-13 a sickle thou shalt not wield over the standing grain of thy neighbour; abs.iB'SB Is io 15 against him that wieldeth it (i.e. a saw), and Bat? I^na tonDTIKl v' s (rd. "TIN) like a rod's wielding him that lifteth it. . Shake or wave the hand ; a. wave hand D^pSn~7N 2K5", in healing ceremony (i.e. prob. toward sanctuary Kmp K * tt ; > toward the spot [where leprosy appears], so most). b. c. "?J?, shake or brandish against, Is 1 1 15 1 9 16 Zc 2 " (all of"), Jb3i 21 [cf. Ecclus 12 18 (without 5>5?) in mockery]. c. wave hand, as a signal, Is 1 3*. 3. swing to and fro J1S33, in a sieve, Is 30 28 (fig., of nations). . Oft. term, techn. in P (H), of rite in which originally the priest lifted his share of offering and waved it, i.e. moved it toward altar and back, in token of its presentation to God and its return by him to priest : in H, " *jb£ iDjn-riN ipjrn Lv 23"' cf. v Ilb - 12 , also v 20 (on text v. Di Dr-Wh Hl ") ; in P, TK nsam " »3si) nsun Ex 2 9 s6 , so Lv 7 30 8 M 9 21 io 15 (obj.' om.), Nu 6 20 ; thus also Levites are set apart for service of the priests Nu 8" (Di del. v.), v 13 - 21 , cf. v 14 ('" , ?.b!> om.); but same phr. of entire lamb, with oil, Lv 14 1224 , and of offerings wh. were burnt, entirely Ex 29 s4 (cf. v 25 ), Lv 8 27 (cf. v 58 ), or in part Nu 5* ("" "?.B? nnjsn spn), — in these the orig. signif. seems lost; so, clearly, of contributions for tabernacle, = offer, "6 ant nsun wg Ex 3s 22 .— Cf. nwn i n fr. . Shed abroad (si vera 1.) ^ ni3"l3 Dtfa V' 68" bounteous rain thou didst shed abroad [cf. Ecclus 43 I7c ], but vb. not wholly suitable; Lag Gr prop. TtSJ?, yet this also questionable. Hoph. Pf. 3 ms. * n, be waved, Ex 29 s7 (P), pass, of Hiph. 4. fi. Li-f-^J n.f. sieve or other winnowing implement, Di Du Schwinge, Che H?t fan (as swung) ;— only cstr. M& J"IB3a BMa flB3r£ Is 30 28 to swing nations in a sieve of worthlessness. riD^n n.f. a swinging, waving, wave- offering, offering ; — abs. 'r Is 30 s2 + ; cstr. noun Is i9 ,6 Ex35 M ; pi. cstr.nbUriNui8 n ; — . a swinging, brandishing, 1! 'fi Is 19 16 the brandishing of' '< '« tuind (in hostility) ; Tl niDn?D 30 33 battles of brandishing (brandished weapons). . a. waving, wave-offering, term, techn. in P (H), orig. of priest's share of sacrifice (cf. S)13 Hiph. 4), D'nro ^ 'to] »ja nbian-b!» Nu 18"; oft. as 2nd ace. after TSrj Ex 29 s5 + 5 1.; even of Levites Nu 8 nl316M (on all v. IpJ Hiph. 4); '^n njn Ex 29 s7 <Ae wave-breast, so Lv 7 s4 io I41S Nu 6 20 ' (all + nonrin pW) ; 1 8 18 ( + jwi pie*) . 'JJin "1DJ> Lv2 3 16 ; 'rin D$ v 17 ; 'n alone v 20 (all H); less accurately Ex 29" Lv 2, v 14™ 1 ™ (v. tfO ). b. offering, of gold and brass for tabern., Ex 3s 22 38 2429 .— On 'n v. Di 1 ' 7 ' 30 Benz Arch.4»I an( J egp Now Arch.ll.a»£.. a J gQ flOTVI. II. *pJ (-/of foil.; cf. Ar. u^J; uStS 1, iv. overtop (Frey), v_Jjj camel-hump (ib.); i .» ■ i i AtjrA, Zq/iy (of mt. and building, Lane 3039 ). t Ppi n.[m.] elevation, height (NH ffU is tree-top, bough, so X NB13) ;— '3 fWJ f 4 8 3 beautiful in elevation (of Mount Zion). ir. LiTEJj n.f. height; — only cstr. in combin. -in nsa j os 1 2 23 =-isn 'a 1 k 4", pi. cstr. "i nisa Jos 1 1 2 ; cf. 11. "fa, and Di J °" 12 ; v. also [DM]*. t[DD3] n.f. id.;— only nssn J 0a 17" (but rd. perh. Oban, fr. foregoing, v. Di ; © Mantra, A tiacbfOa, ®L NocbtO, cf. 12 23 [supr. sub 11. '"1S3], @L Ka<ba68a>p). — DB3 Acmey, v. nS3. H!h3 v. I. im T Lpnj] vb. whence (si vera 1.) might come, Hiph. suckle, nurse; — Impf. 3 fs. sf. WjVani Ex2 9 , but v. p3" and Ges* 708 ; rd. prob. '3'rn (Sam. inp»3Tll). TO (-/of foil; cf. NH ->«, flame, fire, %id.; Ar. .«j, jli grt'^e ZigrAtf, shine, I. (Kam Frey), iv. Lane 2864 , jj>fire,Jy light; Syr. *cl» ./ire/ also in n.pr. Palm. Pun. v. Lzb 322 Cook 81 ; Min. mi3D torclies{]) Hom SMm, '- Chra,t128 ; As. tiw&ru, furnace, oven (D1 h wb7hj belongs here ace. to Jager BA3 " m ). . "Ip <3 n.m.^ 25 - 37 lamp ;— '3 abs. Ex 27=°+ , cstr. iS 3 3 + ; sf. «TJ ^S 29 , fT?. H2S22 29 , etc.; pi. nn3 abs. Lv 24*+ ; cstr. Ex 39 s7 ; sf. nTftj Ex 25 3737 4- , Syrp} 1 Ch 28' 5 2 Ch 4 20 ;— Zamp in shrine at Shiloh 1 S 3 3 ; esp. of lamps in temple 1 K 7 49 + 7 t. Ch, and in tabern. Ex 25 s737 + 1 5 1. P ; cf. in Zech.'s vision Zc 4"; as token of merrymaking Je 25 10 ; used in search Zp i 12 , cf. (fig.) DTK npBO " 13 Pr 20 27 ; used in household work Pr 31 18 ; fig. of prosperity Nnfc ' 3 2S21 17 (embodied in David); also Jb 18 6 2i 17 2 9 3 f i8 w = 2 S 22 29 , + 132 17 Pr 13 9 20 20 24 20 ; of God's word as a guide i/r 1 19 105 , cf. Pr 6™.