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rrti ntiJ Kt) ; sq. np"J3 (exc 1 9 1S ) ; © 'Ava6 (v dropped out after i»), so © L ; A Naviad. t ITU vb. rest (NH id.; Aram. HO, -J ; Ph. nru n. rest; poss. also vb. ru* (Iph. Pf.), cf. Levy cited CIS L1,8 Lzb SM ; As. ndhu, rest (inuh), and deriv. ; Eth. P«*i: be extended, long, rarely rest; Ar. -tb iv. is make camel lie down on his breast; i^L« resting-place of camel, cf. DoUghty A«b.D».l.»T.ll,« S .4f«>.6^._Q al pf 3 fs- nn5 Is7 5 +2t., consec. nrm Isn 2 ; i s. wrn Jb 3 s6 ; 3 pl- ,n ? Est 9 22 , consec. Wlfl Is 7 19 ; /m^/. 3 ms. tw; Ex 23"+ 6 1., rw Ex io 14 20"; 3 fs. nun is 25 10 Pr 1 4 s3 , njSi Gn 8 4 Nu 1 I 26 ; 2 ras. rtori Dn 12 13 etc.; Inf. abs. Hb Est 9 W1 ' 18 ; crfr. TO^ 2 S 2 1 10 ; ni33 Nu i i 24 Jos 3" Ne 9 s8 ; sf. 3 ms! nroa Nu 10";— 1$$ 2 Ch 6 41 v. nnup;— . rest, settle down and remain, sq. ?$? ; of birds 2 S 2i 10 ; ark Gn 8 4 (P); DnsK^y tT$t nm Is f Aram hath settled down upon Ephraim ; of spirit of "• Nu 1 1 25 - 26 (E), Is 1 1 2 ; spirit of Elijah

K 2"; sceptre of wicked ^ 125 3 (in fig.); sq. 
loc: of insects Ex 10" (J), Is 7 19 (fig. of in- 

vaders); of soles of feet resting in water Jos 3" (JE); hand of '♦ Is 25 10 ; wisdom Pr 14 33 ; anger Ec f; DP} D^S"} 5»nj53 Pr 21" in the assembly of Shades shall he settle down; abs., = stop, of ark at stages of journey Nu io 36 (JE); cease speaking 1 S 25'. 2. repose, be quiet, have rest: after labour Ex20 n (E; of God), 23 12 (E ; of cattle), Dt 5 14 (of slave) ; have rest from (IP) enemies Est 9 16 (inf. abs. Hti, +ftt$, aft?), v", cf. (abs.) v" 18 (in both + l*f), Ne 9 s8 ; be at rest (from trouble), abs., Jb 3 26 ( + "*{#, ™i>f); of the earth Is 14"; in couch of the grave 57 s ; in She'61 Jb 3 17 ,so prob. Dn 12 13 ; also TOPI 16 ^7 Is 23 l2 = thou, shalt not be at rest, cf. impers. "h np} Jb 3"= I should be at rest (in Sb.e'61). — rnx tfrh nPK Hb 3 16 is dub. : / wait quietly for the day of distress De Ke Hi-St SS, so Now, doubtfully ; We conj. DnSN as Is I 24 / will ap- pease me, GASm leaves untransl. Hiph. A. Pf 3 ms. npn Jos 22 4 + ; 1 s. 'nnprn 2 S 7 11 + ; vnn Zc6 8 ; Impf. 3 ms. HP) Ex 17"+ ; l"0;i Jos 2 1 4 ' + ; sf. 