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pa . earring, ornament of men and women, Gn

«, Dn"JW3-i3*psoEx32 :u (allE); cf.Pi-25 12 

(in sim. of wise reprover), and perh. Ex 35 s2 (P; ||nS30); prob. also Ju8 24 - 24ffi - 26 (of men, cf. GFM), J042 11 .— Cf. further Gei•" ld ' z •" 8Cl ' r •• a8re, ■ 49 s RS s.m. 1.434. mm. 453. alg0 ref 8U |j m t [pf?] n.[m.] injury, damage (Aram. loan- word v. BArara.) ;— only cstr. ^0 PJ? a Est 7 4 at tlie price of injury to the king. [~W2] vb. dedicate, consecrate, (cf. We akiuenut.u*^ geparate, in relig. and ceremonial sense (NH only as denom., cf. II. 10 ; Ar. ^Jj make a vow, cf. We 8 "™" 11 '"", p S '- 463 '-- 2d,,d - 482 '-; Sab. -HJ vow Levy ZMOlz " <1868, - 1M Min. id., Horn suctar. chrert.i28. Aram. *{L» ,">"]?, ww; As. wazftri^cwrse D1 HWB4OT );— jriph.'/wp/. 1W Ez 14 7 , T&S Lv 22*; rijjM Ho 9 10 ; Inf. abs. "ion Zc f;— devote, dedicate oneself unto (7), riC5>3n, i.e. Baal H09 10 ; from ()D) '* Ez 14' (of apostasy); hold sacredly aloof from, (IP) Lv 22" (H); abs. Zc 7 s conse- crating my(self), i.e. by fasting. Hiph. Pf. DflKptSD / 'B^- , J3-nK Dnnjnl Lv 15 31 (P) and ye shall keep the sons of Isr. sacredly separate from their uncleanness (but rd. perh. DPi"l 1 ! l ] i ! , 1 warn away from — as Ez 3 18 33 s - 9 , — so Sam ® — as to sense — Di Kau). — Vid. also 11. pO]. T1T2 n.m. +ls2 ' 18 consecration, crown, Naziriteship ; — '3 abs. 2Si'°+; cstr. Ex 29 6 + ; sf. i">!? ^ 89 40 + , V$ Je 7 19 ;— 1. crown (sign of consecration; We 8kUMn " 1 - 118 cp. Syr. KS5HP [U-lo], earring; v. also Gei ,MZe,u<:, ' r - , " ,r - on DM) : a. of kg. 2 S I 10 2 K 1 1" = 2 Ch 23 11 ; symbol of royal power ^ 89 40 132"; cf. Pr 27"; '3 03N Zc 9 16 «<<»ies o/"a crown, diadem (prob.; > We Now — who del., cf. GASm — stones of charming, fr. use of precious stones as charms. b. of high priest, BHpn '3 Ex 29 s , made of gold 39 30 Lv 8 9 (all P). 2. woman's hair (orig. prob. of long hair as sign of consecration, as in Nazirite vow, cf. Nu 6 19 infr., and "V1J, also We Skluen 111.117, 107 ; Arab. Heldenthum2,p.HS J^g Bern. 1. 464, 2d ed. 483 Je 7 19 (of personif. Jerus.). 3. consecration a. of h. p. V7V '« nntyp JOE? '3 Lv 2i 1! (P) the consecration of the oil of anointing of his God is upon him. b. in Nu 6 (P), specif, of Nazirite consecration (cf. I*]?) ; I^V Vr6.K '3 Nu 6 7 , i"t|? "TJJ v 6 , '3 NDO v 12 , '3 B*lh (because of unshorn hair) v 91818 , '3 *DJ ("^) ***"*, '3 "1^ cf. 'rby consecration (cf. Je 7 29 supr.). in v ,9 '3 = <A« hair of his


TTp n.m. Gn49,26 one consecrated, devoted ('» TO Ecclus 4 6 Uo (of Samuel); cf. Syr. jjjj KS s,m. 1.463. 2d .d. 483^ ._/;, abs Nu6 2 +5t.; cstr. "I«JJ Gn49 26 +4t.; sf. <$P, LV25 6 ; pi. Cnn Am 2"- 12 ; sf. nrJ5 Lv 25", n^l? La 4 7 J— 1- of prince, ruler, as consecrated: VPIK "V]3 Gn 49 s6 (poem in J), one consecrated among his brethren, = Dt 33 16 ; cf. ijT!? La 4 T Aer princes. 2. specif, of one dedicated to by vow involving abstinence fr. intoxicants, fr. touching corpse, and fr. cutting hair (cf. ">P. 2), devotee (GFM), Nazirite: ^TpVi '3 God's devotee, of Samson Ju 13 5 ' 7 16 17 (exceptionally, from birth); usu. voluntary Am 2 1 ' 12 , and for limited time, cf. '3 T13 Nu 6 2 (of man or woman ; cf. Peritz JUL xvii (1898), 128^ /J fl-flf, yfcft &ho y 18.19.20 ( a H p ; cf. also 1)3).— On Naz. v. GFM Jul3 - s Dr A » 211 , esp. Grill 1 ™ 1 - 1880 - 645 -* 80 Now Areb - 1U9T Benz*"*- 429 '- Gray JTh8 -" n - 1900 - 201ff - 3. = untrimmed vine (like Nazirite with unshorn hair) L v 2 5 511 (HP). f [~lT2] vb. denom. Hiph. be a Nazirite, live as Nazirite, sq. JO (abstaining) from (so NH);— only Nu 6 in law of Naz.: Pfb itf consec. v 12 ; Impf. "b If v 5 ; also If. . . . f»P v 3 yrom wine . . .lie shall abstain as a Nazirite; Inf. *$ i , jn|> v 2 , ^ ITW >0^"b v 6 . r["ttM] n.[m.]pl. perh. consecrated (i.e. anointed) ones, princes; — only sf. 'H^P Na3 17 with d. f. diriru. Ges S20h (of Nineveh); — form dub.; Kb"- '• ^ prop. TOl$?P=<Ay crowned ones; Gr TO! 1 " 1 ; Now GASm leave untranslated. re n.pr. v. ma <t 3TQ n.pr. v. nan. t [Hn^] vb. lead, guide (Ar. ^ go in direction of, turn (eyes) toward) ; — Qal Pf. sf . ♦JDJ Gn 24^+2 t.; ^rui IS58 11 ; Dna Ex 13"; 2 ms. rms Ex is 13 + 77 21 ; 7m». nn; Ex 32 s4 ; sf. Mnj i^5 9 +2t.; — lead, bring, sq. ace. pers., subj. man Ex 32 s4 (sq. "i>K), cf. ^ 60" 108" (both sq. _ "iy; ||^ain); usu. subj. '* Gn 24 s7 (J; also sq. ^? + ace. loc), Exi3 17 (E; sq. TJDi 1 5" (song; Wbrn^yfrlf 1 ; fig. of guidance in prosperity and righteousness V , 5 9 (llT 1 ' 1 ^W),

11 (sq.n-ika; || jn n-iin), 139 24 (sq. D^y Tn3); 

cf. Is 58 11 . Hipb. Pf sf. omn Gn 24 48 ;

ms. sf. Dnnsn Ne 9 12 ; Impf sf. ^ Nu 23' 

+ 2 3 3 ; wns: Dt32 12 Pr 18"; 3 fs. nran Pre 22 , etc.; Inf. cstr. sf. Dnh3ni> Ne 9 19 ; Bfi$ Ex