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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/661

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DPI] — 1. be sorry, moved to pity, have compassion, for others, abs. Je 15 6 ; c. by f 90"; b« Ju 21 6 ; b Jt? 2 18 . . be sorry, rue, suffer grief, repent, of one's own doings, abs. Ex 1 3 17 (E), ^ 106" Je 20" Jo 2 1 . 4 Zc8"; pW? 1 S 15 2929 ; DN»Jb 4 2 6 ; 31B» Je4 28 3 i 19 Jon 3 9 ; Din Ez2 4 14 ; '3 xb, || yafco * 1 io 4 ; c. ^ Am 7 3 - 6 Je 8" 18 10 ; nyin-^y for ill done to others Ex 32 1214 (J), Je

8 Jo 2 13 Jon 3 10 4 2 ; njnn-bx 2 S 24 16 = 1 Ch 

2 1 15 (by), Je 2 6 31319 4 2 ,0 ; '3 Gn 6" (J), 1 S 1 5 11S5 . . comfort oneself, be comforted ': abs.Gn38 12 (J) f 77 3 Ez 31 16 ; c. by 2 S i 3 39 Je 3 i ls ; njrm by, concerning the evil Ez 1 4 s2 32 s '; nnK Gn 24" (J). 4. comfort oneself ease oneself, by taking vengeance c. }D Is I 24 ; by 57 s . Piel Pf am Is 49 13 ;+8 1. Pf. ; Impf. Dnj) Jb 29=*; 3 mpL «qjj Jb 42 11 ; |»nr Zc io 2 + 1 3 1. Impf.; Imv. XOTO Is 40 11 ; Inf. Dm Is 6 1 2 ; sf. ton? Gn 37 35 + 9 i Inf. ; P<. Dn?D La i 2 , pi. D'OnjD yjf Qg^ t + 1 1 1. Pt. — comfort, console, abs. Gn 37 36 (J), 1 Ch i 9 3 = 2 S io 3 ; f 6 9 21 Ec 4" Zc io 2 Na 3 7 Lai 16 ; c. ace. pers. Gn 50 21 (E) 2S12 24 iCh7 21 19 2 Jb2 U 7 13 2I M 2 9 26 KU2 13 + 23 4 7I 21 II9 7682 ISI2 1 22 4 40 U 51""" 1 6l S

1;U3 Ezi4 23 16 54 Zci 17 La2 13 ; ||-?y ^86"; 

Dm Is 49"; bwls52 9 ; neb Je 31 13 ; p rei Gn 5 29 (J); by Je i6 7 42»; bx 2 S io 2 =by 1 Ch I9 2 ; bey "cnDtp Jb 16 2 ; b Droo px La I 2 - 917 - 21 . PuaIP/.nDn3Is54 il ;/m^/: ! inn3riIs66 13 ; be comforted, consoled. Hithpa. Pf. 1 s. *M?3J!J) (for 'Jnri; but del. Co) Ez 5 13 ; Impf. Droiv Dt 3 2 s6 +2 t.; is. Dnanx^iip 62 ; 7w/.DmnnGn37 85 ; P«.Drono Gn 27 42 — 1. be sorry, have compassion VlDST/y upon, his servants Dt 32 M = ^ 1 35". 2. rwe, repen* o/, || 3 ' 3 , Nu 23 19 (poem). 3. comfort oneself be comforted, abs. Gn 37 s5 (J), ^ 119 52 . . ease oneself, by taking vengeance Ez 5 13 (?); c. b pers. Gn 27* (JE) : cf. Qal 4. TOPO n.pr.m. (comfort), a chieftain of Judah I Ch 4 19 ; © Nax*0, A Na X ^, ©L Naov/i. tnnb n.m. sorrow, repentance, Ho 13" T 31P13 n. pr. m. (comfort) the prophet Nahum, Na 1 ', @ Naou/i. T D^ni n.pr.m. (comfort) a returned exile Ne 7 7 © Naovp=Dinn Ezr 2 s . t[Din3] n.m. 1. comfort, pi. BIRJJ IS57 18


Zc i 13 . 2. compassion, sf. •gWJ Ho 1 1 8 (We rds. "on-i). tnV3n3 n.pr.m. (Yah comforts, @ N«- /imr (-ou), etc.; — n.pr. (l).TOm on Isr. scarab in BM, Cl-Gann ,Ajl883 ' TC '-""' 15SNo - 42 );— 1. the son of Hachaliah, governor of Judah under Artaxerxes Longimanus Ne i l 8 9 10 s 12 2647 . . ruler of half the district of Bethzur Ne 3 16 . . one of twelve heads of people who returned with Zerubbabel Ezr 2 2 = Ne 7'. T "'MTO n.pr.m. (compassionate) a returned exile Ne 7 7 ; © N«/iiov (gen.). t[nnn3] n.f. comfort, sf. <&ffl V119 60 Jb6">. TDn2Q n.pr.m. (comforter), king of Northern Israel, 2 K 1 j**"*"" ; © m™ ¥ . t^lTOri] n.m. * 94,19 consolation, only in pi. (usually abstr. and intensive) DWnjFI Je

7 ; sf. T9 ,n ?ii | V'94 19 ; n, 9^ Is66"; ntanjn 

Jbi5 n ; D^ntoran 2 i 2 . tnQTCn n.pr.m. (?Lag BS126f - thinks f.) parent of Seraiah, a Hebr. captain, after fall of Jerus. Je 40"= 2 K 25 s3 (Lag lc - conj. nnnDn, Egyptian name).

v. yn?X p. 50 b supr. 

f [l^nj] vb. urge (i), whence (si vera 1.); — Qal Pt. pass, (active Pt. in u, ace. to Ba NB175 ), pnj Ijbsn -Q?l 1 S 21 9 the king's business was urgent (© Kara airovbrjv, A Kar aait (vhov). (TheS cp. Ar. i SmJ ursit instititque rogando [Kam Frey]); text dub.; HPS fix? (from px), >v . "IF! 2 (prob. onomatop. V of foil.; cf. As. nahtru, nostril; Ar. j±j snort, ^j nostril; Eth. "Vh&i snort; Syr. J*t id., )1*Zj nostril; % Wftft id.; also NH Pi snort).— "iro Je6^ etc., v. I. vtn. t [in3] n.[m.] a snorting ; sf. nnj Jb 39 20 (of horse). t[mn3] n.f. id.;— cstr. VD1D nnn? Je8 16 . T"Yiri3 n.pr.m. (connexion with -/ ob- scure);—!, father of Terah Gn 1 1 22 - 23 - 2425 (all P), 1 Ch i 26 . 2. son of "Terah and brother of Abr. Gn ii 2627 (P), v 2929 2 2 20 - 25 2 4 15 - 24 - 47 cf. 29' (all J), Jos 2 4 2 (E); '3 i"? Gn24 10 ( J ); '3 fl'bs 3 i S3 (E).— © always Na*^.