X?2 (-/of Ml.= mix, cf. Syr. <JL», and denv. ; X 5TD mix, -prepare by mixing. — Ar. " j_I & is denom. fr. ^ v. foil., Fra 172 ). [TOjn.m. mixture, i.e. mixed wine(NTCd, Aram., and thence tU jo, NJ'ip,^ iciao; Ar. *ljL. wato- jnz'aie&J W! «A w ine, mixture (Friil.c.)f cf' ET' C>-) ; ~^ ■*9T^ Ct 7 3 (Tosafoth here sptcerf w .• cf. Levy NHWB '"•"), ("FTO (v'of foil.; prob. cf. Ar. £ mi ««*, cf. Dr 1 " 32 -"). "^ [nj^] adj. (si vera 1.) sucked out, empty, 3jn V» Dt 3 2 24 wcferfoMi, empty, from hunger (W>1 TO so Is 5 « Ew De Che Di Du (for MT^no; ©93 "no). Tntp grandson of Esau Gn 36 1317 (@ Mofr); 1 Ch i 37 (@ o^e, ®L M«f«). [ito], mn? v. mr. rswn v. w. JftO v. pr. i. Tito v. in. nit. . TfaQ v. II. ire infra. tntp n.m. girdle (ace. to Bondi " WMM nnrro ^T?!?, !"Ttoto v. II. nor. ijnp v. nvr.
*"!?£ "^ fo11 - so Thes 781 cf. Ba NB » 18 ">;
otherwise Gei D ™ Mft52 : NH "LTD and Aram'. >r*> be bad (of eggs), Ar. 'jj be foul] corrupt). ^' T"W*0 a - m - bastard, specif, child of incest (NH id. (v. Levy), nVTOD incest; Aram, (loan-word) NTTDO bastard) :~1. lit. iastan*, Dt 2 3 3 (v. Dr).' 2. perh. fig. coll., of mixed population Zc 9 6 @ dXAoyemr (cf. also Q e JUrachrift.52t II. IT/2 ( v/ f foil., si vera 1.; poss.= spread out; Aram. iUalf stretch oneself, cf. Ar. 'Z, aequaliter distendit utrem). fn. TitO n-»a.Ob 7 1' l finri'o^O^,verydub., perh. net (as something extended.) : © (IWfya)' <S93 amfo«A (? list) or fniyp ^i, Vollers ZA * M84 ' " ; liXO « e5 ,e Prince JB ^ ">• W ^), Aq Theod /««*•, 6<wd, %(xbpr)stumbling-block; GrlMD, "ID2D; We Now leave untranslated • Dl Fr °'« 7 ' comp. As. mazuru, appar. o jpoZe wM As. u. Eur. 104 1 J !■ t-i »-«"*•/. iio. musu'i n«M. Ioan " w ^ d fr ; Egypt w #, cf. Lag anmwAooft, but improb.-i. Tito v . sub II
- — abs. O
- — in sim. of curse enfold- p. 267.
mto v. mi. ing the wicked + 109 19 (|TJ|). fig - restraint Is 23 10 (but text dubious). t[rTO] n.m. id. (of like orig.) : — only cstr. HSn DT^ 'o Jb 12* loosen the girdle of mighty; i.e. weaken them, make them defence- less, by ungirding. T'Sto v. 13t. TJ-ffrto n.[f.]pl. constellations, perhaps signs of the zodiac (prob. loan-word fr. As. manzaltu, mazaltu, station, abode (of gods} D1H 7 :M - ,<3 Jen*-**-; C f. NH rtbo[ id.; i>JD Aram. «)&, star of fortune or fate Ph.Djn tyo] CIS-.' (Vogue; bilingual inscr.j Qk. dya^ ri xv ); Syr. Jfc^Joi sorfw,,; PS 109 JJIao mansiones lunae, Lexx, PS 2332 - Ar H" " (loan-word ace. to Hoffm ZAWm - le83 .™, Suida. r*C°vf>»6=Cfio) ;_only 1e^ 2 K 23 s as obj. of worship ( + ?J,?,B^, [TV, an d rptfn Mjy^) © tow iut{ovpa>6 ; prob. = Tli"iJp Jb 3 8 32 . &to, [rr£to] v.^,. nafcT.oor. TiEto v. 1 nor. tniTto n.[f.]pl. prob. =n^jp q. v . supr. (on "I = t> v. W SGCT , yet also N6 ZMQ "• P» ») only
- l?a 'O N^hq Jb 3 8 32 , where treated as
and perh. understood of some particular star or constellation. © iui£ov P <d6. mflp v. mr. 0"ntt? v. mr Pi. 1. [jnrc] v. 1. mr. pyp v. **, [n^], nb v. nno. t£Kr?D] vb. strike, only = clap (the hand) (Aram, form of II. nno q v ) •— Qal Impf- 3 mpl. only fig., f joy ' of ina ' nimate things before: ^ixno' nhn ^ o8 8. ^[,3, typ»«JB! «n^ isss'^-Pi-V. c,.^. 8 f «.' of exultation over foe T ^jnho ry £ z 2 J (II T;?^l). ' K#T», [Nino] v. ran. mirro, [rna^j v. n 3n . rinno v . nan. mama v . ij n . O o