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. cause to wander aimlessly, as fugitives, c. ace. pers. V*^ 12 59 12 (v. supr.), sq. ?3~ 2K21". . make a wagging, wag with the head, BW3 Je 1 8 16 . Hoph. Pt. 13» pp3 2 S 23" and the worthless, like briers made to flutter (tossed away) are they (text dub.; Klo Bu HPS rd. •mo). Hithpo'lel Pf 3 fs. nnnwnrn consec. Is 24 20 ; Impf. 2 ms. TJJSp? Je 48 s7 ; Pt. Ttatfr Je3i 18 ; — 1. move oneself to and fro, sway, totter, Is 24 20 (of earth). 2. shake oneself in excitement Je 48 s7 (perh. of scorn = wag the head, as Hiph. Je 18 16 cf.Gf RV). 3. bemoan oneself (cf. Qal 2), Je 31 18 (the lament follows in orat. recta). fi. |_113, ~OJ n.[m.] wandering of aimless fugitive ; — only sf. *T3 ^ 59 s my wandering (word-play with 11.N3 v b ). fn. T1J appar. n.pr.terr. 'rpx Gn4 18 of region into which Cain wandered (cf. v 1214 ); ® (strangely) NmS ; 33 appellat., jorofugus in terra, cf. Symm Theod, v. Ne Marg - '. f-n n.m. (v ' 1 " fr) quivering motion of lips ; - only cstr. V???' '3 Jb 16 5 <//« motion of my lips (in expressing sympathy). — luT makes subj. of "]BTI but rd. prob. -jfeTIK, v. "fim. i~n"0 v. TO sub T13. T • T t[Ti2E)] n.[m.] a shaking, wagging; — only cstr. tW< 11313 j/ 44 15 o&;'«:< of head-shaking, in derision (of Isr.; ||^1?; v 14 nfi-in jyb, D^p). FlU (prob. Vof foil., si vera 1., cf. Ar. Ill (»»j) be high, eminent). 'rT2 n.[m.] eminency, distinction; — tfc DH3 nb Ez 7 11 wo eminency is left in them (so A© Theod Symm Ges Ke), < del. ®B Co Berthol Toy, cf. also Da. fi. [H10] vb. only Hiph. (si vera 1.) lit. beautify (then connected with HN3 be comely, so Buhl SS; cf. NH H13 Niph. shew oneself beautiful, Nithp. adorn oneself, !TI3 adj . beautiful, Levy SHWE );— Impf. 1 s. sf. WJJ* Ex 15 2 / will beautify, adorn him (with praises ; obj. '< ; ||Dcn; © h„^ aa ,, 33 glorificabo).—Adij. ni3 J e

2 , v. maj sub [nw], 

II. (I IJ ( /of foil., mng. dub. ; Ar. ijy is aim at, propose tooneselfas aim (e.g. of journey), vm. betake oneself to a place of alighting, or abode; <jIj, i-j place to which one purjwses journeying Lane 3040 ; hence poss. 1. H}3 as goal of shepherd; cf. Sab. *B meadow, pasture, DHM M.ur.Ait.32. see however Dr 1 B19 - M HPS' b -; NH ng dwelling, habitation). fi. Mia n.m. 1 ' 27 ' 10 abode of shepherd, or flocks, poet, habitation ; — abs. Is 27'°+ ; cstr. 19) Exi 5 ,3 + ; r»3 Jb8 6 (as if fr. ITJj; or rd. ny ?) ; sf. 1« Jb 5 24 , 1™ 2 S 1 s 28 + , Dm? J e 49 » Ez 34 14 (cf. Sta sssu ), f™ Je 23* (so Baer Ginsb; fi™.? van d. H., pl.acc. to Ko"- 1 -- 77 );— -1. a. abode, of sheep 2 S 7 8 (|| JKSn ipino) = i Chi7'; Is 65'° (II K?l) ; of people under fig. of sheep Je 2 3 3 4 9 s0 = 50 4S , 5o 19 Ez34 1414 (||r3"), njn?); of camels Ez 25 s (|| JN2f f3-10). b. a&od« 0/ shepherds Je 33 12 ( + 1** DT?->P). c=meadow, in fig. of Ephr. planted (WlE>) as tree Ho 9 13 . 2. habitation, usu. of country, or of domains in the country (chiefly poet.), Jbs 3 8 6 (IPI* n}3, v . supr.), Pr 21 20 ; ||Snk Jb 5" 18 15 ; ijrra p r 3 s3 ; || Pi! 24 15 ; of * in Canaan 2 S 15 25 ; of Can. as place of v s sanctuary, IBhjJ '3 Ex 15 13 ; fig. of '■< himself, P"1X '3 Je 50 7 ; habit, of nation Je io 26 25 30 Is 3 2 18 "(Di^ '3), yj, 79 7 ; - c ity Is 27 10 , esp. Jerus. IS33 20 Q30 '3, brk); JJTK '3 Je 49 19 (fig- of Edom) = 50 44 (of Bak) ; of land of Isr., PI* '3 JC3I 23 (H^lPn "W> Twice of habitation of jackals Is 34 13 3s 7 (both |{ "V3f n). f 1. [IT^] vb.denom. dwell, abide (si vera 1.);— only Qal Impf 3 ms. Mf *6 Hb 2 5 he shall not abide, so Ke; Hi rest (cf. Da); We prop. HVV oe satiated, cf. @ ; Krochm 013J. t 11 - [TO] adj. dwelling, abiding; — only (si vera 1.) J"l?3 1113 ^ 68 13 she that is abiding at home.— mj Je 6 2 v. OJKJ sub [flNJ]. fn. [mi] n.f. pasture, meadow; — pi. cstr. fri: Zp 2 8 , usu. niK3 ^. 23 s +n t.; — 1. pasture, meadow: D'jnn '3 Ami 2 , cf. Zp 2 6 (II !«* ni-n? ; v. also [iTJ3] p . 500 supr.); esp. 13-1B(n)niS3 Je9 9 23 10 ^65 13 Joi ,!,a) 2 22 ; Bjfy'J // 2 3 2 g-ra««y pastures; D'HPX '3 J, 83 13 pastures of God, i.e. the land of Canaan, 3p£ '3 La 2 2 ; DWH '3 J e 25 37 meadows of peace; DDn '3 ^ 74 20 appar. liabitations (1) of violence, but rd. prob. <nj ni«3, so Bi Che (v. 7 3 «)._Je6 2 v. foil.; Jb 8 e v. 1. r)3. trnia Kt (i.e. n'U, or n!13, Ginsb), J*J Qr; prob. n.pr.loc. in Ramah (poss. = habita- tions, but dub., v. Dr 18 ".' 8 HPS);— abode of prophets 1 S I9 > 8 »^!o.23 an d 2 o' (where Baer s s 2