DM fii. Tjj n.pr.m. © Nqp: 1. father of Abner i S i4 60 - 51 26 514 2 S 2 812 3 23 - 25 - 28 - 37 1 K 2 6M 1 Ch 26 M . 2. father of Kish 1 Ch 8 s3 9 309 . fi. i(»g n.[m.] lamp;— alw. fig. 'rni
"W"Jr ' K"" i- e - ^at his family may remain on the throne; cf. 15 4 2 K 8 19 = 2 Ch 2i 7 ; = happiness, delight (estr.) D'yBH 13 Pr 21 4 (so Vrss Thes Buhl Now Wild' >Ew Del SS Frankenb = 11. TJ sub II. TO infr.). TSJTH3, TV 1 ")} n.pr.m. father of Baruch :
- Ol Je T 3 6"- 32 4V 45',=father of Seraiah 51' 9 ;
n np 32 I2.1« 36 4.8 43 3. @ Nwlov . cf Q ray rropN.2«. n"^i2p, niiip n.f. lampstand (Ecclus rrWOjftw, 43 4d j;— abs. 'UO 2 K 4 10 + 9 1., rniD Ex25 3232 +i9t.; cstr. niJB Zc 4 2 2 Ch 13", nnic Ex 25 3I +2 t.; pi. nttto abs. 1 K 7*'+ 2 t.; cstr. 1 Ch 28' 515 2Ch4 7 ; — lampstand: 1. in private house 2 K 4 10 . 2. ten lamp- stands in temple, pi. 1 K f 49 = 2 Ch 4 7 , Je 52 19 (so also © ; om. || 2 K 25 1415 , del. here Now A rch. n. 40 < reta i n Qf Gie), cf. 2 Ch 4 20 , also 1 Ch ? 8* ,MMM, - ,W » but 2 Ch 13 11 has 'o in sg. (as 3); cf. sg. in Zech.'s vision Zc 4 2 . 3. seven-branched lampstand in tabern. Ex 2 5 3i.3i.32.32 + 15 t. Ex, LV24 4 (with lamps upon it), Nu 3 31 4 9 8 2 - 3 - 44 (all P).— TJD v. II. <V3. t02ni] vb. be sick, si vera 1. (=1. smk ace. to Thes who comp. Syr. *j) ; — Qal Imp/.
s. nE«13N1 f 69 21 , but rd. perh. [^BJ T)3ID] HB«I3N1
(|pab nrjajg? ns-iri), Bi Che crit - n -, cf. ®, v. 1. 03M; or ( < rtp) mg Kin e*UM1 (with different word- division), Weir Ac * dm ° 2 * 7 ' (who cp. Je I7 9 8 ,s ). f I. [HTJ] vb. spurt, spatter; Hiph. sprinkle (NH Hiph. sprinkle; Aram. KTJ, HX Lv 4 6 and oft., for njn ; Syr. )<j is erupit, stillavit Is 63 s , also prominuit, etc. PS 2291 ) ; — Qal Jmpf. 3 ms. nr Lv 6 20 - 20 , n Is 6 3 3 (but rd. t s l Che Di Du Gee 8 -' , - ,, - ,wl " , -al!), W 2 Kg 35 ;— spurt, spatter, alw. of blood : — "?N ntp'np 1*1 2K9 33 a«</ some of tier blood spurted against the wall ; so Dnsj W Is 6 3 3 (c. _ i>y rei, in metaph.); HDTO nr LV6 20 , cf. v 20 (both c."bj? rei). Hiph. iy. 3 ms. njni consec. Lv4 6 +i2t.;
ms. riMm Ex 29 21 ; /to;;/. H£ Lv 16" (Is 52",
v. infr.); »3 Lv 8 11 - 30 ; /am njn Nu 8 7 ; P«. cstr. nip NUI9 21 ; — cawse <o spurt, sprinkle upon, in ceremonials of P : c. ace. + "?5? pers. Nu 8 7 (water), + "^5? rei, "?.sb rei Lv 16 15 ; obj. oft. JO partit., or implied in context; sq. "?5? Lv 5" 14 7 16 1418 (all of blood); 8" (oil); Nu i 9 18 -' 9 (water), Ex 29 21 Lv 8 30 (both blood and oil); sq. ~b* Lv 14 51 (blood and water), "Vf "jCP^J Nui 9 4 (blood); sq. »J$ Lv 4"- 17 16" (blood), 14 16 ' 27 (oil); once without prep. niD Nu 19 21 fA« sprinkler of the water. — Is 52'* v. II. no. TrP-'p n.pr.m. (may *» sprinkle, rd. prob. "'!, © Affia, KA8«a, ®L Iafiot); — one of those who took strange wives Ezr io 25 . II. [HTJ] vb. (dub.) spring, leap (cf. Ar. jj leap, leap up, upon, Thes Frey Pr0T - Ar - 1 ' m - 297i 22,i38;2s,nj. — h encej acc . t many, Hiph. Impf. 3 ms. Q^n D^5 nj2 J3 Is 52 14 so sU he cause to leap (i.e. in joyful surprise, or = startle) many nations; but perh. crpt.; Che Comm - "WP in like sense; <*WT. (for tVUnp) wiawy s/iaZZ tremble (v. fin), GFM ,BL189oa6tt cf. Che Hl *. TM v. Tt • T [70] vb. flow, trickle, drop, distil (poet.) (i. ?]i of flowing water; Syr. ^Jj de- scendit, defluet PS 2331 ; Ar. Jjj descend(m'dk into udder, but also in gen.)); — Qal Pf. w Ju5 5 ; Impf. ^ Nu 2 4 7 , etc. ; Ft. ofy Ex 1 5 8 + ', etc. ;— 1. flow, subj. water, Nu 24 7 (JE); V M7 18 ; cf. Je 18 14 ; subj. clouds, Jb 36 s8 sq. rain as ace. mat. Ges» 1171 (||t|in and, v 27 , ppr), cf. Je 9 17 (of eyelids); so fig. Is 45 s sq. P"1X (Ihjn); of mts. (i.e. their torrents) Ju 5 5 ace. to 23 Ew GFM al., but v. I. 77T; esp. pt. as subst., = streams, floods, Ex 15 8 (||D'D, Dinn of Bed Sea); V 78" (|| IK!); for drinking V' 7 8 16 ( II nnn33 D'D, Dinn v 15 ), Pr5 15 out of well (HD'O); for irrigation Is 44 3 (|[D-0) ; fig. of Shulamite jtajr|» Ct 4 15 (llD^J pyo, D'D nX3). 2. distil, of spices D'O'ea Ct4 16 ; fig. of words, like dew Dt32 2 ( || ffy). Hiph. Pf. T^n Is 48 21 cause to flow, water from rock (||31t). — Vid. also I. ??T. QU (-/of foil.; meaning unknown). t DT3 n.m. Jb * " ring, always of gold when material mentioned; — '} abs. Gn24 30 + ; cstr. v M +; sf. HOT? H02 15 ; pi. D'OM Gn35 4 ; cstr. 'OJJ Ex 32 2 +; — 1. nose-ring (Syr. JjL»)) woman's ornament, flBN"?y "i Gn 2 4 47 cf. v 2230 (J); S)Kn 'D]3 Is 3 21 (||nyao seal-ring); perh. also Ho 2 15 ; Ez i6 12 fig. of '<'s adorning Jems. (||^3]K^8 D^V.); cf. Tin e]S3 '3 Pru 22 .