meto ' ["VPTj] n.[m.] nostril (appar. fr. above V , and not connected with Ar. Z^J> stab camel in wind-pipe, etc., Aram. TjJJ kill by stabbing in nose or throat, cf. NH 10J perforate, kill by stabbing, so that "WJj would = perforation, and iro snort wd. be denom.) ; — only du. sf. VVrBD )fy Kg Jb 4 1 12 (of crocodile). T"Hn2 n.pr.m. one of David's heroes, 2 S 23 s7 ; ©IVXap*, @L ApaM.;= + nn3 iChu 89 ; ® Nax<op, A Naapai, ©L Noapai. I. IC'rU (appar. onomatop. v'of foil. =/«'««, soThesBau SemB « 1 - 1 - 287 al.). fi. ©TO n.m. Gn!U serpent (NH «&; Ar. (jil^. serpent, vijyer (Lane 406 anything hunted) is cp. by Lag M '- 2S0:K ' 50 ' 188 Ba* 848 , but improb.; Ar. l J^S v. sub [K'nj] infr.; on formation cf. Lag BN50 );— abs. / jAm5 ,9 +;c8tr.Cn?]Sru2i» + 2t.; pi. D^m Nu2i 6 Je8 17 ;— 1. serpent : a. as biting, Am5 19 Ec io 8 , in spite of charm (t^np) v" [cf. Ecclus 12 13 ], Je8 17 (-i-D^ySS; fig. of enemies); so D'Enbn D't'nan Nu 21 '(deadly ; JE; cf. Jacob*""-' 1 " 01 "-"- 10 *), and sg. v 9 , also (coll.) v 7 , cf. nUr '> Dt 8 15 ( + anpy) ; fj fi g . f oppressor, ^OiPO T^ i'")?' VSX NX? BTIJ B^ftte IS14 29 ; fig.of DanGn49 17 (poemin J; || fbBB>) ; '3 npn ^58 5 (sim. of perniciousness of ungodly), cf.': 140 4 ; sim. of effect of wine Pr22 32 (|| , 3Vss). b. rod becomes': Ex 4' (J), cf. 7 15 (E); '3 Jfyj ■flJT ^J| Pr 30 19 . c. '3 (appar.) as hissing Je 46 s2 (in sim., cf. Gie) ; as eating dust Is 65 s5 cf. Mi 7 17 (in sim.; v. also Gn 3 14 ). d. as crafty tempter Gn 3 >- 2 - 4 -> 3 ». 2. nt?ra(n) '3, bronze image of serpent Nu 21 99 2 K 18 4 (cf. (RETO). 3. mythol. D"13 '3 Jb 26" fleeing serpent, of eclipse-dragon (cf. frni> 3 6 ); also . . . 013 '3 mb Jin?j3j> '3 in^pIs2 7'(syrnbol. of world-powers); '3 of sea-monster Am a 3 . — '3 c. vb. 'SJBO Wte Nu 21'+ 8 t. On supernat. character of serpents in Arab, belief v. No Zelt *' :hr ' mrV! ' 1 <!rp,,choU<1860) ' 412 ~ 416 JJgKlttihtplOT; Bern. I. 421 f.. 2d ed. 442 ^y e 6kizzenill.l47;Arab. Held. 2. 152 f. J aco b Ar,b - Dl <*<- lv -5 fn. UTO n.pr.m. 1. king of Ammon 1 S ii 11 - 2 12 12 2S io 2 iCh 19 12 ; perh.also 2S 17 27 ; © Haas. 2. father of Abigail and Zeruiah 2 S 17 s , si vera ].: © Naar, but ©L Uo-crai (cf. iCh 2 16 ); We G " ch - 2OTA ""' 1 Lbhr defend pro; dub. We 8 "HPS. 3. giving name to a city, '3 "VJ 1 Ch 4 1S , © n6 c <os Naat ; ©L Hpvaac. tpCJni n.pr.m. son of Aminadab.of Judah, brother-in-law of Aaron Ex 6 23 Nu i 7 2 3 7 1217 IO 14 (all P), EU4 20 - 20 lCh2 10 -». © Naa<r<™, (DHM 2 » Q »™"< u »»>- 15 cp. Sab. tribal name pru). fll. [l^Mj] vb. only Pi. frractise divina- tion, divine, observe signs (denom. from EJnj ace. to No Zeiuchr ' ' volkerp * )rcho1 ' ' (1S60) ' 41S B a u 8<! " nB,!KI - 2s7 Las BNi88 GerDer v.rb.D. nM n.2«. ot b er wise We™""""'" Me Chr«.TK».