rm f 2"H3 adj. and n.m. IsS2,8 inclined, gener- ous, noble; — abs. 'i Is 32 s + 6 t.; cstr. 3**]J Ex 35 6 + at.; f. nana + 5 i 4 ; p l. von) Is 13' + 9 t.; cstr. *3*TJ Nu2i 18 +2t.; sf. ta?H$ ^ 83 12 ;— 1. incited, inclined, willing, 3J 3*TJ Ex 35 s - 22 (P), 1 Ch 29" (v. 31? Qal), nrarn ana 28 s1 ; na*T3 nr> f 51" a willing spirit. 2. noble, princely, in rank i S 2 8 (poem), Jb 1 2 21 = * 107 40 , Jb 34 18 Pr8 16 ^47 ,0 8 3 IS 113 88 118 9 146 3 ; anj'JS Pn 9 6 2 5 7 ; 'arva Jb2i 28 ; '3VJ1B Is 13 2 ; '3 ro Ct f; DVH »3H3 Nu 21 18 (poem). . noble in mind and character || p ,-r I3f Pr 1 7 26 ; opp. ?3J Is 32 s ' 8 . T [n^' 1 "T3] n.f. nobility, nobleness ; — sf. 'nan? JD30' 5 ; pi. ntana is 32 s - 8 ;— 1. «ofo7% of rank, Iwnour Jb 30 15 . 2. pl. = noble things as counselled by the 3H3 in character Is 32 s - 8 . tnii Arab tribe ace. to 1 Ch 5 >» ( + ^0), B*BJ q.v. Gn 25 15 1 Ch I 31 ); ® NaSa- ficuav. (Connex. with above v^quite uncertain.) tn' , 3."T2 (whom Yah impels; in As. Na-ad-bi-ia-a-u Jager BA81 - 468 ); — son of Jeconiah I Ch 3 18 . ® Afj/e0«, @L NaSa&a. +1. [*7*73] vb. retreat, flee, depart, stray, wander, flutter (NH id.; Ar. jj flee, run away ; Aram. *J hate, abominate, shrink from, Aph. jmt to flight, etc.; "H? flee); — Qal Pf. 3 f 8 . HTM Is io 31 Est 6 1 ; 3 pl. VH3 Ho7 13 + 4 t., mj Is2i 15 Je^; Impf. "rtT Na 3 7 ; 3 fe.TWIl G^ 40 ; 3 mpl. JV1T ^68 1313 ; Inf. cstr. I'M f55 8 ; P<.^Je 4 9 5 + ; f- ^.1«'pr2 7 8 ; pl. D S T!'3 H09 17 ; — 1. retreat, flee Is2i 15 /r. before (V.SO) swords; 33 s a< <Ae sownd (?ipO) 0/ tumult; abs. io 31 22 3 1/? 68 1313 , of birds and beasts Je 4 25 9 s (-j-IOpn); pt. = fugitive Is 16 3 21"; of fleeing in horror, disgust, c. JO pers. Na 3 7 V 3 1 ,2 . 2. flee, depart, Isr. fr. (JO) "> H07 13 ; of sleep (»rW) Gn 3 i 40 (E), abs. Est 6 1 . 3. wander, stray (homeless, cf. 113), 1Ti3 tW Is 16 2 (in sim.), so Pr 27 s (JO loc, in sim.), cf. v 8 (|D loc); of scattered Isr. Ho 9 17 Je 49 s ; (searching) for food Jb 15 23 (wicked man); "VU p'niK ^ 55" J w iU wander afar. . truns. flutter wings (of bird, in fig.) Is 10". Po'el Pf. consec. "l4j) HPTIt B>DB> Na 3 17 the sun hath arisen and it (the locust swarm)/ee//i away. Hiph. chase away, Impf. 3 mpl. sf. Wffi bntM Jb 18 18 (of wicked, || "tiKO iriB'liT). Hoph. be chased away, Impf. 3 ms. JiMna "IT1 Jb 20 8 (of wicked); lac }^P 2 S 23 s thorns thrust away (si vera L, cf. Dr.; Klo Bu HPS ">37? '?)• ' Hithpo'l. Impf. VTtijn> ,/, 64' flee away (in horror, disgust, cf. Qal Na 3 7 ty 3 1 12 ). t ["WT3J n.[m-] tossing of sleeplessness, only pl. ^"H? Jb 7 4 1 am sated with tossings. TrnJ n.f. impurity (as abhorrent, shunned) ; — abs. 'a Ez 1 8 6 + ; cstr. J"H3 Lv 1 2 2 + ; sf. "W'J? v s + ; — impurity (esp. P and Ezek.) : 1. of ceremonial impurity, as union with brother's wife, Lv 20 21 ; esp. of menstruation Ez 1 8 6 (rd. nrnaa n&tt for MT ni? '« @ Co), "an nsco 22 10 , cf. 36", Nrf! rHSLviV, cf.v 6 l5 1MM **(' , 'nf) 1 v 25 - 25 , v 26 (**?, ase-D), v 26 ("1? IMJtDtg), v 33 i8 M ; of defilement contracted by contact with a corpse, ■^(l 1 ) *B wotec of impurity (i.e. to remove it, cf! Di) Nu I9 913 - 20 - 21 - 21 3 1 23 . 2. fig. (with allusion to cerem. usage), impure thing, Ez 7 19 ' 20 (of gold), La i 17 (of Jerus.); of idolatry, im- morality, etc., 2 CI129 5 Ezi-9 11 (ftt3 fft), v", Zcis^n^^nN'Bnb). trTT»3 n.f. id. (on form cf. Ges«»' 3 ' B1 Ko " 1 - 497 ); T — of Jerusalem La i 8 («efl$ v 17 ). II. "H^ (./of foil., v. Ko 111 ' 42 ; cf. Ar. JJ /«'<;A AtZZ, /tiZZ rising high into the sky, Lane 2778 ; also earth-heap, sand-lwap). tl? n.m. ,os3 ' 13 heap of waters ; of Bed Sea Ex i5 8 (song), ^78 !3 ; of Jordan Jos 3 1316 ^33 7 (sim.). "VSjJ "13 Is 1 7 11 harvest-heap is perhaps corrupt : Ges Ew Di Du der. from *N3, reading (probably) "I? {Di) fled is the harvest; Che Hpt proposes J?^> therefore; Buhl Lexl3 15?, after © X. fl. [HI J] vb.Pi.putaway,exclude(NH Pi. (excommunicate) Hithp. Niph.; As. nadd, throw, overthrow, de«<9W/,etc.,Dl awB4481 ); — Pi. Pt. 5T| DvJ> Dn?6n Am 6 3 they that thrust off tlie evil day (i.e. refuse to think of it); lit. DD^JD Is 66 5 thrust away, exclude from association in worship (on usage v. Che). II. )"7*7J (/of foil.; cf. Ar. erxJ be moist, moistened, and also betide, befal; ijj~.> rain, dew, and also bounty, liberality, a gift, Lane 3030 ). trn] (so Baer Ginsb; van d. H. rrn), n.m. gift (on format, cf. Ges i84 "01*" 4 *'Kb lu - 65 Ba nb S i2.) ._ rrvnotp. nisr^b Ez 16 33 (|| can?).