'jnw Ez 37 1 40 2 ; 3 fs. sf. VtJV} Is 63" (but v. infr.), etc.; Imv. mpl. Wjn Is 28"; Inf. estr. WJH Is i 4 3 +, sf. W?Jj Ez 24"; Pt. npp Jos 1 " ; — 1 . cause to rest = give rest to : a. sq. ace. ft} Ex 17" (E), Wt Zc 6 8 ; so appar. sq. Vipn + 3 pers., quiet (i.e. sate) my fury by (wreak it upon) Ez 5 13 (del. Co), 16 42 24 13 , also 2 1 22 (Co adds 3 pers.). b. usu. sq. 7 pers. : (1) give rest to i.e. bring to resting-place Ex 33 14 (J), Dt 3 20 Jos i 13U 2 2 4 (all D), 1 Ch 23 s6 ; so, c. sf., Is 63 14 (si vera 1.; Vrss Lo Ew Brd Che Hpt rd. •»$?, leadeth him, -/nm); (2) of free- dom from enemies, Is 2 8 12 2Chi4 s ; + DU"N-i'3p p-OBlp] Dt 12 10 25" Jos 23 1 (D), 2 S 7 111 1 Ch 22 9 ;'so +3*3f? alone 1 K 5 18 Jos 21 42 (P), 1 Ch 22 18 2 Ch 14 6 15 15 20 30 , so also prob. 32 s (forMT3»3Dp t3.bq3}l) ; (3) of freedom from suf- fering, + '131 13Syp Is 14 3 . c. make quiet in mind, set at rest VJT1 Pr 29 17 discipline thy son, that he may give thee quiet (of mind ; || |W y&Bib BTSjS), ' 2. cause to rest (i.e. light) upon, c. ace. staff + ?5> pers. Is 30 32 ; e. ace. blessing + "?*? Ez 44 30 ; cause to alight, set down, c. sf. pers. + ^i)"l3 loc. Ez37'; + "?? loc. 40 2 . — For this mng. v. esp. B. infr. B. Pf. 3 ms. rvin Ju3' + , nan 1K8 9 , sf. inpni Dt 26 4 , Dnpm LV16 23 both consec; 2 ms. "nam Dt 14 28 , sf. innam 26 10 consec, etc.; Impf 3 ms. Ml Lv 7 15 , nm Ju 2 23 + , sf. innw Ex 1 6 s4 ; 3 fs. n|niGn39 16 ; 2ms.jnss.n|n-^NEc7 ,8 +2t.,etc; Imv. ms. nan Ho 4 7 + 2 1., nn»an Ex 32 10 Ju 16 26 , etc.; Inf. cstr. sf. tapnj> Nu 32 15 , Drpanb Est 3 8 ; Pi. Dpp Ec5 u ; — 1. lay or set down, deposit, let lie, 0. ace. rei, usu. + word of place : stones at ford of Jordan Jos 4 s8 (JE), ark 1 S 6 18 , garments Gn 39 16 (J), Lv 16 23 (P), Ez 42 14 44"; cf. Ex I6 23 - 24 - 33 - 84 Nu 17 1922 (all P), Dt 26" 1 K 8 9 13" Ez 40 42 42 1S ; so, ace. om., JU6 18 - 20 Dt 1 4 s8 Nu I9 9 (P), 1 S io 25 ; place, put, sq. ace. pers. + local modif., Gn 2" (J), 19 16 (J), Jos 6 s3 (JE),Lv24 12 Nui5 34 (bothP),Isi4 , 46 7 Ez 3 7 14 ; prob. also Zc5 n (rd. nrvarn, v . Ges i72M ); rd. DPI"?!! also 2 K 18 11 (© Z6<to; for MT Dn»; cf. DHiK 3B>»1|| 2 K 17 6 ); place corpse on (~b») ass 1 K 1 3 ffl , in grave v 30 ; horsemen and chariots in cities 2 Ch i 14 9 25 , so rd. also || iKio" (® cdtro ; for MT Dra;i) ; tables in temple 2 Ch 4"; idols in shrines 2 K 1 7 s9 (ace. om.). Here belongs perh. also ^V"? "W^ n ?? D ?1 Ec 7 18 and also from this do not let thy hand lie (idle), i.e. engage in it, cf. n 6 ; lay down forcibly, thrust down T3 f%fo P'W Is '&, cf. Am5 7 ; perh. also Ez 22 20 (abs.; but del. Co Berthol, after ©). 2. let remain, leave (in present condition), obj. nations Ju 2 s3 3 1 Je 27 11 , people in wilderness Nu 32" (JE); OJTjn DTJ? ^npni