jra to have a contumelious end, "03K mc '3 ni»3n
S 3 M was Abner (destined) to die, as a '3
dieth ? of the man who amasses riches unjustly 733 TTTV Wirwai Je 17" i.e. will prove him- self to be a '3; as acting immorally (with collat. idea of disgracefully) z S 13" into irnn KM burton D^n ( c f. n^33) ■ f. only in nn« -aia nibjin JbV 10 (of Job's wife). Cf. Dr W!S ' ! S2.6.I5.21; Pi»lt.«7 . 722 (on popular etymol. see 1 S 25 s5 infr.); — a churlish man of Carmel, whose widow David married 1 S 2S w-«>.u.n.*.a, (toy r6aji toe> 733 Nirqa toe>a), V M + iot. 1 S + 2 S 2 2 3 3 . © No/3aX. Tn7D3 n.f. senselessness (as shewn in t t : v disregard of moral and religious claims), esp. of disgraceful sins; also disgrace; — alw. abs. '3 ; — 1. disgraceful folly, esp. of sins of un- chastity Ju 1 o 23 (wanton deed GFM), so "D"! nwn 'an v 24 , 2 S i3 12 ; oft. Vj^3 '* ^ i.e. do a thing disgraceful ace. to Isr.'s standard : Gn 34 7 (J), Dt22 21 (cf. Dr on mng. of wd.; only here of woman), Ju 20 6 ( + n©J), v 10 Je 29 23 (cf. ^tob^a |3 rfV K? 2 S 1 3 12 ) ; also of inhospitable churlishness 1 S 25 s6 (v. I, 11. 733, and esp. Is 32 s ); of profane action J0S7 15 (Achan; '3 n'B'V 7tflfe^2,); of senseless and irreligious language Is 9 16 "13.M, 32 s paT). 2. contumely, disgrace '3 Daay TEW. Jb 42 s (of '•>), i. e. deal out to you disgrace, expose you and punish you as Dv33 (cf. 2 S 3 s3 , sub 733), because of your utterances about me. TjT/17122 n.f. immodesty, shamelessness, lewdness of Isr. under fig. of adulteress Ho 2 12 . t /Zl 2 vb. sink or drop down, languish, ■wither and fall, fade (NH id.; As. nabdlu, destroy, Dl HWB443t Ar. jlj v, vin. die; Aram. Nb'33 corpse);— Qal P/. 3 ms/3 Is 40 78 Je 8 13 ;
f s . n^33 Is 2 4 44 ; Trap/. 3 ms. 713? ,/, i 3 + 4 t.
(onfor^n' T cf.GesS <33 ' B - , ' h 01 S246e ), 2 ms. 730 Ex 18 18 ; 3 mpl. 173? 2 S22 46 = V'i8 46 , J$ty + 3 f ;
pL 7331 Is 64 s (on form cf. Di and 01 5236e );
Inf. abs. 733 Ex i8 ls ; cstr. 733 Is 34*; Ft. 733 Is 28 1 ' 4 ; f. rbl3 abs. Is 34 4 ; cstr. Is i 30 ;— 1. sin/i; or drop down, fr. exhaustion 730 733 Ex 18 18 (Moses and Isr.); fr. discouragement 2 S
2 46 = ifr 1 8 46 (of foreigners, foes of Isr.); of mt.
? t'Bb— in Jb i 4 18 (but bS& 71B3 Lag Prop,, - 0,,,,d - Siegf Baer, after @, so Bu [or H^3J]; Du 713? 7133). a. usu./aW like a leaf, or flower wither and fall, fade : nj$ nb£b r6t$3 Ibi 30 like an oak falling as to its leaves (sim. of people of Jerus.); the host of heaven n^V 7333 siS) njxnp rfabrn jean IS34 4 ; v6j?'a? T t6 Ez47 B (trees in Ezek.'s vision), so fig. of good man V'l 3 ; of Isr. Je8 13 , tfffl 7331 Is 64 s ; also ff 733 4 o 7 - 8 (both || 1W B^), 733 f»X 28 1 , cf. v 4 ; of wicked V Nfj PTO ^ 3 7 2 (|| ^W 17"?); of devastated earth H733 nWJDK H xn "^ 3 f73« pan is 2 4 4 . Tn7!12 n.f. carcass, corpse (as inert, flabby);— '3 ahs. I K 13"+; cstr. n$33 v *>+; sf. ^33 Is26 19 ; ^33 Dt28 26 I K 13 22 ; in^>33 Jos 8 M + 6 t.; nn!?33 Lv 1 1 39 - 40 - 40 ; Drib? Is 5* -(- 1 4 1. ;- — carcass, corpse : 1. a. human (not in Ez P, (H), which use 133); Jos 8 s9 (JE), 1 K j g22.24.24.2S.25.28.2S.28.29.30 2 R g V J e 26 23 ggJO TJ t 2 ,M
M ; coll. corpses Is 5^ 26 19 (wish for restora-
tion to life), Je l 33 9 21 16 4 19 7 34 20 ^ 79 2 . b. of lifeless idols, coll. "131 OiTX^E> 1^33 Je i6 18 . 2. of animals (clean and unclean, wild animals, cattle, birds and reptiles, chiefly Lv Ez), Dt
8 ; Lv5 2 "n
.; i7 15 (allP); '3 specif.— body of animal dying of itself Dt 14 21 ; Lv 7 24 1 1 39 - 40 - 40 (P), 22 8 (H), Ez 4" 44 3 '. Tt3 933 place where Benjamites dwelt Ne 11 34 . ©L N<./3aX«r. Mod. Beit Nebala, 6 m. NE. from Lydda, ace. to Guerin s.m.n.67f.. Mishn. KD733 rV3 Buhl GMl2; G ~» rI97 . r[>/J^] vb. flow, spring, bubble up, poet, and late (NH id. (rare); As. nabtl, id., Dl HWB 442 ; Ar. JLo well or issue forth (of water) ; Aram. •^i, 5»3 ; Eth. M10: 11. weep, ft*HlO: tear(s));— Qal Pt. 5?33 703 Pn8 4 a flowing wady, metaph. of '""J^n ""^PP- Hiph. Impf. ¥}l + I 9 *+ 3 t.; nV"3{<^78 2 Pri 23 ; «*3!^94 < M5 7 ; im * 59 8 ; 3 fpi- ™m + ii9 171 ;— pour out, emit, cause to bubble, belch forth : 1, pour out, fig. wi raaS n^as Pn 23 (|| nrniN OSHX *T?"J). 2. cause to bubble, ferment Djpi-i af ya: e^nt nio »3aj Ec 10 1 . 3. fig., usually of speech, pour forth, emit, belch forth, emphat. expression : Jlijn y?: D'VEn '9 Pr 1 5 28 (opp. ni35?.7 nan^ pn>- ab) i.e. the righteous