Va3 " 22"" 16 2Ch as ally of Judah Is 20 56 ; of Tyre as ally of Philistia Zc 9 s . TI322 n.pr.m. father of Jerob. I (cf. Sab. 1333, i>Nt333,v. t333 supr.); — only in phrase t333"|3 DJJ3V 1 K II 26 I2 S1S 15 1 i6 326 - 31 2 K 3 3 9 »'io» 13 211 14 24 i 5 9I8 - 24!B 17 21 2
M I0 2u I3 6 . @ Na/9a0, Na/3ar.
tni' , 22 n.pr.gent. (Nab. 11333 =Nabataean and Kabataeans, Eut N * bI ' 4 and oft., cf. 1333 of Jewish trad. No 2 " "*-' 87 '- 124 , t333 S 1 ' 60 - 7 (on form of name, and on t3 = n cf. Lag BNlnr ); in As. Nabaitai, etc., Schr C0TGn2 * IS ; KQF,i " r - Dl p » 296 f ); — as (eldest) son of Ishmael (brother of Kedar) Gn 25" 28" 3 6 3 (all P), 1 Ch i 29 ; people (|| Kedar) Is 60 7 , cf. Nabataei + Cedrei Plin hht.ii.66. © Na (3 mo> ^ ; Gk. Na^arolot.— See fur- ther No i ZMGlXY - lsr, ' ,22f - Eut N * bp - 78 GASm GoOBr - -629 pus. r["ipp] n.[m.] spring (si vera 1.) (-/un- known);— only pi. cstr. O)-^: Jb38^ 6 the springs, sources of tlie ocean, (|| Dinjjl ~i[5n); —
Siegf ^33 ; Bu suggests ^33 = ->j;a» as
poss.; but GrPerles rd. 'a?? Jb 28 11 , also, for Mass. ♦?|0, cf. 1H3 2. j-I. 7^3 (V'offoll.; meaning dubious). . 713 n.m. Jel3,u 1. skin-bottle, skin ; 2. jar,pitcher; — 733abs. 1 Sio 5 +; cstr.v 3 +(on?33 v.Baer 18124 );— 1. skinofwine, f* ^33 1 S I 24 io 3
S 16', cf. also Je I3 1212 ; pi. f* ^} 1 S 25 18 :
fig. QT>& ^33 Jb 38 s7 i.e. clouds (|| D^nf). 2. earthen jar, fritcher : fig. of connexions of Eliakim D^33 ^3 Is 2 2 24 ; WBT Dn^33 Je48 12 (|| <pnj Q'5>|) in fig. of Moab (cf. f 2 9 ) ; fc^lT*^ La4 2 sim. of men of Judah (|| "W* *T njt^P); sim. of destruction of Judah, DnxV'i>33 TJJjf Is 30 14 . fn. 723, 7n: n.m.* 57 ' 9 a musical instru- ment, either a portable harp, or a lute, guitar (with bulging resonance-body at lower end); (perh. = I. />33, and then shape seems to favour lute; perh. independent word, e.g. Egyptian loan-word, cf. nfr, Z^e,We Hpt222 );— abs. ^33 1 8 io'+3t., *>?? ^7i~+3t.; bAm6'+2t.; pi. trjoa 2 S 6 5 + 4 t. ; sf. *I^33 Am 5 s3 Is 1 4 11 ; — Aar/> (or lute), played at feasts and religious ceremonies, probably less simple, cheap and common than 1133 (q.v.; oft. named with '3): — as mark of luxury, revelry Am 5 s3 6 5 Is 14 11 , so 5" (*>i>n f[h '3 1133), also (not in bad sense) iKio"; played by wandering band of prophets 1 S io 5 (list as Is5 12 ); in worship 2 S 6 s ; elsewh. only ijfijf Chr. always in worship : ^57 9 81 3 92 4 108 3 150 3 ; t>33 if)3 71 22 ; llfc^ '3 a harp with ten strings 33 2 144 9 ; I Ch 13 is' 6 - 20 - 28 16 s (b| D>< ?^), 25 1 ' 2 Ch 5 12 9 11 20 28 2 9 25 Ne 12 27 .— Cf. further Benz Aroh - 273ff - Now*"* 1 ' 273 * Dr Amo,234<r - ■^T e Hpt222ff. •{"II. 73 J vb. be senseless, foolish (NH "???j ri, ' ) ?? of immodesty; Ar. jli = (per contra) fee reoWe, distinguished, JJLT also 6e gracious (Frey) ; Aram. P33 ' Pa. reject, despise, v. % Ne 3 6 Jei4 21 ; in deriv. as NH); — ■ Qal Pf. 2 ms. Jjy33 Pr 30 32 if thou hast been foolish in lifting up thyself (opp. JniBT). Pi. Pf. 1 s. sf. consec. 'ipnpasi Na3 6 ; Impf. 3 ms. 5>8J$ Dt 32 15 ; 2 ms. ^33P1 Je 14 21 ; Pt. ^33D Mi 7 6 ; — regard or «reai a« a P33 (q.v.), i.e. with contumely, c. ace. : 2N 733D |3 Mi 7 6 son treateth father as a fool (with contumely); '3*1 "W3f Dt 32 ls and he treated with contumely the Rock of his salvation (i.e. ** ; || t?D3); * subj., Na 3 6 / will treat thee (Nineveh) with contumely (|| rj'J/jjtf i]^y "FahfrW); J e 14 21 do not treat with contumely the throne of thy glory (|| J'XS). fi. 7H3 adj. foolish, senseless, esp. of the man who has no perception of ethical and religious claims, and with collat. idea of ignoble, disgraceful ; — abs. '3 2 S 3 s3 + 1 4 t. ; mpl. D y33 i 3 13 Ez 13 3 (@ Co B$Q); fpi. rtbx Jb 2 10 ;— senseless, esp. of religious and moral insensi- bility: '3 Dy Dt 32 s (of Isr., unappreciative of J.'s benefits ; opp. 0??), so of heathen nation yjr 74 18 (blaspheming name of '•>), '3 ^3 Dt32 21 (||D|W); '3n D"N3jinEzi3 3 (siveral.,v.supr.); elsewh. as subst. (impious and presumptuous) fool, Is 32 s (opp. 3H3 noble-minded), character- ized as at once irreligious and churlish, v c ; denying God V'i4 1 = 53 2 ; insulting God 74 s2 , and God's servant 39 s ; Pr 17 7 arrogant speech becometh not the (impious and presumptuous) fool (whose faults it only makes the more con- spicuous), much less do lying lips him that is noble (3H3), v 21 (|| ^D3), 30 22 Dni> JQE» '3 ^331 (one of the things under which the earth trembles), 733 )3 Jb 30 8 i.e. ignoble men (|| DB*" 1 ^ »33); a-s one who might be expected