nm tl. TirtiS vb. wipe, wipe out (NH id.; Ar. LS*, efface, erase, cancel, obliterate; Aram. Knp (i), cf. Ph. nno 1 ? ace. to stroke = exactly Hoffm pb " ,MChr - Abb - cow - xx " 1 - Mm I889, 9 V Qal Pf.
ms. nno Nu $*+ 3 t.; 3 fs. nnnn Pr 3 o°° +
4 t. Pf.; Impf r &. 2K21 13 ; np?l (Baer; var. n$3) Gn 7 s3 ; 1 s. sf. UnDK Ex 3 2 : ' 3 ; + 4 *• Impf.; /mft nnp ^ 51 3 "; sf. *$tO Ex 32 32 ; Inf. abs. nno Ex 17"; c«<r. n^noi* 2 K 14 s ; P<. nnb Is 43 25 ; fpl. ninb(J>) Pr 31 3 (Ges Fl No De Str for MT ninc&);— 1. wipe, the mouth Pr30 M ; tears from {bvo) the face Is 25 s ; written curse, into the water (D'D'PK) for drinking Nu 5 ra (P) ; Moses' name from the book (TDDD) of God Ex 32 s2 - 38 (J); -W WnW n s 3B-^y mm nno nnWn-ns nno" -wtej D^m T V T e ' - i : t t v v : • V . T
K 2 1 13 and I will wipe Jerusalem as one
wipeth a dish, — lie doth wipe and turn it (but rd. prob. ^Bni nhp) upside down. 2. blot out = obliterate from the memory, E^DB'n nnno from under heaven e.g. the name Dtp 14 2 9 19 2 K14 27 ; the remembrance Ex 17 1414 (J), Dt 25"; the name for ever ^9°; transgressions (y^S; no more remembered by God against sinner) ^ 5 1 3 Is 43 K 44 s ; P? V' 5 * "• 3 - 6 ^ 0M< = exttr - minate, tfp"iT?3 all existing things Gn 7 s3 (J) and mankind, npnsn »JB ^>yp Gn 6 7 7 4 (J);
- ^D rfinb Pr3i 3 (with the text-change, v.
supr.) = destroyers of kings (i.e. impure women), but expression strange and dubious. Nipb. Pf. 3 mpl.inp? Ez6 6 ; Impf. nno? Dt25 6 Ju2i 17 ; ne^ioQ 13 ; 3fs. nOTl ^109"; + 4 t. Impf.;— 1. be wiped out D H >n "1DBD ^ 69 s '. 2. 6e Wo««Z out, V^J? of a name Dt25 6 ,a tribe Ju 2 1 17 ; name (|| posterity)^ 09' 3 ; from memory, of sinsNe 3 37 ty 109 14 ; reproach, Pr 6 M . 3. be exterminated, fWJW Gn f* ( J ) > of idolatrous works of Israel Ez 6 6 . Eiph. Impf. 2 ms. ncn Nei3 14 ; 'npn JeiS 23 (but tone suggests nori cf. Ges" 8 " 8 - 17 ; Gie reads Qal aud doubts Hiph. altogether); Inf. rfnp^i Pr 3 1 3 ( = ninpni) but see Qal 3) ;— blot out, from the memory ; pious acts Ne 13"; sins Je 1 8' a . fll. TinD vb. strike (Aram. «ntp (n), H» ; ace. to L Gei Vnt '- d - 8pr "" 6 Lag 8 ™-.'- * BN 142 No z»g m*. m «• weakened fr. <wao = ^ii-, Heb. J*np q.v., cf.Dr' 1 ™"-; As. mahA = crush, oppress, accl to D1 HWB596 );— / J / 3 ms. consec, nn»?
J1 tffjjht Nu 34" (P) awe? the border shall strike upon (reach unto) the shoulder of the sea of Chinnereth ( > Di al. der. fr. I. nno ru b along by, brush past, skirl). "hrra n.[m.] only in &% "no Ez 26" the stroke of his battering ram (cf. Vno(o) Ecclus 42 s smiting a deceitful servant, marg. "IDlo). III. nnn v. nb sub nno. nrftns v. aw. t t t : f[Tirrc] n.[m.] city (As. loan-word; fr. mahdzu, city, Asrb^"* 1 "" 116 and oft.; v. Dl HWB271 ; cf. X Winp market-place, province, ))"rr^ small town) — only cstr. tfnp-?K DfW DXSn ty 107 30 and he guided them unto the city of their desire. t , N^IT^ n.pr.m. great-grandson of Cain Gn 4 18 *= 5>K»;TO v 18b (J ; A@L in both M<u,X, E Uaovtr,; cf. further Lag 0r "' s5BN96 (Maioi;£a^X) Bu ur 8M .h. I*) _(Etym. dub. ; Thes Add - v perhaps smi«m o/J5; -/WW ; Bu UrBeKb - 128 Kerber EI «-"»* d.AT.91 ^«np, or VjJB £/ Tna/lei/t a««e/ DHM MV1 ° thinks of n. pr. div. btt— cf. Ph. n. pr. bysbtC, and CIS'- ,32 - 4:< »>' 163b ,= ^ bt? giveth life (against this Gray Prop - N - 164 )). O^TO v. sub 11. mn . 1. bino v. I. bw. ■fn. 7"int2 n.pr.m. father of Heman, etc., I K 5 11 , ® MaX, A MaouX, ® L MaaXa. DTinp v. 11. ??X p. 6 supr.; v. also '"y n P. njno, njnn, niN^no v. ntn. pfn^3 (•/of foil.; cf. Ar. 1* iv. be fat, also contain marrow). t[np] n.[m.] fatUng (Ph. no /a< (adj.); NH xn'D fig. of choice flour) ; — only pi. abs.: DWp flv'y ^ 66 15 6«rn< offerings of fatlings; so D"TO Is 5" (|| Dto) ace. to Hi Du Che Hpt (rd. ntann and del. D , "!j!) ; most, fat ones, fig. for rtcA men. tnfo n.m. marrow (NH tjte, Ar. i_i, Aram. " n ^°) )>— «^» all marrow, brain); — only cstr. n$l£ rrteyy nb Jb2i 24 fig. of prosperity. fill, nno vb. denom. only Pn. P<. D$C«p (Ges i7!iTB - ,3 ) in phr. 13 B^ Is 25 s fat pieces full of marrow. TTO v. II. nno.