«. Ba K848 ( aggt him v _ g^hl* Aprils, i3M, 235^ . c ijj ef difliculty is that Aram., which has 8*0?, has no On;, c f. KS JPhx " 115 ;— NH Qal Pt. tfrfo, and Pi.; Aram. Pa. BTI3, ^ s.=divine, learn by omens; perh. cp. also Ar. J~s>S be unlucky Lane 2775 cf. Me 1 - .);— Pf. 3 ms.E'nil 2K21 6 2Ch 33 6 ; 1 s.-nfro GU30 27 ; Imp/. tfrW Gn44 515 ; 3 mpl. WfrjJ} 1 K 20 s3 , W^JI 2 K 17 17 '; 2 mpl. ie>n:ri Lv 19 2 '; Inf. abs. hm 1 K 20 33 ; Pt.Vnyo Dt'i8 10 (cf.esp. US"""-'"- 113 *);— 1. practise divination Gn 44 s (J ; by means of cup, i.e. by hydromancy), with implied power to learn secret things v 16 ; condemned by proph. writer 2 K 21 6 = 2 Ch 33" ( + 3iK n'E>J)1 Jjfr tfifrft), 2 K 17 17 (|| DVSDj? WD£1); forbidden in Dand H: Dt 1 8 10 ( + W3W Btt^ Dn?Dj5 DDp), Lvi9 26 (H; |03top). 2. o&serw «/te signs or omens Gn 30 27 (J); so prob. WJJJ 1 K 20 33 now the men were observing the signs. T©n2 n.[m.] divination, enchantment. only abs. 'i Nu23 B (JE; || DDJ3), and pi. abs. DTD3 Nu 24 1 (JE), both in story of Balaam. III. tiTTJ (■/of foil., meaning unknown). . ritt?n3 n.m. 1K7 « (cf. Albrecht 2 ^" 1 <1896 >-
- 137 v
m ; f. 1 Ch 18 8 ) copper, bronze (NH = BH; Ph. DCra; Palm. KBTD Lzb 322 ; Syr. )Hj, %«&&, Ar. J.UJ, Eth. TAft: (so also OEth. DHM Eplgr. Ik-nkm. aus Abes».(1894),62 . ^^J^J *»• U.Eur. 127 gj+gg Egypt. teh(lt)ost, copper ( = *tenhost), as loan-wd. fr. ntJ-rU + fem. art.);— 'j abs. Gn4 S2 + ; cstr. EX38 29 ; sf.^nji La3 7 , ijfl^rg EZ16 36 , nn^m
11 , DTi^ra 2K 25 ,3 +2 t.; du. DWm Juio" 21
+ 6t.; — 1. copper, as ore Dt8 9 , cf. Zc 6 8 ; worked by artificer Gn 4 22 (J) i K 7 1414 2 Ch 24 12 ; material — doubtless hardened with alloy, prob. tin, making bronze, cf. Now Archl243 Benz Arch - 214 — of armour 1S17' 6 1K14 27 , uten- sils 2K 25 14 =Je52 18 , Lv6 21 Nui7 4 + veryoft, altar 2 K 16 1415 ExsS 31 ^ 39 , etc., and other objects Nu 2 1 9 - 9 (JE), 2 K 1 8 4 1 K 4 13 7 16ft + , esp. in description of tabernacle and temple ; cast 1 K 7 14 ; polished enbo v 4S , prio 2 Ch 4" (cf. Lv6 21 ); and shining 3rm> EzrS 27 . On