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pn 2] vb. impel, thrust, banish (esp. Dt. 

Je. and later) (NH id., beguile, Hiph. Niph.; Aram. n"U (rare)=BH; Eth. l&rti: thrust; Ar. -tlo is drive a ship to sAore) ; — Qal Impf. fV? 2 S 1 4 14 ; Inf. rriap Dt 20 19 ;— trans. 1. tmpeZ(i.e. «a«W) an axe, sq. "?y Dt 20 19 ; 2. thrust away, banish, sq. "!9 2 S 14". Niph. i>/. 3 fs. nrn? Jb 6 13 , etc.; (Tmpf.W?. Je«3»T.Wfl)j Pi. r"J 2S14"; rm: Mi 4* + 2 1. 5 nnh Ez 34 416 , etc. On "rna Is 1 1 12 56 s + i4f v. Ki Kb 1 " 7 ;— 1. 6« impelled: fnaa flj nrnjl &g impelled with the axe Dt 19 5 . 2. J« thrust out, banished: of dispersion in exile, sq. Of Je 40 12 43 s (|| 3*>); sq. Iffc 49 s (||r?i?); cf. also fig. ^sd nn^ nj^n Jb6 13 ?'s banished from me, i.e. is non-existent; esp. Pt. banished one{s), outcast(s), as ace. cogn. c. m.J 2 S 14"; c. f?i? Mi 4 6 Dt 3 o 4 Zp 3 " Ne I 9 ; W$P* '), C 1PK Is 11" (|| )«3i5> riiSM); c KIP 56 8 ; c. D33 V 147*; c. afo '2 S I4 13 Ez 3 4 416 (both |p?K); c. ifa Is 27 13 (||iU); v. also Is i6 3,4 JC49 36 ; outcast = neglected one, fig.of Zion 3o' 7 (|| fb p« Bn>). 3. Mm away (fr. herd, i.e.^rayiVi^Dt 2 2 1 . 4. thrust away, aside, from '> to idolatry Dt 4 19 3o' 7 (sq. ninnf m). Pu. -P«. rn?? n^)DK Is 8 M <Arws< into darkness. Hiph. P/. nnni consec. 2 S 15 14 ; V»J$J Je 23 s 29 14 , etc.; Impf. sf. rrw 2 Ch »i n +a K 17" Qr; *H?1 Dt 13 14 , etc.; Imv. sf. to»fan t^5 n ; Inf. D'^n 62 s , etc.; — 1. thrust, move, impel, fig., obj. ny-} 2Si5 14 (sq.-by). 2. thrust out, banish, esp. of exile, subj. c. ace. sq. n$ Dt 30 1 Je 46 s8 ; i6 15 (|| n^Jtn); sq . Of Je 8 3 24 9 29 18 Dn 9 7 + Ez 4 13 (om. © Co); Je 2 3 3 (II r&). v 8 (ii ^so, »♦?"), 29" (II rsK 3 ^), so

