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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/579

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-rra Dr KitBu HPS), Na 2 6 Is 49 17 1 Ch 12 9 ; =go eagerly, (sq. Inf. of purpose) Pr 1 16 Is 59'; Pt. = swift, prompt Mai 3 s ; of bird Pr 7 a ; fig. of calamity IS5 19 (||Bnn), J e 48 16 , cf. tS t?n ^*»J? Is8 ,s , infr. 2. hasten + vb., ('o having really adverbial force): sq. Inf. Gn 18 7 ("W r*$); cf. 2 7 20 4i S2 (subj. God), Ex 2 18 io 10 i2 3: ' 2 S 15" Is32 4 5i H Pr6 18 Ec5 l ; more often sq. vb. c. 1 Gn 24 ,8MM 44 11 (all J), 45 913 (E), prob. 43 30 (J) ) also Ex 34 8 (J), Jos 4 10 8' 419 (all JE), Ju 13 10 1 S 4" 17 48 2 3 27 25 1823:MM 28" 2 S 15" 19" 1 K 20 33 ' 41 2 K 9" Je 9"; so even when act. is not wholly voluntary 1 S 28 20 (but rd. prob.Wl©WeDrKitBu);also,1om.,^io6 13 ; esp. c. Imv. Gn 19** (J), Ju 9 48 Est 6 10 ; so also ^KBJ 79 V' 6 9 18 Ioz3 M3 7 .' of. 79 8 (v. 01 < " , ' 0,, '). 3. trans, hasten, = prepare quickly Gn 18 6 ;

bring quickly 1 K 22 9 =2 Ch 18 8 , Est 5 s ;

do quickly 2 Ch »4 M . f 1. "VTO adj. hastening, speedy, swift (strictly Pi. Pt. for "inop v . sub nno) ;— of "■ DV,-IK? 'CI Shi? Zp 1 "; rd. also f. ninon fofi)

S 23 s2 his swift foot (for MT WNl <p *1) Th 

WeDrBu; deeper corruption assumed by HPS. f 11. ~ i2 adv. quickly, speedily (strictly Pi. inf. abs.) always immediately after vb. ; Ex 32 8 (J), Dt 4 s6 7 4 - 22 9 312 -' 2 -' 6 28 20 Jos2 5 (J), Ju

17.23 p r 2 g8 ^ on ^ g^lS ,^8 IQ2 3 j^^ wnere ' C 

precedes, v. supr. sub - 1 ™). TTrTC adj. quick, prompt, ready, skilled;— 'D iQ'lD ^ 4 5 2 Ezr 7 6 ; W3«bD3 'D B*N Pr 2 2 29 ; cstr. p^Sirip Is 16 5 prompt injustice. TninQ n.f. haste, speed; — usually as adverb, ace. hastily, quickly: Jos 8 19 io 6 23 16 (all JE), Nu 17" (P), Dt ii 17 Ju 9 M 2 S if**" Je 27 16 Ec 8" (in all these cases after vb.); before vb. (poet.) Is 5 26 (|| S?), + 31 s 37 s Is 58 s Jo 4 4 (|| i"B); so also 1 S 20 s8 nf^Wl 'O (cf. Dr); 2K1" ITTJ 13;— but perhaps rd. fTVie, i.e. Pi. Imv. of "WO (cf. 1 S 2 3 27 ); c. prep, (late): '03 in haste = quickly Ec 4"; 'tiny, id.

  • I47' 5 -

^HQ n.pr.m. one of David's heroes ; S23 28 I Chi I 30 27 13 ; © N«pc, Ma<pa< i, Maapvav, Maapt, etc. "hs tfn ^tO "i!T2 as n.pr.m. Is 8 ,:l - T T T .. — (lit. Swift is 6oo<j/, speedy is prey).


II. "I|"7D (■/ of foil.; cf. prob. As. mdru; send, whence tamirtu, tamartu, {missive,) gift, TjIHWBSnL. y ^gZMOxl.1886, 1M T"in?2 n.m. purchase-price of wife (NH id.; Ai 'J* g gK 78 f. Troph. Iv. n. 13 JJy 1. c. g { GMch. 1. 381 Dr D,!8 ' B and reff.; Aram. Mrtqte, jUi); — abs. '0 Gn 34" (J; || **©) 1 S18 25 ; cstr. "Wfa riiwian Ex : ! (E). fill, [in^] vb. denom. aoquire by pay- ing purchase-price (Ar. ,^_I give a dowry, marry for a^i; cf. Gerber v ' rb - < " !nom - 12 Buhl SS) ;— Qal Pf. 3 pi. VVID ^ 16 4 usu. obtain another in exchange (or, by paying a price, cf. Che), but txt. dub.; Impf. 3 ms. sf. + Inf. abs. nftib b nanno; n'np Ex 22 15 (E). rrtfonno v. V?n. . 10 a paragogic syllable, attached to 3, |, p (q. v.), so as to form with them indepen- dent words, 103, iD3, iop (q. v.) These forms, except sometimes IDS , are exclusively poetical. In origin iO is identical with HO what, Ar. il, which is used similarly, pleonastically, with certain prefixes, e.g. Uj, SS, Cc. See Qor ,153 Ijj25. piKl. Schr. 1.473 f. 479, 658. ^yAQ 11. } 70. Kern./; 80 mi ] K5 u.*oi. an a c f. Eth. htm:, Syr. W^f, Sab.lDJ3=Ll-, DHM ZDMG1883 - ,96t , Hom ch ~ , ■» ,8 . ii. [i*2]= , water. IfcOO , 2Nb n.pr. gent, et terr. Moab T ' T 180 (MI 1 - 2 - 561220 3N0; As. Ma aba, Ma'bu, Mu'dba, etc g cnr COTUloss., »ndonUnl9, 37 TJJTar. 2Mf.,296. on etym. cf. Lag M •• Anm ', Ne 8K "• OT , Gray Fro '- "• «) ; —'ID Gn I9 37 + 1 78t. ; 3Kb 2 S 8 12 ; © MvaP ;— 1. Moab as son of Lot by his elder daughter ace. to Gn 19 37 . 2. Moab : a. =: nation of which Lot's son is represented as ancestor Gn 19 37 Nu 21 29 22 33 Am 2 12 Je 48 ,2 + 30 t. Je 48 + oft.; having a king, Nu2i M 22 4 ' Ju 3 12

S i2 9 +. T». = territory of Moab Nu 
j + . / D n -,B, + Q n 36 25 Nu j 5 20 RuI 
6 4 3 i Ch i 46 8 9 ; 'O n« +Dt i 5 28 69 3 2 49 34 5<> 

j u ii 161818 Je 48 s4 - 33 ; 'o -i3ip tDt 2 8 ; 'o ninny tNu 26'- 03 31" SS^^SS 1 3<S 13 Dt 34 18 Jos 13 32 . t"'2«'in, nj3M^0 adj. gent. Moabitish ; — 'O Dt 2 3 ' 4 + at., "3Kb Ezr 9 1 ; pi. D"3Nb Dt 2 11 ; '3«io Dt 2 s ; fs. n;3t<io R u i 52 + 4 1.; '3^b itu 4 '»; rraKto 2 Ch 24 s6 ; fpl. ni>3sio 1 k ii'Ne