no? ntrj? no why should he be put to death ? 2 S 1 3 26 16 9 20 19 2 K 14 10 , etc. : in such cases, it approxi- mates in meaning to lest (cf. Ph. CIS 1 ' 2,21 Dp D3^X D^iaD' ne tradant eos dii), and is in © often rendered by ntjnort, as Gn 2 7 45 PSB'K no?" why should I be bereaved, etc.? Ex 32 12 no? n , ^VDl^r:N , Ne6 3 i^79 10 ii5 2 Ec7 16 , ^17, Jer4o 15 , Iva m, Gn 47 19 2 S 2" 2 Ch 25 16 Ec 5" 7 17 , or on-wf pi], Jo 2 17 (in 1 S 19" 2 S 13 26 , paraph, by <2 iirj) ; and, connected with the foreg. sentence by "ICK, cr B', in late, or dial., Heb. it actually has that mng., Dn i 10 n«T nop 1$X l est he see, Ct i 7 nviK noW lest I become (so in Aram. ^ rrob Ezr 7 23 , KoH %, Syr. I4ii, both regu- larly =kst). ' e. no-iy (f 4 3 np-ny) until when? how long? tNu 24 22 (aposiop.), ^ 4 3 79 s 89*; in indirect qu., f 74" (cf. n3N ny, 'TO *1J*). f. n?"^, and nD- ? y, M; , n wA«<? Jb 38" 2Ch 32 10 ; upon what ground ? wherefore ? Nu 2 2 32 ^htrnR JT?n np-i>y, Dt29 23 (cf. 1 K9 8 Je 22 s ), Is i 4 ' Je 8 M 9" i6'° Ez 2 1 12 f 10" Jb 13" (pro- bably dittogr. from v 13 ); nrno*?y Ne 2 4 . In an indirect question, Jb 1 o 2 ^iPTnp ?J> "oy^n, Est 4' nrnp-^yi nrnp nynp. "
t[nnQ] vb. only Hithpalp. linger, tarry (cf. Ar. j.4-* «'<"» tHlft, deZay (Kam.)) ; — Hithpalp. Pf 1 s. "finonprin f 1 1 9 6 » ; 3 p i. wonpnnjui 9 8 ; 1 pl.«nonpnnGn43 10 ; Impf npnpri>Hb2 :! ; mGniy 1 ; Imv. mpl.wpnpnn IS29 9 ; Inf. npnpnnp Ex 12 39 ; Pt. npiiprip 2 S 15 28 ;— linger, tarry, wait, of pers., Gn 19 16 43 10 (J), Exi2 39 (E), Ju 3 26 i9 8 2Si5 28 Is2 9 9 f 1 1 9 60 (c. V&, opp. "flfD); subj. pin OT «on Hb 2 3 . HOinO v. mn. pOVKS v. |ox. ^Nn^rro v. no t[7ri?2] vb. eiroumeise, weaken (si vara 1.; cf. NH •'np circumcise, Aram. ?no id.) ;— only fig. Qal Pt. pass. Dnj? 7V«p -|K3p Is i 22 <Ay choice wine weakened with water, so Thes De Che Comm Di Du ; cf. vinum castrare, Pirn 11 *- 63 : Ba KrkLd - ,M - Che Hl * (cf. No ZMQl1 - 1886 ' 741 ) comp. NH ?~mo, Jiu'ce (of fruit, esp. olives); Ar. j4-» °*h liquid pitch, suppurating matter; v. against this Di. rfpqp] v. ^n. [VVnp], ^NfeVfto v. 11. &t. j-no 1 ?? 1 ? v. D?n. [rnbno], ni-ionp v. ion. [nssno], rofno v. -jan. fl. pHE] vb. hasten (NH Pi., and deriv. ; Ar. J4-* oe practised, skilled (with As. mdru,send, order, govern, cf. II. "ino);Eth.<n>Ud; frm'ra, <eoc/t; Syr. »<h-vs Pa. to!.,- cf. also Egypt. mahar, trained warrior Bondi 6 '); — Niph. Pf.
f s . ninoa Jb 5 13 ; Pt. -ino? Hb i 6 ; pi. onrtej is
32 4 ; cstr. 'inpj Is 35 4 ; — o« hurried= anxious, disturbed 3pT!nD3 Is 35 4 ; hasty, precipitate, subj. nxy Jb5 13 ; so pt. as subst. Is 32"; im- petuous, of Chaldeans, Hb i 6 (|| "9). Pi. Pf nnp 1 S 4 14 Is 51"; 3 fs. m T np Je 48" etc.; Impf. ">np^ Is 5 ,9 +2 t. ; inp^l Gn i8 6 + 8 t. (1 S 28 30 v". infr.); 3 fpl. nj-inpn Je 9 17 etc.; Imv. ms. "inp Gn i9 22 + ; n"inp 1 S 23^ 1 K 22°, etc.; Inf. cstr. ino Pr 7 23 + ;' Pt. "inpp Gn 41 32 Mai 3 B (on inp Zp I 14 [1 S 23 s2 ] cf. Kb'- 288 , Schwally ZAW,189 °'" 8 vid. 1. ino infra), fpl. niinpp Pr 6 19 ; — 1. hasten, make haste, =go or come quickly Gn 18 6 1 S 9 12 (but del. © We