  • also 27 10 (IIPVTW). v 15 (|pa*t), cf. 2 3 2

(Judah under fig. of flock, subj. evil shepherd, || psn), 50 17 (Isr. as sheep, subj. enemies as lions); of driving out priests 2 Chi 3'; invader Jo2 20 (sq.-^); wicked *5» (|| Offftp)-, good man from his eminence ^62* (sq. t»). 3. thrust away, aside, from '< to idolatry, c. ace, Dti 3 14 ; sq. IffTft v 6 ; " $W v 11 ; " rSEJWS 2 K 1 7 21 Qr (Kt v. *»); cf. 2 Ch 21 11 (|| njjn). . compel, force, subj. adulteress (by flattery), sq. ace. Pr 7 21 (|| ntsn). Hoph. Pt. JTTO chased, hunted, '» ^ Is 1 3 14 , sim. of fugitive Babylonians. T [iTno] n. [m.] a thing to draw aside, enticement (cf. -/Hiph. 3,4); — pi. DltTOC La 2", '»' w& nix^o rb »jm ( c f. || bsrn Kie> v»). ti Ers» n?. r3 a -[ m -i «* (p rob - As - loan-word, cf. As. nudnu, dowry D1 HWB4M , vWdrau^n:), Dl BMr,t, «*- 1 ");— T?"J? Ez i6 M ,of bribe from harlot (|| nTJ,), metaph. of Jerusalem. f u. [p2] n.[m.] sheath (NH id.; Aram. KyjJ ($ Talm.); Pers. loan-word No GQA - ,8S4 ' ■""j;— infir^K ia-in 3b»i i Ch2i s7 . t [*V"TJ] vb. drive, drive asunder (NH id., spread, be diffused, disseminated (of odour); Ar. i_Jio strike, beat, esp. bow-string with mallet, to clean cotton; also play the lyre; Aram.*n?=NH;Eth.h££;<fe-OM;,/jwrZ);— Qal Impf. a£ WJT Jb32 13 (juss.); 3 fs. sf. ^f? •^ i 4 ; 2 ins. TO 1 ? ^68 3 ; — drire about, chaff, subj. wind ^ i 4 ; wicked, subj. God 68 3 (}pV TOrQ, v. infr.); cf. Jb 32 13 (=defeat, anguish). MTiph. Pf. »TB Isi9 7 ; /w/. TOna ^,68' (v. Ko IM6r ); Pt. TO Lv 20 36 + 3 t.;— 6e eforoerc, driven about (esp. by wind) i/f 68 3 , v. supr. (like a driving [Che drift] of smoke) ; of breath (???) fig. of deceitful gain Pr2i 6 (® Hi Ew TP; v. De Now) ; of withered plant Is 1 9 7 (where subj. nny, jrjtt? i.e. place; whence Che trans. '3 vanish ; but ref. prob. to plant-life in these places, v. Di); of leaf Lv 26 M (as making slight sound), Jb 13 25 (fig. of sufferer, ||B>T Vfe), of chaff (K*p) Is 4 1 2 (sim. of bow of hostile kings IP??)- tlT) vb.vow(NH id.; Ph.m:; || form of ">!?,q.v.);— Qal Pf. 3 ms. '3 ^i32 2 2 S 15 8 ; in? Ju ii 39 ; 3 fs. rrnj Nu 30 11 ; 2 ms. ri")1J Gn 3 i' 3 +5t. Pf.; Impf. 3 ms. "^ Nu 6 31 + 5 1. ; 2 ms. iVf Dt 1 2 17 + 4 t., 1*^ Ec 5 4 + 4 1. Impf.; Imv. pi. VT1? ^76 12 ; Inf. "^ Nu 6 2 Dt 23 s3 ; Pt. "Hi Lv 27 s Mai i H ;—vo'w a vow 11?. T!J Gn 28 20 31 13 (both E), Nu 21 3 (J), Nu 6 2 '30 3 ' 4 (P), Ju ii 30 1S1 11 2 S 15" Is 19 21 ; 1% om. Lv 27 s Nu 30" (P); Dt 23^ ^ 76 12 Ec5 4 - 4 ; c. )> to whom Nu6 21 Dt 23 s4 Mali 14 ^ 132 2 Ec 5 3 ; "HJ IK'S 1"J? ww which he vowed Dt i2 11 -' 7 2 3 22 - 22 Ju 1 1 39 Je 44 25 Jon i 16 ; cf. T0J TO^K '3 Jon 2 10 D^ "HF! "i^K TIN Ec « 3 . t-ilf, TJ3 n.m. Nu30 ' 5 vow;— ii? Gn28 M + i7t.;Ti3Nu3o 10 -i-4t.; sf. nn? 2 S 1 5" + 5 1. sfs.; pi. OTfTi Jon i 16 Pr20 a ; sf. TJ3 ^22^